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    Need advice

    Hi, I'm new here but have been reading the posts off and on for a long time. It seems everyone is different but here's my story....For the last probably 10 years I have been drinking red wine each evening. 95% of the time I have a half bottle a night. Once in a while, I'll have more. I have never missed work. I don't usually feel badly the next day. I begin drinking around the same time each evening while I watch TV. DUring the night I wake up and can't get back to sleep. ALso, many times I'm sweaty. I just read that this may be caused by the alcohol. I do want to stop drinking but I just don't seem to be able to do it. This morning I made a list of all the reasons to stop, i.e., cost, will sleep better, can get more done in the evenings, good example to my grown children, etc. One thing I'm wondering is if a person who stops drinking usually loses weight? This could be another strong motivator for me. I do have a sister in law who went to rehab about six years ago and is doing absolutely great. However, she's gained a lot of weight, the lesser of the evils, of course. The times when I do drink more are usually on the holidays when I am cooking and have company and somone pours me a glass of wine. Then from there I just keep going. I don't seem to be able to stop. Or in a situation where I am a little nervous, I'll have some to loosen up and keep on drinking. I would appreciate any thoughts or ideas on how I might just quit. I'm not so sure I'd be a successful moderator. ALso would appreciate what you think about the it a positive for stopping or a negative, meaning maybe one eats more since one misses the liquor.....

    Seeing the LIght

    Need advice

    Hi Seeing the Light,
    Welcome!!!! There are all sorts of benefits to abstaining as well as what you have mentioned , i.e., cost, will sleep better, can get more done in the evenings, good example to my grown children.....
    Weightloss would be one of them as long as when you cut out the drink, you don't uptake your food intake. If you are not drinking in the evening, maybe you could take up some kind of exercise to ensure weightloss.
    Alcohol = Empty Calories. They do absolutely nothing, but add to your daily intake.

    Just a query....Have you noticed that the amount you have been drinking has slowly risen over the years??

    Looking forward to having you around!!


    Sober since 30/06/10


      Need advice

      I don't know how old you are... keep in mind that waking up in a sweat in the middle of the nite is a part of menopause.
      Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


        Need advice

        It's so hard to make changes in life.
        Hit this on as many levels as you can.
        Exercise, nutrition, hypno, etc.
        Welcome! and stay with us.
        * * I love Determinator * *


          Need advice

          Wow, thank you to you all for your responses. I'm awed that you take the time to write and encourage me. It means a lot.
          Amelia, yes, I have noticed that the amount I drink has been steadily creeping up. I have to really fight to keep it to a half bottle a night. I also notice that now I look forward all day to my evening time. I hate that it has become the focus of my day when it is such a negative thing. Yet I really think I need to completely stop, I don't think I can successfully moderate. The other thing that's been creeping up is my weight. I guess the two are related. I sit and drink and gain weight. I could really benefit from quitting in so many ways, and that's where I am right now, trying to go over those benefits to help convince myself to stop. I do have the book and the tapes. Today I will order some supplements.

          TKeene, congratulations on your week A/F. It is more than I have ever been able to do. The good thing is that I think when people come to this site and read the book and understand the problem and what to do about it, we keep trying and we're no longer satisfied to just keep status quo (drinking). I just feel like such a slug. Sitting on my a-- and drinking and getting fat. I used to be very active and now it is all I can do to come home, eat some dinner and sit down with my wine. Not a very attractive picture.

          Sorry I'm so focused on myself. Usually I'm not but today I definitely am thinking about my life.

          OKay, CaptJBean, I'm 59 so yes, it could be menopause. It just seems that on the evenings I drink less (last week I had to travel to England on business and so I only had one glass of wine each night---not because of will power but because logistically, it was all I could get away with), I don't wake up sweaty and tossing and turning. Also, I believe I read something once that said it could be related to drinking/wine. Maybe just coincidental but I'm struggling here for reasons to quit.

          Thank you for the advice Derminatrix. I will try to stay with you here. SO many times I read and then I just stop. I will try with all my might. I could do better with exercise, but I do try to do something each day if I don't have something I have to do after work. I have very long days at work and am now thinking if I stopped drinking, maybe I could get up a bit earlier and exercise before work each day.

          Again, thank you all. Hard to believe you all take the time to help. I appreciate it very much.


            Need advice

            Seeing The Light:

            Keep yourself busy. Drink lots of green tea, water, and club soda. Anything but alcohol. Focus on how good you feel AF and the results you will get. When AF, you will sleep better, your eyes become clearer, you think better and your body is less bloated (both in the face and in the belly). Also, you will either lose weight or inches in your waist and thig ts. Your clothes will fit more loosely and you will have more energy. Also, when going AF, you become empowered. You will be able to handle life's hurdles a lot better. I take every day on as if it were a challange now. No longer do I fear what life might throw my way. I figure, alcohol would have eventually killed me. What do I have to lose to face up to and to take on challanges I used to run from? We only have one life to live. Live it to its fullest. You are worth it.
            September 23, 2011

