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Newbees sunday AM

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    Newbees sunday AM

    I think this may be the first time I have started this thread..................It is kinda late here, had a xmas party last night, was WONDERFUL!!!!!!! really had a ball...............

    Hope everyone is doing fine in this Sunday AM, I am heading to the gym and pool, thne riding around 2PM.....................will check in later though!

    love you guys!!!!:h

    Good day:l
    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

    Newbees sunday AM

    Mary Anne
    You are sounding so much better, glad you had fun at the Christmas party. Just about to head out and do a little Christmas Shopping myself. Sounds like you have a pretty busy afternoon planned, enjoy...I plan to watch me some football!!!
    sobriety date 11-04-07


      Newbees sunday AM

      Hi Cowgal and all to come!

      Cowgal, sounds like you have a great day planned. Its' going to be a lazy one here. Making it through Saturday dog training is so hard! So LOL - I'm rewarding myself with a lazy, movie watchin', book readin' kinda day.

      What's everyone else doing today?

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Newbees sunday AM

        Well, I went out last night to a X-mas party and I managed to moderate so for that I"m grateful. I had wine during hor'derves (sp?) but then drank water during the sit down meal. Plan to go shoping today, then tonight, my sisters house.

        Happy Sunday to you all


          Newbees sunday AM

          Hi Everyone: A little shopping for me. I just walked my dog w/my friend & her dog. They looked so cute together...I knitted them both matching sweaters...adorable...hers, a Jack Russell, mine, a mini poodle. Ah...the things you get to do when you're sober. Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Newbees sunday AM

            I took a dive Friday night. Got through a stressful week, and I think the release from stress can be a big trigger for me. I even saw it coming, and did it anyway. Lived out the hangover yesterday, and today I'm feeling good. Still some work pressures for the next few days ... I'll be here working all day today. Cowgal, Doggygirl, glad to hear you're doing better. And for those of you who're finding steady success in sobriety, congratulations and keep posting please. The inspiration does me good.

            Q: How do I become the person I want to be?
            A: Practice, of course.


              Newbees sunday AM

              hi everyone,
              was meant to put the xmas tree up (my husband and mother inaw did) but change of plan, took my son and friend to a skakepark had to stay there all day because, to far to go back home, got back about 8pm had a bit of dinner then bed.
              wishing everyone well.
              Take it easy.x
              family is everything to me


                Newbees sunday AM

                I put up the X"mas tree with my daughter, played in the snow, worked things out with the BF and cooked a nice chicken dinner............had a great Sunday, feel so relaxed and happy, best I have in weeks. Had a couple of beers but nothing excessive and just had a fantastic day.............sooooooooooo needed that.............

                Oh and for you football week, New England vs Pittsburg..............should be a good game! LOL
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  Newbees sunday AM

                  Hi everyone!
                  I know it is late but the kiddos are in bed finally! I had a great AF weekend. I have no idea what I will do this week, but I had a special weekend.

                  We took a ride on the Polar Express on Saturday! And I was so thankful that I was not hungover for this event! Everyone, except the little one (we have nick named him "ornery" as that suits him better than his given name,"Henry")
                  I'll try to get pics in the gallery.

                  Mary Anne-you do sound like you are doing better! You and I can beat this this together!



                    Newbees sunday AM

                    universal, so glad you had a great sunday, sounded fantastic, you deserve it. glad things went well with the bf.

                    being from beantown, I'm only going to say ..... go Pats, go Celtics, go Bruins.

                    Shelbysmiles, your weekend sounded great as well.maybe not having kids is pulling me down during the holidays. Hopefully next week will be better than last for me.


                      Newbees sunday AM

                      you sound like your doing great! that is awesome.

