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help please
help please
Sparky first welcome!
your recovery will happen gradually and not at an even pace...some days will be better than others as your brain chemistry adapts to your new healthy lifestyle. Be sure to take your vitamins seriously and make sure you are getting at least 100mg per day of Vit B1 (thiamine) and a multivitamin with magnesium is a good idea. if you feel lousy and/or depressed for an extended period of time you may need to take supps or see a doc about something to increase GABA and/or serotonin levels. hang tough!nosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
help please
hi sparky:welcome: I feel better after 1 day. Drink lots of water and rest. Every day gets better and better. You will feel so good after 2days. Be careful you dont feel to good you'll want a drink. Thats what I just did and now I'm back at day 1. Just after 5 days I felt soooo good. Hang in there and keep us posted.
help please
Hi Sparky,
Just keep at it one day at a time. It's very hard and it's so easy to think you can go back and just have one. That's what I did after 21 days AF and I was right back to drinking for a month or more. The first 2 or 3 days AF were the worst for me. After that I started feeling better, had more energy, slept better, etc etc. By 3 weeks I really wasn't thinking much about it.
I wish you much strength for staying on track. It really is worth it.
AuntieAF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs
help please
Hi Sparky :welcome:
Welcome, we are here to help you, and ourselves. So, you have been drinking heavily for 2 years. what's your story..... I can tell you are pretty young just by the way you type. No CAPS and alot of shortened words....just letters (nothing wrong with that, that's how my kids text.) There are alot of us on this site that have been drinking for over 20 years. Not easy to quit. That's why we are here.
But you, 2 years...good for are realizing that you have a problem while you are still young. So in answer to your question, first it depends how much you have been go through withdrawl (please check the withdrawl section of this website, and if you have really bad withdrawl symptons please get help immediately !!! ).... Physically, it does not take that long, couple of days....mentally, maybe a little longer because your brain is so used to the alcohol. There are so many different emotions. Hang in there......
Just read, read and read, and learn from all of us who have been there and are still going through what you are, but even longer. We wish you so much luck :goodluck:
Miss O.Miss October :blinkylove: