Can't even begin to start these threads as well as Rustop who remembers everybody and how they are doing. But start it I will. Been away from the PC for the weekend - just soooo busy and I have bad MWO withdrawl symptoms. Forgetting to take the supps, stress, sugar and wine in the house for a dinner for a friend were my downfall yesterday but I gave myself a slap upside the head this morning, mentally noted the lesson and so up and at it again today.
On the plus side I had a wonderful evening with my friends and my god children. Not a drop of Al needed to have fun. And they were serving Ribena as an alternative to the stirrup cup out hunting! Fab - haven't had it since I was a nipper.
Hope you all had great weekends, achieved what you wanted and are fresh and ready to take today on the chin. For today I will not drink. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Need that as a mantra!
With love to all to come.