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I'm new here

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    I'm new here

    Hi everybody,
    I just stumbled upon this site and it seems like just what I need.
    I was AF for 2 weeks then slipped up over the weekend.
    I need to stay strong for my daughter, to model for her, she is recovering from back surgery from an accident that was alcohol related, I must practice what I preach!!
    I will not drink today.
    May our choices today not result in regret, but rather be wise

    I'm new here

    Welcome cher! I won't drink today either, and I'll think of your daughter. All the best to you both.
    And you may ask yourself, "What is that beautiful house?" And you may ask yourself, "Where does that highway go?" And you may ask yourself,"Am I right?...Am I wrong?" And you may tell yourself..."MY GOD!...WHAT HAVE I DONE?"


      I'm new here

      Hi Cher

      Good for u, a/f/ for any day is gud! I will say a prayer for your daughter, hope its not to serious an that she gets well soon...?

      Stay with it , this is a briliant site, very suportive and helpful x:l :l :l
      Live Well, Laugh Often, Enjoy the Journey


        I'm new here


        Hi Cherbear :welcome:
        Have been here a few weeks and initially did very well, however the booze demon seems to have trouble letting go. Read the ?Long Term Abstainers? for inspiration. Cannot wait to post ?Two Years AF?. Back on day 1 so may be a while but don?t care how many day 1?s, refuse to quit til this demon is nailed.


          I'm new here

          Hang in there Cherbear. Best wishes to your daughter.
          September 23, 2011


            I'm new here

            Welcome Cher! Wishing both you and your daughter the best.
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              I'm new here

              Hi and :welcome:

              You have come to a great place. Read, download the book and join in, there is lots of support there. Wishing your daughter a speedy recovery.



                I'm new here

                Hi Cherbear, hope you and yours are well. I found MWO by accident and what a godsend/blessing it has been to me. I am 60 straight days af now with no desire to drink (so far) when I had been drinking on and off over th past 5-6 years. I feel so much stronger and healthy and I do not at all feel deprived. Anyway, welcome to MWO ... you will find great support, inspiration, information and laughs too here from so many smart and generous people from across the world. I wish you and your daughter success and hope to hear about your progress. Take good care, j
                Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                  I'm new here

                  Hi Cherbear and welcome,

                  My thoughts with you today ,We always prefer as Mums to suffer our childrens pain for them. Best wishes to your daughter and good luck with your own fight!

                  Janka 60 straight days WOW!!!!!! you are inspirational.
                  In life we can live out our dreams its true
                  the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


                    I'm new here

                    Hey Cherbear, Good on you on achieving your past Af days. If you can do it once you can do it again. Hope you daughter recovers well. Good luck.

                    Sober since 30/06/10


                      I'm new here


                      Welcome :welcome: Cherbear,

                      This is a great site to have stumbled on. Lot's of great information on this site, support, and inspiration. Good luck in your fight to battle the temptation to drink.

                      So sorry to hear about your daughter. My best wishes and prayers for a quick and full recovery for her.:getwell:
                      Miss October :blinkylove:


                        I'm new here

                        Hello Cherbear,
                        Welcome, I am also a newbie....9th day AF today. You can do 2 weeks, you can do this, its a great site with wonderful supportive people. Sorry to hear about your daughter. Hope recovery goes well for her.


