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just getting started

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    just getting started

    I must say, I am so scared right now. I have ordered the book, supplements and also ordered Topomax. I haven't even got started yet but am so afraid of failure. I need assurance and support from anyone out there who has succeeded on this program. I need HOPE!!!!

    just getting started

    Sorry to say, I am new here too. We can do it! There is hope.


      just getting started

      :welcome: aboard!

      Nothing to be scared of. Really. What's REALLY scary is continuing to drink uncontrollably and feeling helpless to do anything about it. Right?

      The supplements will help to stablize your system, and give you a stronger foundation to move forward. Keep reading the posts here, too. There's TONS of great advice and support.


        just getting started


        If I can do it, you most certainly can! I am on Day 18 AF.....thanks in part to the support on this site (and thanks in part to Campral and the support of the my husband!). YOU CAN DO IT!!! And if you fall, pick yourself up and start again.......but keep coming here!

        None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone (Ralph Waldo Emerson).


          just getting started

          Thanks for the support

          My husband is very supportive too. I just hate to disappoint him or hurt him in any way but everytime I take a drink I can see it in his face. It makes me feel like such a bad wife, mother, friend!!!! I hate what alcohol does to me so why can't I just stay away from it??? Well, I will not give up the fight. I have too much worth fighting for. The support has been great and something that I have needed for a long time. We are all in this together.



            just getting started

            Yes we can do it. I will never give up no matter how many times I fall down.


              just getting started

              Stick to it

              Part of the reason I've made it to day 20 AF is my husband - his support and not wanting to disappoint him. But I've tried doign it for him before.....this time I am focusing on ME - my health, my energy level, my future, my career, and, yes, my marriage. It seems different - hope it sticks!!!!

              None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone (Ralph Waldo Emerson).

