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    I'm annoyed.

    I am annoyed at my boyfriend that doesnt understand that I don't think it's fun to go home and sit on my ass with him and not drink. I am annoyed with him that he thinks that he can make me feel like shit and tell me what to do. I am annoyed because I want to have a drink and I can't cause I am a fucking loser and I will over do it and have some sort of panic crisis tomorrow.


    U r NOT A LOSER! You are a winner who is resisting the great fight. I hope I am as strong as you if my hubby wants to drink. I admire you! It is much harder when a partner drinks to NOT that if one is alone. Stop berating yourself and go DO SOMETHING. Get on chat here, go read a book, take a walk, call someone, write your X-mas cards, DO SOMETHING and the desire to drink will lessen then be forgotten while your busy. :l




      You are NOT a loser.

      You have entered the ring of the biggest fight of your life and if he is not going to support you..................then Hart is right.

      Find something to do. Away from the house. Until bedtime.

      Or strongly suggest that he do his drinking elsewhere.

      And as for telling you what to do? Excuse me? Feel like shit?

      Red flags are coming up for me here. Don't let him make you feel like shit. Don't give him your power. Take it back.

      You are doing a fine job and will win this one then it's on to other things.

      We sometimes have to fight on many levels, you've got to fight, fight, fight.

      Don't give up, too much is at stake.

      m. xx
      ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
      I am in the next seat.
      My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir



        Stay the line!

        A healthy relationship is supportive and uplifting....I don't know anything about your relationship and I apologize if I am going too far....but if it is not a supportive environment and you are trying to make positive changes in your life, maybe a new environment is needed?

        The good thing is that YOU get to decide if you are a winner - not anyone else. And I agree, keeping busy is a key - you will start to accomplish things and feel good about yourself. Do your hair and make-up, put on some nice clothes, call a girlfriend, and go out for a nice (AF) evening - a movie, dinner, shopping (just stay away from drinking places like bars or comedy clubs!).

        If you are positive and working to look and feel good, he will either notice and join you in the effort....or he won't and you have to decide whether to deal with life that way or not.

        None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone (Ralph Waldo Emerson).


          SO F-ING ANNOYED

          you are not a loser! Hang in there. My boyfriend is really bad and goes on benders and blames me. I learned to stay away whan he's drinking. good luck!


            SO F-ING ANNOYED

            you are certainly no loser.
            if you are that aware of what is going on. you can't have a drink because you want to be healthy and happy. you want to remember the things you do or say.
            you don't want to wake up hurting or panicking.
            so NOT having a drink is a good thing
            and being annoyed at the BF is ok.

            be well

            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


              SO F-ING ANNOYED

              My man is the same way. He now goes out to drink. You will see how nuts they are the longer you stay AF. Its hard work, I am living it.



                SO F-ING ANNOYED

                My soon to be ex hubby went all weird when I went AF. We were drinking buddies. But whatever. You are not a loser. Anyone that recognizes they have a drinking problem and make the effort to control it is NOT a loser.


                  SO F-ING ANNOYED

                  :bang Hi Everyone-
                  Sorry for my outburst.... :bang I guess I was a little pissed off!

                  Everything was ok...I guess I think that I CAN'T go out cause I am trying not to drink, but I can go out, I just can't drink. I was near tears with frustration (could you tell?? haha)

                  I will find my way..I just have to keep chugging along (not that way!) (chug a beer, get it?)

                  man I crack myself up. Anyway-the important thing is to keep myself safe, sane and do what is best for me!



                    SO F-ING ANNOYED

                    Hang in there girl. It is really tough if your partner is still drinking whilst you are abstaining.
                    I have been Af alone and Af with my partner. It was easier with him not drinking!!
                    However, he was the first one to crave and suggest a drink - which pretty much put my drinking head on.
                    We are both going AF again today (no booze today) and I am going to go full on into my CDs, meds, exercise and reading so that if he does suggest it, this time I will be strong enough to decline.
                    You are no loser.

                    Sober since 30/06/10


                      SO F-ING ANNOYED

                      I am just going to have to ignore him. Its just another testament that this is my battle not his.

                      He really is a loving decent, sweet person, so please no red flags anyone, hes just a big dummy when it comes to this kind of stuff. He really has no idea. His logic "Babe, you should be able to go out and have a beer or two"

                      HAHAHAHAHA- GOOD ONE!


                        SO F-ING ANNOYED

                        :h cke123, yeah those earth people don't understand us at all! Oh I am jealous, you are in NYC and there is tons to do there AF! Suz
                        The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                          SO F-ING ANNOYED


                          I went to school in Gainesville! What part in CF do you live in?


                            SO F-ING ANNOYED

                            HI Suzanna

                            My daughter is at UF
                            formerly known as bak310


                              SO F-ING ANNOYED


                              Just playing armchair psychologist here, but could it maybe, perhaps, possibly be...that he's a weensy bit threatened that you're trying to IMPROVE yourself?

                              Like, maybe he's afraid that if you master this hurdle, you won't "need" him so much, or he'll seem "less-than" in your eyes in some kinda way?

                              I only ask because I've seen similar behavior in some husbands/boyfriends of some of my female friends who have a.) started losing weight b.) gone back to school c.) gotten really good jobs d.) otherwise "found" themselves after a long search

                              I obviously don't know you and your SO, just throwing it out there as a possibility. Even though women are stereotypically thought to be the "nuturers" in relationships, I really think men see themselves as the "fixers" in a lot of ways, and when that position is threatened...when they feel they may not be as "needed" anymore...they go a little mental.

                              Taking it all in

