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Newbies in need - ODAT - Thurs.

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    Newbies in need - ODAT - Thurs.

    I couldn't get to MWO yesterday due to an all-day babysitting gig of my young grandsons. I thought about you all & am doing fine. In the past, I would have been finding a way to "reward" myself for yesterday's work. However, I now know that drinking is not the reward it used to seem to be. Good luck everyone on mod or abs. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Newbies in need - ODAT - Thurs.

    I'm starting back at this again today. I have felt like a failure and so I haven't been posting. Will start again today. I did do 6 days Thanksgiving weekend and so I know it is possible. Good Luck to you all today.


      Newbies in need - ODAT - Thurs.

      Thank you for starting this mornings thread, and hello to all ODAT'ers to follow.
      Las tnight had my first social engagment (office Christmas Party) since going AF 34 days ago. I was mildly dreading the "cocktail hour", as I was sure I would be asked many times, why I was "bah humbug".....I was not asked once why I was ordering iced tea, but to my surprise the comments started with the appetizers, dinner and dessert....when the entire group of 12 started commenting on my humungous appetite!!!...I will admit when everyone was ordering their first, second, third round of drinks I had a brief ..well maybe not so brief..."inside drool", but it soon passed. Boy, that food tasted soooo good!!!
      sobriety date 11-04-07


        Newbies in need - ODAT - Thurs.

        Good Morning,

        Thanks reteacher for starting Thursday's ODAT. You must have had a good day taking care of your grandson's. How old are they ? Good job with not "rewarding" yourself with OLD AL because he is the :devil: in disguise. one is a failure around here. All we can do is keep trying. Keep your head up and stay strong. We have done it before and we can do it again. Here is an angel watching over you today :angel:

        Good luck everyone for an AF Thursday !
        Miss October :blinkylove:


          Newbies in need - ODAT - Thurs.

          Mary, Charlee, Time2Change, Miss October,

          Just jumping on really quickly to say "hi" and things are going great here.

          Time2Change, no failures on MWO, just those of us working at working it!!

          Charlee, awesome on the party!! Food is good for you, booze is bad for you. You chose the better of the two and am so happy you only drooled a little bit. :l I am tickled pink fo r you. You are doing great.

          Mary, what can I say? I bought some cookie cutters yesterday for grandkids, we are going to try to get some made this week. I am off to Minneapolis next week and Raleigh week after so I had better get moving. Unfortunately, today and tomorrow doing some remote work on a critical situation so will be pretty busy on that, too.

          That said, all, just wanted to pop in and let everyone know life is going great and I won't have much time to chat today but love all of you and hope all have a wonderful day and attain your goals, whatever they may be.

          AF April 9, 2016


            Newbies in need - ODAT - Thurs.

            Please don't beat yourself are NOT a need to keep posting. We just keep dusting ourselves off and keep should be very proud of your 6 days.
            sobriety date 11-04-07


              Newbies in need - ODAT - Thurs.


              I just posted and it disappeared!!?!? I am just saying that I feel like a failure too, but let's get back upi and start over!!! Today is the first day of the rest of my life!!

              I have a plan, to go to gym now that I feel better, being kind to myself instead of beating myself up............. We need to, cuz nobody else will do it for us! I have decided that for sure!!!

              Am getting prepared for a semi-busy day, but will be able to checck in often...............

              love you all, give yourselves lots of love and hugs today, REMEMBER, we can do this ODAT!! I am NOT drinking today (know I have said that before and messed up, but am determined today!!)

              love and hugs,:h :h :l

              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                Newbies in need - ODAT - Thurs.

                Time: Even if you are not perfect, please come to MWO & post. It's essential. I know that feeling of wanting to stay away when you feel you aren't doing what you're supposed to be doing.
                Charl: Social events get easier & easier. I have 2 parties this coming weekend, & while I'll be on my guard, I feel OK. The only hurtle I haven't overcome yet is entertaining in my home w/wine. As of now, I don't have anything planned, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
                Cindi: The g-kids are great aren't they? The ones closest by to me are 4 & 2. However, they can be exhausting, & that tends to be a trigger for me.

                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Newbies in need - ODAT - Thurs.

                  Thank you all so much for your support. I have no family close to me, am in a bad marriage, and have no real close freinds (my god that sounds so sad), so I appreciate you all more than you can know. I do read your posts all the time and feel like I know you all. Mary I remember a time when you sounded so much like me with wanting to do this but having such a hard time. You are a real inspiration to me. I hope I can do this.


                    Newbies in need - ODAT - Thurs.

                    I love starting out my day reading ODAT. I was too busy to post yesterday but I did read everyones entry and then some. My husband is becoming jealous of my computer time! I have managed to stay AF for 4 days now. I have my brothers 40 th B-day coming up on the 15th. I'm already worried about that, but ODAT.
                    Time2change and all others, don't stay away. I need you to be here. We need each other to succeed.
                    Have a great day.


                      Newbies in need - ODAT - Thurs.

                      I want to play, I like the ODATers, I read them every day. Time2change, don't go there, no-one is a failure, we are all trying. You only fail if you do nothing. Well actually doing nothing is the easy way out, can't screw up if your doing zip. Please just keep on, keeping on if you know what I mean. Hey Charlee, know what you mean about the food thing, I have never really been a foodie, (bloody good wino though), but lately can't seem to fill myself up, think it must be a substitute, great I think so now my skin is better, my liver not being destroyed but I am going to end up the size of a bus. I don't seem to have self control with anything.
                      :lI'd really rather be skiing:H


                        Newbies in need - ODAT - Thurs.

                        Hi everyone

                        Posting later than usual today as myself and a friend went to a Craft Fair. Some of the stuff was absolutely beautiful. Have been going the past few years and got some great Christmas presents. They also had a food fair, ended up with one bag of all sorts of goodies.

                        Well done Charlie on staying AF at a social occasion. Time never feel a failure and as the others say keep on posting, every day you stay AF is an achievement.

                        Have to rush and do a school run.



                          Newbies in need - ODAT - Thurs.

                          Just checking in to say hi and get my daily fix.

                          Time2change. I know that feeling well but it gets better if you DO come on here and post and read how others are doing. Those that are doing well are an inspiration, those that are struggling are proof that there are others in the same boat.

                          Interesting about the food - I usually stress a bit about my weight (and am heavier now that I have been in ages!) BUT I am focussing on giving up AL and I am not making that harder by denying myself in the food department. I eat healthily but I don't ban any foods and I am happy that food can be my rewards whilst I am battling AL. When I have beaten that, then I will probably have to trade in the food reward for books or hot soaks or clothes or something.

                          Charlee - iced tea huh? I don't think that's a big drink in the UK (apart from a really sh*t version that comes in a can) but I may well ask for it next time I am out.

                          Gotta get on. Had a busy day. Busy evening to come.

                          Love to all.


                            Newbies in need - ODAT - Thurs.

                            We do really need each other. This disease cannot be fought alone. Time, sometimes I look at my old DrinkTracker record. Gosh, the first few months I was here at MWO, I was almost worse than before I came here. If I can do it so can you. M
                            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                            October 3, 2012


                              Newbies in need - ODAT - Thurs.

                              Hello to everyone,
                              just starting to look around and figure out how this works. I have question about the medication, which is what is the average dose mgs?

