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Drinking wine again........why??

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    Drinking wine again........why??

    Can someone please explain to me why I am drinking wine again tonight? I am happy, life is good and yet here I am, bottle almost empty and ready to open the second one..........

    Why? I hate this. I know tomorrow I will be dehydrated and feel like crap, I know how good I feel when I go AF but now that I've had some, I just need to keep going! I put my daughter to bed, Half drunk but she didn't notice...........and Now I am about to open the second bottle.............what the hell is this beast that we fight? Seriously, I know better but for some reason that red wine just calls to me.............I had a bad day at work but is that an excuse?

    Why am I doing this to myself.............why can't I stop? I feel like I am such a failure..........but the funny thing is, the numbness that I am feeling as I write this is also so I a complete loser? Why is it so hard to say no to that bottle of wine............?

    Am I the only one feeling like this?
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    Drinking wine again........why??

    You are definately not alone! I am so sorry you are feeling this way tonight. Are you trying to be AF? If so, what made you drink tonight? If we don't start we don't over-drink. There are a gazillion reasons that we can use to drink, but the bottom line is that if we are here on this board, unless we have absolutely no life, we have a problem with alcohol. So, maybe if you are trying to stay AF, don't have anything in the house. I hope you don't open the second bottle. Try to maybe take a warm bath and hit the sack. You will feel better for it.

    Thinking of you,

    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      Drinking wine again........why??

      No, you definitely are not alone. Many of us can be completely happy and fulfilled and still put a bottle of wine down our throats.

      I think part of the problem is where you said to yourself "Why CAN'T I stop?". The thing is .... you can!!! Part of what works for me is getting rid of the "I CAN'TS" in life and replace them with the "I CANS". Quitting anything takes a lot of mental effort along with the dealings of physical withdrawals etc...



        Drinking wine again........why??

        If still there and struggling go to the chatroom i will talk with ya it is hard to drink and type at the same time respond and will go to the chat


          Drinking wine again........why??

          I think that for me, the factors that drive me to drink are psychological. I find it hard to believe I could be fulfilled and still crave alcohol.

          But don't forget that there is a strong physical component to this. Your body is used to alcohol and your cells want it. That means you have to go through an uncomfortable period until you adjust.

          Lots of people on this site have felt the same way you feel now.


            Drinking wine again........why??

            Friend, I am here to say you are not alone. I am drinking tonight, too and I feel awful for it. My justification for this is that I have too many obligations this month to implement this new plan. I really don't want to set myself up for failure, so I might as well choose a more reasonable time to embark on this. I put this out there not as an excuse for anyone else, but to ask for help. I hate that I will feel foggy and tired in the morning. It just feels too damn good tonight. Crap.


              Drinking wine again........why??

              Skemp. Universal.

              Got to chat this site has helped stay af for almost a month now and I never thought I could do that. Spent so many nights feeling what you feel right now and still struggle everyday with the beast!! Got to chat the least I can do is chat I am going right now!!!!


                Drinking wine again........why??

                I hear ya

                Hey everyone,
                I soooooooooooooooooooooooo relate to what y ou have all been talking about. I may try to chat.


                  Drinking wine again........why??

                  I am having problems with chat...........have put it to the powers that be...........I wamnt to chat.........apparentlyh cant right now........
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    Drinking wine again........why??

                    Hi Universal....

                    ONLY differences between you and me right now?? Two things...

                    1) You drink Red and I drink White and,

                    2) you are thinking
                    about opening that 2nd bottle and I JUST DID
                    !! Arghghghghgh!!

                    Other than that.... your post just now could have been written by me.

                    I'm hoping you and some others are in Chat right now... but also hoping DH will keep watching his movie so I can have some Chat time...

                    Either way... just wanted to say "hi" and that I SOOOOO know how you are feeling... I'm having a tough time lately... hoping something soon will "kick in"....

                    Let me/us know how things go for you...
                    :l MissC


                      Drinking wine again........why??

                      You are drinking it because it tastes great and feels great plain and simple.

                      I know EXACTLY how you feel. I however do not get hangovers and evidently must drink lots of water because I never feel dehydrated. So I guess one day the Dr. will tell me my liver is shot to hell and then I will really have to quit for good.

                      Just do your best each and every day, take L-Glut and Thiamin....and never give up!

                      Take Care,

                      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                      - George Jackson


                        Drinking wine again........why??

                        Hi Universal,

                        Just seeing your message this morning, because I too, was drinking wine last night. Since I was too busy drinking wine, I never logged on. I went out to lunch yesterday (which I never do.......that's my workout time) and everyone drank alcohol except me. I had no desire or craving. But on my way home, I stopped and bought wine (why?), because I wanted it. Was planning on moderating.......could not moderate once again for the thousand time. As I said in my first thread "I love my wine". I do and that is a big fat problem. But I am getting so sick of it controlling my life....I have a good life, no problems that cause me to drink, just my love for it. It's Friday, and I want to be AF tonight. I was feeling so well being AF. Universal, will you please join me in an AF night tonight ?
                        Miss October :blinkylove:


                          Drinking wine again........why??

                          Wow Universal you just posted my story exactly. I did manage to keep it to one bottle last night tho - only because I was in bed watching greys Anatomy and did not have any more and did not want to go out in the cold. Today is day 1 AF. I have had it!. WIsh me luck - I am going to need it.



                            Drinking wine again........why??

                            You are not a looser. Their are some people who can handle alcohol and others like us that can't . I myself now know I can not start, because I always end up drinking my usual 6-8 drinks a day. I try taking it one day at a time with a lot of prayer and support from here to just get through the day. Don't feel bad, we all slip this will be my, well I lost count how many times I tried to quit. Just don't give up we are all here for you!

                            :l Twosox


                              Drinking wine again........why??

                              Thanks guys for all the support -it is good to know that I'm not the only one who is having the same challenges.........

                              It is a beast that we fight isn't it! I hope everyone has a great AF weekend.
                              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

