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Drinking wine again........why??

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    Drinking wine again........why??

    I also have a little one that I put to bed each night (actually I put 2 to bed). For the longest time I wondered why I could not stop drinking for my babies. This disfuntion has nothing to do with my babies. Gosh, if it was that easy I would have swithed to wine coolers a long time ago.

    This is the harderst thing that you ( I should also say we) will ever do.
    The one thing I have learned coming here is to take responsibility for my actions.
    Whether you get drunk, moderate, or stay sober; you must own it.

    anyway...I know exactly where you are coming from.
    We can all beat this together!


      Drinking wine again........why??

      Universal, there are so many people who are here for you.

      With me it's not the wine but the vodka. Although, the other night, I stopped and got a bottle of white, thinking that it would be better than having the absolut in the freezer.... Gone before I knew it. I like to drink. It goes too fast. one bottle of wine is just not that much, only a couple of glasses. (Hmm, right.)

      Not married, no kids. I don't know how women with families do it, with or without jobs. I can hardly survive trying to take care of myself. I'm relatively new here, but tonight just realized that there are not many men posting here. The stresses on women and mothers are amazing. As I ride the bus to work in the morning, reading the paper and see the stories of school/mall shootings, foster kids being beaten to death (can you tell i live in an urban environment), I look at the kids on my bus, who travel several hours by public transportation to get to school. (Forced busing. Can you tell what city I live in?) And feel so sad.

      They are kids, but I hear them talking about their kids.

      I don't think I could handle being a parent right now. Anyway, too old! But I envy all of you with children. I read your posts about them, the problems you have with them, the concerns you have about them. But I also read about the responsibility you feel and the love you have for them.

      We all have different stresses, but I guess with the same result. Fill up the glass.

      I had a bad weekend last. Had been 7 days AF, told my boss and he called me a liar. Upset me so much that I drank over the weekend, showed up to work a bit late on monday (told them i was going to be doing it, to make phone calls to settle my mom's estate, which I did, one of my triggers). My boss and his boss sent me home on Monday, told me not to come into work until wedneseday.

      Wasn't looking forward to going back to work, in fact was downright scared to death. Took the initiative and asked for a one-on-one with my bosses boss, then with my boss. Was blown away with their support. I feel like a different person. I am still having a glass or two a night, but I feel that it is a new beginning. After talking with them both this week, and knowing that they will do anything they can to help me, made me realize just how important support is.

      That is why we are all here. We want to change, we need support. We need each other. I was on a chat last week. Loved it. Got a pm from someone on the chat to say that she hadn't seen me post for a while. Thank you P. Will pm to you.
      that's support.

      OMG, I'm such a windbag!!! If you knew me, you'd be surprized that I'm so wordy here. Hardly ever talk.

      Universal, we are all alike. We have different names and live in different cities/towns/countries. But we are all alike. And need each other to beat this beast. But the fact tat we are all hear speaks volumes.

      Eastender, the poem you posted earlier is on my fridge, hanging on my wall at work, and photocopied and passed out to many friends at work. Thank you.

      Universal, we are all in the same boat and we are all here for each other.

      Hope this weekend goes well for you. Keep posting, we'llall be her for you.


        Drinking wine again........why??

        Youre not alone x
        Live Well, Laugh Often, Enjoy the Journey

