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Can you recommend an entree?

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    Can you recommend an entree?


    I've been online for a couple of weeks and ready to take the plunge. Thanks to all of you. My Christmas gift to myself is the CDs, supps and Topa (I have a dr. appt in January but want to get started early). Can someone please tell me where to get started? ie:

    1. Which CD set?
    2. Which supps?
    3. What dose of Topa to start on until I see the doc (1 week later).



    Can you recommend an entree?

    Hello dcline,

    I don't take any of the supps but I have read the My Way Out book and she tells you all you need to get started in her book, I would start there. I also believe you can download the book, so you can get it right away. I hope this helps and goodluck, you can do this!



      Can you recommend an entree?

      Hi dcline

      I started taking the supps 2 weeks ago (not on topamax yet)and I have to say until the last couple of days I hadn't seen much difference. Now I am starting to.(althought I have only managed one day AF) i don't know if it is normal for everyone but I feel a bit sick most of the time, but even more when I think about drinking, so I am putting up with it. I have the cd's and I really love the hypnosis ones not so sure about the subminimal ! But I gather the more you use them, the more the subminimal is useful. I listen to the Hypnosis one a lot every day if I can. Just because I find them relaxing and calming. The one I have is the mother one but I am sure they use the same technic where by you are going down stairs etc. The last couple times I have imagined leaving my wine at the top and when I reach the paradise beach I have a lovely alcholic free cocktail to celebrate. weirid but it works for me!!!

      best of luck just take one day at a time and be strong

      Sandie x


        Can you recommend an entree?

        Is Topamax prescription only? Haven't done any supplements yet and like dcline want to know where to start. Thanks


          Can you recommend an entree?

          I think the book is the best place to start. that way you have an outline and you can choose what works for you.
          I had to try a few combinations before getting to where I wanted to be. I didn't do the meds, but will if I need to, to beat this beast.

          I am moderating FYI.

          the supplements, the L-glutamine, and sometimes kudzu have really helped me a lot.
          also changing my life habits (going to bars etc) have really helped me quite a lot.

          getting there slowly
          You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


            Can you recommend an entree?


            1. Which CDs? There are many different sets listed on this site.
            2. Which supps? Again, there are so many options.

            I'll read the book again but I don't remember it telling me which of the options to start with.


              Can you recommend an entree?


              I would say if you are not a mum then go for the orginal set of cd as for the supps in the book there is a list ( getting started) web sites are also given if you want to buy them separately not sure if you are from the uk if so, I was told most can be brought from Holland and Barratt. I have all the reccomended supps. Except Topamax which is available on prescription or from a site recommended here. Mine have just arrived but i am a bit nervous about taking real drugs!!! There is also a page in the book telling how often etc to take them (would tell you the page number but I separated it and have lost it)

              Hope this helps



                Can you recommend an entree?

                Just noticed you are in California so forget the Uk bit x


                  Can you recommend an entree?

                  Hi Sandie,

                  I am starting new with cds, supps and Tops in a few days (the day after Christmas 12/26). Want to start with me? I too am afraid of the drugs. It took me years to take tylenol when I had a headache.

                  Merry Christmas.


                    Can you recommend an entree?

                    I think as other people have said, the best place to start is the book My Way Out.

                    But if you are like most people here, you will adapt the recommendations.

                    I think in terms of other things, start with all the basic vitamins you need (multivitamins and b-vitamins, which alcoholics tend to be deficient in). All of these can be bought at health food stores.

                    Kudzu is worth a try but is no miracle worker. The one on this site was matched to clinical trials. If taken as directed it is very expensive. I think it's worth trying on nights out if you are aiming to moderate.

                    I am not sure about the rest of supplements. This is just an opinion. I have always wondered about All One with all those amino acids, whether that is necessary with a high protein, meat-eating diet. But that is just for me, not a general opinion.

                    I also take high quality omega-3 fatty acids because this is good for depression/nervous system.

                    My opinion on prescription meds is that if the problem is very serious they are worth trying. For example, drunk driving accidents or suicide attempts. I think if topa is tried, it should be tried at low dose as some members have reported success at low doses. Anyone who tries it should fully read up on side effects and be prepared. Some of the rare ones are serious. Other drugs that seem interesting are campral and naltrexone.

                    the CDs on this site? definitely worth trying, if you can afford them, IN MY OPINION. You can buy them separately from the source but I think it's probably best to get the four CD set (as someone else said, one set for moms and one for the rest of us). You need to commit to this though because it takes a lot of time. But time for relaxation is important. What better time to try than after XMAS holiday? I aim to get restarted on my dusty CDs after Christmas.

                    The most important thing is to have the right mental attitude for progressing.

                    Good luck!


                    Important note on doctors: Beware of what you tell doctors and what goes on your records. Topa can be prescribed for migraines, rather than alcohol abuse. If alcohol abuse goes on your records, it could create problems for you down the line if you want to get private insurance.


                      Can you recommend an entree?

                      I downloaded the book in pdf form. Only got 80 pages. Should have paid the extra money for the book itself.Will probably buy it used on or amazon.

                      I have found that the supps have helped my depression.

                      Nancy, so agree about your ps about doctors and what to tell them.

