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Newbies in Need - ODAT - Fri.

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    Newbies in Need - ODAT - Fri.

    Hi Everyone: I've been reading some of the posts on this forum. I haven't had much time to do any posting back, but in general, I've seen that a few of us have some problems. I think much of it is the time of year: stress, fatigue, party temptation, etc. If that sounds like something you're going through, just get right back into it. Remember that this is not a contest. It's your life, & perhaps there are lessons in the slips. I can't count the number of times I've slipped. The more angry I got at myself, the more I eventually became ready to say "enough is enough." I'm only 63 days AF, but I am more committed this time than I ever have been. If I can do it, so can you. I (& the rest of MWO) have your back.


    PS: Please don't stay away for any reason. Nobody judges here...we've all been there. Since I'm older than most of you (62), I've been there in spades.
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Newbies in Need - ODAT - Fri.

    Hi retteacher and everyone to follow,

    Well, I had a big slip last night and I don't even have a reason...........but I couldn't put the wine down even if I wanted to.......and here I am, not sure who I talked to on the phone last night and hoping that I didn't do anything too stupid.

    Tonight is my work Christmas party and I know I will have a few drinks but my goal tonight is MODERATION. After that there is nothing going on this weekend except for some Christmas shopping with friends - so I intend to make Saturday and Sunday AF.

    Jumping right back on that wagon folks.............wish me luck..........without the support from this site, I know I wouldn't even get this far.........

    PS: Can anyone tell me how long it takes to get the supps? It has almost been a month for me..........
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      Newbies in Need - ODAT - Fri.


      I am on day 2 and fired up, except I have a headache for some reason..........

      Slept TEN hours last night, went home from dinner at 8 and went RIGHT OUT! Then again,I had been up since 4 to get the kids to various places at ungodly hours of the AM!!!

      Talk to you later Universal and teacher, everyone to follow, wishing you the BEST

      love:h and hugs!!!:l

      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        Newbies in Need - ODAT - Fri.

        Well, I surprised even myself. Day 5 AF.
        I had an incident yesterday that made me so angry and scared I wanted to drink just to calm myself down. I have a 17 yr old son who thinks he's 30. Anyway, in brief he went MIA after school. I got a phone call at work from my father saying he wasn't at school. Had to leave urgently to look for him. Found him, all was well but I wanted to beat the crap out of him for the scare he gave me. All I could think of while I was screaming and yelling was I needed a drink to calm me down. I think I actually scared him I was so worked up. But the brief visual I had of myself with a full glass of wine with the bottle next to me consuming in front of my son made me stop. Actually if I'd had a tranquilizer i would have taken it. I was left exhausted but sober.
        Thanks for listening and thanks for being there. You guys are with me where ever I go, you're in my head...........damn annoying, ( just kidding )
        ODAT........have a great day


          Newbies in Need - ODAT - Fri.

          Dear RN: The more times you get through incidents like yesterday's w/your son, the more you'll feel more comfortable doing it AF. When I'm stressed & think drink, I ask myself what good it would do. None whatsoever. For me, it's never the one drink to calm down. It's a long sickening road I go down. I'm not minimizing what happened w/your son; however, our kids are pretty resilient. It's good that you let him know how his stunt effected you, but this probably won't be the last time he causes you worry. I have a 38 year old son who was an incredible challenge. He's still alive & kicking & a contributing member of society today. Love, Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Newbies in Need - ODAT - Fri.


            Just wanted to say you are an inspiration. That is awesome you are on day 63, I look forward to being able to say that.



              Newbies in Need - ODAT - Fri.

              Yup, it's still ODAT

              Hello everyone,

              Retteacher, thanks so much for your words of wisdom. We live and learn, and hopefully we learn before its too late.

              I caved in last night, and now I'm mad.....I would have made 4 AF in a row. So tonight (Friday Night - our license to drink), I choose not to, because I want to get back on track and feel good. And you said you are ONLY on 63 days......I consider that to be a huge accomplishment. CONGRATS !!:thumbs:

              Hi Universal, I just responded to your last night's tread. So anyway, have a good time at your Christmas party tonight and good luck on moderation. Who knows, maybe you will change your mind when you get there and go AF. Wouldn't that be great ?

              Hi Cowgal, good luck to you on an AF night tonight. I'm back working on Day 1. You have a great day to !

              And for all ODAT'ers to follow, have a happy AF day today !
              Miss October :blinkylove:


                Newbies in Need - ODAT - Fri.

                Hello All!

                Good Day Everyone,
                Didn't get to post yesterday. Mom visited for the day.Think she has been worried about me. Shared some about MWO with her. Fianlly RN, teenage years.....uhhhh! I am still hanging in. Hope everyone has a good Friday!



                  Newbies in Need - ODAT - Fri.

                  Everyone: If you've slipped: get mad, get a plan, get back on can do it. M
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    Newbies in Need - ODAT - Fri.

                    Checking in. Hi all. No slip for me tonight. Thank God the sugar cravings have calmed down - took handfuls of apricots, nuts and a crumpet! May have something to do with the iglut I have just taken. I am tired, verging on bored (though I have LOADS to do!) and my hunting has been cancelled tomorrow :upset: so I'm faced with decorating. Walls and walls of magnolia.... all on my lonesome. Least I can listen to the radio station I like instead of the Dutch heavy rock that the builders seem to like. I'm getting way off track here. Sorry!!

                    Anyway, Reteacher you are, as I am sure you have been told many times before (!) an inspiration to us all. I aspire to your 63 days and take your attitude as my own as often as I can.

                    FinallyRN - can you see me in your head? I'm the one doing a little dance and sticking pins in a wax effigy of old AL!!!

                    Universal - the very best of luck for tonight. Have you chased up your supps? Mine came in a few days.

                    Cowgal - didn't you just feel so good after 10 hours sleep? I love it, so restoring. Shame I can't ever do as much as I like. Oh to be a teenager again!

                    Bessie xx


                      Newbies in Need - ODAT - Fri.

                      Hi Everyone,

                      I haven't posted much but would like to start to. I am on AF Day 27! Which is great however the cravings this week are driving me crazy. Both beer and sweets are calling my name. I am caving into the cookies and candies (it is the season for both) which I am sure isn't helping the craving for the other! I don't know why after 4 weeks it hits me so hard! Maybe it is because I am coming up on 30 days....! I think I will do like you Bessie and go and pop some l-glut.

                      I love learning and getting to know everyone through there posts! This is a journey that we are all traveling on even if we are traveling at different speeds and distances.

                      Anyway I have a busy AF weekend planned with kids school events and x-mas shopping so the weekend should be good.

                      Happy weekend everyone!
                      "Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

