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Cold turkey versus cutting down

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    Cold turkey versus cutting down

    As I said in annother forum, I have thte shakes. They are so baddd that I'm really losing it. I want to try the "cutting it down" rather trhan going cold turkey. But hhow stupid is that? I tried it just yetersday andd, granted, I did drink much more slowly than usual (guzzle), but after the half pint, I, of ccourse, wanted more. I'm pleased to say I didn't go get more, but thjat was alamost as hellish as going throough these shakes. Any opinions? (Don't suggest the doc, I've already seen him this week. Prescribes meds that doo NOOTHING for thet shakes.


    Cold turkey versus cutting down

    I was going to suggest your doctor, but maybe try drinking LOTS of water and double your B-Vitamin intake for the first while. This will definitely help you.

    I found taking a Gravol helped me a lot the first week. It kind of sedates your body a bit.... relaxes you. Or maybe try some Calmes Forte?


      Cold turkey versus cutting down

      Accountable for Me;235772 wrote: I was going to suggest your doctor, but maybe try drinking LOTS of water and double your B-Vitamin intake for the first while. This will definitely help you.

      I found taking a Gravol helped me a lot the first week. It kind of sedates your body a bit.... relaxes you. Or maybe try some Calmes Forte?
      Thanks for the repply ane suggestiopns. What is Gravol? Is it OTC?


        Cold turkey versus cutting down

        you asked did i have the shakes,the answer is yes i did ,my first posts were so short because i couldnt type..for me i wraped myself up and sweated like mad..also drank about 40 litres of water for 48 hours it was horrific but much better now at the end of day 4 still there a little...stay on the site i did solid for 2 days it really does help take care and take every hour at a time it will get better...My thoughts are with you
        Love Jacqui xx
        Mwo,s worst speller....


          Cold turkey versus cutting down

          Hi pink and :welcome:

          I`m afraid I must urge you to go back to the can withdraw safely and relatively comfortably when given the right meds.........don`t let your doc off the hook so easily..........your doc has a responsibility to you as his patient.

          Cutting down is an alternative, but like you say, it`s easy to be tempted to drink more than you should. To seriously cut down with a view to withdrawing completely, you should be administering booze to yourself as you would medicine, and only having a small amount at regular intervals.

          If your shakes are that bad, I would get myself to a doc or a hospital just to err on the side of caution.

          Wishing you love and strength.

          Starlight Impress x


            Cold turkey versus cutting down


            I just replied to you on another thread.

            Star is very wise. Please listen. Go back to the doctor, an emergency room or to detox.

            I am going to "brag"...I'm an old "sober" one. I never advise cold turkey or cutting down.

            I don't believe that you can maintain a constant level of alcohol in your system by "cutting down"......thereby avoiding some of the more severe symptoms of withdrawal.

            Cold turkey is just dangerous. Been there, done that.

            Please stop self medicating and find medical help.

            Nancy xx
            ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
            I am in the next seat.
            My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


              Cold turkey versus cutting down

              Starlight Impress;235899 wrote: Hi pink and :welcome:

              I`m afraid I must urge you to go back to the can withdraw safely and relatively comfortably when given the right meds.........don`t let your doc off the hook so easily..........your doc has a responsibility to you as his patient.

              Cutting down is an alternative, but like you say, it`s easy to be tempted to drink more than you should. To seriously cut down with a view to withdrawing completely, you should be administering booze to yourself as you would medicine, and only having a small amount at regular intervals.

              If your shakes are that bad, I would get myself to a doc or a hospital just to err on the side of caution.

              Wishing you love and strength.

              Starlight Impress x
              Thaksn you. I don't know whow to get my doct ot actually listen to me. He knows knothing of alcohhlism. I'm blaiming his ignosrance on that.


                Cold turkey versus cutting down

                jacqui;235879 wrote: you asked did i have the shakes,the answer is yes i did ,my first posts were so short because i couldnt type..for me i wraped myself up and sweated like mad..also drank about 40 litres of water for 48 hours it was horrific but much better now at the end of day 4 still there a little...stay on the site i did solid for 2 days it really does help take care and take every hour at a time it will get better...My thoughts are with you
                Love Jacqui xx
                I hav;e so mcuh to say to everyone but i feel the same way. It's not easy to type atl all.

                thanakas for your thoughts.


                  Cold turkey versus cutting down


                  You could order some,

                  Vit B 1
                  Vitamin C
                  Librium -OR- Valerian ( One or the other, not both)


                  Trying to make this as simple as posible as I remember how hard it is to think at first.


                    Cold turkey versus cutting down

                    if you are having trouble cold turkey try light beer for a while then cut down from that gradually then the witdrawls wont be as bad
                    "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson

