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More on the shakes

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    More on the shakes

    Me agaaon. Sorrry to spaam the group.

    I've been thtrouggh ddetgox so maany times in tghte pastg yeear that you'dd think I'd know the answer to this. I know it's different ffoor everyoenenv, but how long do these shakees go on? In detox, I cearly remember ffeeling far worwse on days 2 and 4, which is scaring me right nowl

    I cannot thank you enough for your aadvice an help and concern. It's been slammedd into my head--by all family my two only friends (heh) to go to AA, but I just can't . For a variety of reasons, AA is just NOT ffopr me/./. I am so glad to have founnd this substitute!

    I was really hoping to be cleaered up enough to go see my two grandbabies tomorrow, but that's not looking likek it will happen. I haven't seen them in two months just because I don't want them to see or be aroudjdendd when I'm drunk. I hope I can see them for Christmas.

    Oh, goddess, I'm cryiing . This is just too tough.

    More on the shakes

    You will get through this Pink. Just keep thinking of those two Grand babies!
    Do you have any of the items that Wonder suggested you take? If you do great if not just keep drinking plenty and plenty of water and hopefully the worst will be over soon.

    AA is not for everyone. I know if wasn't for ME! There success rate isn't all that high either in the long run! I want something that will last me a life time and something that won't have me thinking about booze a life time either.

    You take care...Crying is good, I did that alot my first few days! This is a great place to be.

    Hugs, Tammie
    "Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase." -- Martin Luther King Jr.


      More on the shakes


      I just saw that you are still posting in the "help" area also. If you think they are getting worse you should really go to the Hosital or call the Doctor at the least!

      I haven't been through the "physical" detox so I will let others help you, just "metal" wise here. Please take care and be careful. Don't be afraid call for help if needed!

      Hugs, Tammie
      "Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase." -- Martin Luther King Jr.


        More on the shakes

        Yes, if they are getting worse, go directly to an emergency room - PLEASE! These things shouldn't be taken lightly.....


          More on the shakes

          Pink have someone pick you up and get to your personal physician or emergency room. please don't drive if possible. your doc may give you librium and let you detox at home.
          take care and stay in touch!
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            More on the shakes

            more2life;235830 wrote: Pink,

            Not sure when this first posted, but how are you now?

            Hi More2,

            Thanks for chhicking up on me. I'm afraid I flunked. These shakes are jsut tto much for me. I can't get a spoon to my mount; I can't drink water without most of it ending up on the floor; etc., etc. I HAVE SERIOUSLY cut down on what I usually woul;d havee ddrunk by now. By now, I'd easily have a pint of vodka down and searchiggn for a secocnd. I have only had two very small nips, just trying to calm the shakes.

            I hope it's okay that I stick around on these forums. It is really giving me hope and courage. I will give it my all to try again tomorrow.

            I did load up on vitamins and water and milk. I hope it helps someownhat.

            Don't give up on me.



              More on the shakes

              Dear Pink,
              I care so much as I know so much of what you are going through. My God, it is terrible while going through it. The hope to hang on to is that is DOES pass, it gets better. Believe me, dear one, I was a Vodka slamming mama and I could not make it to day 3 many, somany times. I went to many ER's and got Librium to assist.
              Sage tea is very powerful as is Valerian tea, both found in health stores. Keep talking and reaching out, so you don't go through this alone.
              I also u n d e r s t a n d putting "smore" of "it" in your system to try to calm it down.
              The problem I had with that is that it starting "it" all over again for enough was not enough.
              Some can ease out the withdrawl by sipping. I still experienced some discomfort. The advice to go to the Er is so grounded. There is medicine to assist you.
              I want to be counted amongst the many that are here to be there for you.
              Take good care,

              " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                More on the shakes

                Carolyn.....I am a vetern of detox as well.

                Your doctor has given you a small pharmacy I see. Although they may not have relieved the shakes for you they may have helped your body through withdrawal in other, less obvious ways.

                PLEASE have someone take you to the doctor or emergency room today, not tomorrow, today. If you can't get fluid to your mouth you are going to dehydrate. I've been there too.

                Carolyn, you had medication in detox, you NEED it again. PLEASE go and find a doctor.

                You are not spamming the group and we are not going to give up on you.

                Your grandbabies would like to see you as well, especially on Christmas day.

                Nancy xx
                ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                I am in the next seat.
                My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                  More on the shakes


                  You should find a detox ASAP!

                  Here is a link that might help:

                  Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator

                  Don't mess around with this, alcohol withdrawal can be fatal as can alcohol poisoning.


                    More on the shakes

                    Pink you are always welcome here 24/7

                    detox is a pain in the butt although it's saved countless's ok.
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      More on the shakes

                      Emergency rooms & mydocc

                      I've been to them two or thereet times in lthe alst mont or so. They thrreated me like al drunken losoer and dimsissed me WAY before i have my shakes under cotrjol. i AM so ************ depressped right now that I coulsd be about toe stand the humiliation alll over again. I am a MJOSST sensitve soul.

                      may doc refuuses to give me anythilg helpful. (ithink he's afraid of the adiiction factor, even though i swearup tand down to him that I do not a ;buse pills. I nenver have. Booxe, yes;' pills no.

                      tthanks tough everyone.

                      IZt's so blooody hard to correclt all myspsellinng. I'm useualy so meticulouar. Sorrryr.r


                        More on the shakes

                        What about actual detox, not at the ER/hospital but a private center or a non-profit?
                        And you may ask yourself, "What is that beautiful house?" And you may ask yourself, "Where does that highway go?" And you may ask yourself,"Am I right?...Am I wrong?" And you may tell yourself..."MY GOD!...WHAT HAVE I DONE?"


                          More on the shakes

                          ratana;235965 wrote: What about actual detox, not at the ER/hospital but a private center or a non-profit?
                          I've been to a detox center at leasat eight or ten times in teh past year. I am just not going back (for a variety of reasons). But thank you for the suggestion.


                            More on the shakes

                            Ok, my friend, just hang in there as best you can.
                            And you may ask yourself, "What is that beautiful house?" And you may ask yourself, "Where does that highway go?" And you may ask yourself,"Am I right?...Am I wrong?" And you may tell yourself..."MY GOD!...WHAT HAVE I DONE?"


                              More on the shakes


                              Well, I tapered down but it didn't sound like it was working for you so I suggested a detox center.

                              Ok, here is how I tapered down. First time I tapered down I gave my husband the bottle he locked it up and gave me 4 drinks a night then 3 than 2 than 1. I stayed home and didn't go anywhere so this worked.(stayed Af for seven weeks that time)

                              Last time my husband didn't want to go that route again- He suggested I go to county detox. I didn't want to go to detox (especially on a county level )so I tapered myself down by going out and buying ONLY what I was going to drink that night and no more. A half a pint of whiskey a night. ( 4 standard drinks)then I switched to just buying myself a 28 once bottle of beer(2.5 standard drinks) a night and drinking that. Then I started splitting that 28 once bottle of beer with my husband( 1.25 standard drinks). Now I am on day 26 AF down from about 8 standard drinks a day and there is no alcohol in the house. So it can be done but you have to go out buy just what you are going to drink everyday and no more. Or have someone else be in control of the booze and dole out so much a day to you.

                              Hope this works for you.

                              P.S. I should add though I have never had the Shakes so you need to read this in context.

