I've been thtrouggh ddetgox so maany times in tghte pastg yeear that you'dd think I'd know the answer to this. I know it's different ffoor everyoenenv, but how long do these shakees go on? In detox, I cearly remember ffeeling far worwse on days 2 and 4, which is scaring me right nowl
I cannot thank you enough for your aadvice an help and concern. It's been slammedd into my head--by all family my two only friends (heh) to go to AA, but I just can't . For a variety of reasons, AA is just NOT ffopr me/./. I am so glad to have founnd this substitute!
I was really hoping to be cleaered up enough to go see my two grandbabies tomorrow, but that's not looking likek it will happen. I haven't seen them in two months just because I don't want them to see or be aroudjdendd when I'm drunk. I hope I can see them for Christmas.
Oh, goddess, I'm cryiing . This is just too tough.