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What I hate about drinking!!!!

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    What I hate about drinking!!!!

    First, a question for those who have managed to go AF .. I have a good friend who has been sober for 10 years. Unlike me, he was never a social drinker, didn't drink until he was in his 20s and every time he'd drink, would get obliterated .. after a year or so, he went to work drunk (works for a law firm so they're very familiar with alcohol problems), was sent straight to rehab, did AA for a while (interestingly, Chris Farley was in a few sessions with him), and hasn't had a drink since ..
    Anyway, he always says, "You have to hit rock bottom before you can change..." Is that true???? I've never gotten a DUI or anything .. what is rock bottom? I do know that booze is messing up my life ..

    But to help me and anyone interested, I am making a "reminder" list which I hope others will add to :H

    Things I hate about being a drinker!!! in no particular order ..
    1. What the hell does one do with all the bottles?!! The recycling bin gets filled up awfully fast ...
    2. The need to keep rotating places to buy liquor .. knowing the sales person must recognize you ..
    3. Spending half the day feeling foggy ... I write for a living and it's ridiculous how I sabotage my own brain ...
    4. Not being able to remember part of a show or movie I watched while drinking .. so bloody stupid.
    5. And that is because of this reason .. I love to read, but usually can't when I'm drinking because my brain is too sludgy, so I watch TV or movies that I end up not entirely remembering ..
    **6. Worst thing of all ... it makes me fat/bloated!!!!!!!!
    7. I hole up here with my cat. I'm a shy person and it's hard enough to put myself out there to try to socialize more, do things out of my comfort zone .. so I crawl into my shell with the wine ..... sometimes I envy my cat .. he never takes a drink
    .. please add , I will also add more!!!!
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

    What I hate about drinking!!!!

    8. Not remembering phone conversations. I called my Mom once on Mother's Day to wish her a happy day and she said I'd called the night before to wish her a Happy Mother's Day. No recollection of that phone call at all. Scary!
    Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.


      What I hate about drinking!!!!

      9. Hangovers

      (p.s. Dexterhead - a bottom is wherever you decide it is. In AA it is also common to say you don't have to take the elevator all the way down to the basement, you can get off it before that. If your friend drank again - God forbid- he'd be likely to find a whole NEW rock bottom)
      oh yeah - and welcome!


        What I hate about drinking!!!!

        waking up with a scratched belt buckle and sore ribs, only to find out a week later that you had been backed over by a car while passed out (15 yrs ago!)
        "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


          What I hate about drinking!!!!

          11. Seeing what a bad role model you are setting for your children.
          12. Forgetting sex!


            What I hate about drinking!!!!

            Hi Dexter,

            I've been sober just over a year now and NO, you don't have to hit rock bottom before you can really tackle this thing. I was still holding down a good job, raising two kids, having a life... but I just got sick and tired of feeling crappy, worried about the effects of drinking too much, and to be honest, sick of not be able to be the person I wanted to be.

            I tackled it head on, fought the bastard and won. It all depends on how much you WANT it. The only advice I have for everyone is DO WHATEVER IT TAKES.

            Sometimes this will be hard and you will really struggle to do what you know you have to (missing out on a good night out etc), but that is what it means sometimes.

            Constantly add to your list and read it often. It does help.

            It always seems impossible until it's done....


              What I hate about drinking!!!!

              definitely the blackouts and embarassing things u find out u did or said...however about the rockbottom. i havent hit it yet, i cant go af yet.. just am not ready. i consider mhyself a problem drinker.. im not an alcoholic yet, but get shitfaced way to often and cannot stop most of the time once i hit a certain point.. ( where i cant reason with myself TO stop) but anyway, id say rockbottom would be like everyday drinking where it keps gettin u into trouble after trouble, and embarassing things after embarassing things, and making you mentally horrible insane...


                What I hate about drinking!!!!

                I didn't hit rock bottom, but what has lead me to stop drinking (158 days AF) are:

                1. The worry & concern My drinking had caused my family.
                2. Nasty hangovers
                3. Embarrassing my husband.
                4. Embarassing myself
                5. Pigging out on food in my drunken stupir.
                6. Falling on my front walkway while splitting my ear and being found by a neighbor in a pool of blood. Needed stitches.
                7. Falling on my boat dock while splitting my chin. Needed stitches.
                8. Falling asleep with candles lit in my house.
                9. Arguing with my husband for no apparent reason.
                10. Taking down last years Christmas tree by throwing the whole thing outside with decortaions, lights and all.
                11. Not knowing the Real Me
                September 23, 2011


                  What I hate about drinking!!!!

                  The last one is the biggie Reenie, work on that one and the rest take care of themselves. Honest.

                  It always seems impossible until it's done....


                    What I hate about drinking!!!!

                    I have drank pretty heavily since my teens. I am now forty -- I wonder how I get to know the real me!

                    Lost Time would then be one to add to the list! Lost time with children, families,
                    "Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase." -- Martin Luther King Jr.


                      What I hate about drinking!!!!

                      For me it had been coming for some time, when I look back now I realise what a prat I was ignoring the signs but I managed it for some time (this is roughly over 7 or 8 years) and these didn?t stop me drinking:

                      1. The hangovers began getting worse and worse, shakes on a Sunday morning was the first big sign. I soon found that they could be avoided by having a cheeky beer in the morning so there was no problem, just carry on!

                      2. A really big shake on a Sunday morning when I was in the shower (in retrospect this was the first real glimpse of the alcoholic fits that I am susceptible to) the ?shake? was so great that I fell hitting the tiled wall of the shower requiring me to need 4 stitches in my chin. Just a one off!

                      3. Beginning to have to take various Mondays (and after a good weekend) Tuesdays off work because I was unable to function. I was a very sickly child on Monday mornings.

                      4. Sundays. I don?t think that I went out more than 5 times on a Sunday for 18 months because of the hangovers I always had. This isn?t great for a relationship.

                      5. Heart palpitations ? racing heartbeat and then some. I figured that it?d calm down soon or if I could get away with it then have a drink to calm down.

                      6. My one and only full blown alcoholic fit. As with epileptic fits these can cause permanent or temporary mental impairment. This incident cost me a week in hospital and 3 weeks off work, the striking memory I have from this is about one and a half weeks into this and being in a local supermarket (that I went to every week) and getting disorientated. The doctors said it was epilepsy and I almost believed it myself, enough to carry on drinking.

                      7. The DT?s. Now I only experienced seeing things once but it was like living in Deliverance. I did not enjoy this experience. Not recommended. Still carried on.

                      8. Funnier than the comedian I went to see live. I?m not very funny. Maybe on a leap year and when in a great mood I have an odd moment but heckling the standup in the local Theatre when drunk doesn?t get more unfunny. Nor does it win you the 2000 other people as friends in the audience.

                      9. Being so drunk on a trans-Atlantic flight that I tried to nonchalantly take a bottle of wine from the flight stewardesses trolley. After 10 beers you can?t do anything nonchalantly. I cringe remembering this episode and am probably lucky not to have been cautioned for it.

                      10. Treating myself and people around me like crap for years. I?m least proud of this.

                      It took all of these and loads more cumulatively to finally admit out load and to myself that I really did have a problem. Anyone that wants to look back (its 72 days today since I had a drink) can read when I made the decision, its not pretty though.
                      Just reading this list how could I have let this go on? Anyway there?s 10 reasons why I hate(d) drinking. Can I say what a prat again please!?!?!


                        What I hate about drinking!!!!

                        Welcome to your new life amashed.... it's a wonderful thing. :-)

                        (even for an EX prat!)
                        It always seems impossible until it's done....


                          What I hate about drinking!!!!


                          Funny that you should say ex-prat, I'm actually coming to your fair isle next Feb for an explore and a holiday! Its a chance to see if I want to be an ex-pat and emmigrate to Australia (where you are is a little too hot so we're looking at Melbourne) I've started the visa application so if all goes well you might get a couple more bloody poms!


                            What I hate about drinking!!!!

                            Reenie - I just loved no. 10!



                              What I hate about drinking!!!!

                              Amashed! wow! great stuff!

                              I hope you realised that it is cooler here in Canberra than it is in Melbourne! And it's a VERY different place. Melbourne is la arge dirty city and sprawled out, Canberra is very clean and full of trees. This is because it was planned properly and has fantastic roads etc. Take a look at us, please! Lots of work here too - more than Melbourne. I think we are sitting on about 2% unemployment here. YES 2%!!
                              It always seems impossible until it's done....

