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What I hate about drinking!!!!

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    What I hate about drinking!!!!

    Having purple teeth.:H

    Tampa, FL


      What I hate about drinking!!!!

      OK Patty, explain ... a really good Merlot? or vodka and grape koolaide???? (oops, grape koolaide makes me think of Jim Jones...)
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


        What I hate about drinking!!!!

        Silly Dexterhead, you really ARE a chard fan.

        If good Merlot = $6 Yellowtail, then YES, it's definitely the Merlot.
        When I lived in Minnesota, I went to a Christmas party at the Minneapolis Hyatt. After a bottle of Smoking Loon ($9), I spotted Senator Norm Coleman in the lobby, waiting for his car. I eagerly tip toed to him in my wobbly high heels, only to glorify and praise him as if he was the next you-know-who.... my oldest daughter still reminds me of that wonderful moment, and how funny it was because I had purple teeth....

        Tampa, FL


          What I hate about drinking!!!!

          Patty: lol, what would I DO without your hilariousness!!!!
          Hey, Norm Coleman , eh .. now if had been Jesse Ventura ... ha!
          I once met Paul Wellstone. He was several inches shorter than I.
          Anyway, on the stained teeth. Well, i've drunk my share of Merlot, but anyway, this one is not alcohol-related. I have a cap on one of my front teeth from falling down iceskating when I was 10. A couple years ago, I was having it replaced, and they had fitted me with a temporary while they made the completed crown. So, I ate something that had curry and termeric (sp) --- spice that is actually used to dye things --- for lunch. At work in a staff meeting, a co-worker looked at me in horror when I was talking . she later whispered in my ear that my tooth was bright, bright YELLOW :H :H
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            What I hate about drinking!!!!

            and thanks for really color-matching the Chard .. hee
            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


              What I hate about drinking!!!!

              What I hate about drinking:
              The fact that I still do it.


                What I hate about drinking!!!!

                You're welcome about the's the expensive kind.......

                Tampa, FL


                  What I hate about drinking!!!!

                  stop it Patty. I'm sending you an giant package of SNOW and some of it will have been pre-treated by area dogs .. :H

                  hi embrace, yep, me too. sucks.
                  :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                    What I hate about drinking!!!!

                    I went searching and found this threat and wanted to bump it up - lots of good reminders of why I shouldn't be drinking - I can relate to all of them
                    when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


                      What I hate about drinking!!!!

                      in some ways and with some people you do have to hit rock bottom and usually when it's way past your prime.

                      other people are more in touch with themselves and can tell when their drinking will become a bad habit.
                      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                        What I hate about drinking!!!!


                        I keep making the mistake of forgetting how bad it actually was when I "COULDN'T STOP" drinking, and try to "control it" again....................I am feeling so good now that I occasionally think I can handle just one or two..................

                        BUT, I hate the way I feel in the AM even if I only have one or two................I coudln't function without it this last time around, I HAD to drink to stop the shaking and the nauseous feeling and everything................I need to remember that!!!!:bat:hitme:


                        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                          What I hate about drinking!!!!

                          I think we all have a list a mile long on what we hate about drinking!! I'm trying to keep my list at the front of my mind so that if I am tempted, those dark memories will put me off.

                          The main one for me is I hate waking up in the middle of the night after drinking. My mind goes all over the place; I convince myself I'm dying with cirrhosis (sp?) of the liver; this is followed my a major anxiety attack when I can feel my heart jumping out of my chest!! Usually I have to get up and make a cup of tea and sometimes still can't get back to sleep. I hate those nights!! It is so lovely waking up now AF in the middle of the night, turning over, snuggling into my duvet and just KNOWING I can get back to sleep, feeling healthy and happy inside!!!
                          AF since 9 May 2012
                          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                            What I hate about drinking!!!!

                            This is truly a great thread!!! Started by my very favorite - all-time dancing cat!

                            You keep rockin Travolta Cat!


                              What I hate about drinking!!!!

                              I related to a lot of these things (sadly!).

                              My main reason for quitting at this time is $$$. I'm unemployed - such a waste of money! I'm really hoping that that's a good enough motivation...

                              But I'm glad you posted this thread - to remind me of the Many other reasons why it's a good idea!
                              Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                                What I hate about drinking!!!!

                                I hate drinking cause I still do it...good one
                                Striving to live life without ALCOHOL

