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What I hate about drinking!!!!

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    What I hate about drinking!!!!

    I didn't know it was cooler! Will have to investigate. Thank you! Will try not to hijack the thread any more!


      What I hate about drinking!!!!

      Great posts everyone! These list of reasons as to why we hate or have stopped drinking are great incentives for me to live yet another sober day.
      September 23, 2011


        What I hate about drinking!!!!

        My kids growing up thinking its normal to drink everyday!



          What I hate about drinking!!!!

          I have my own top 10 which would get great laughs on David Letterman's tv show (but would make me feel pathetic).

          The first night (5 years ago), that I moved into my new home, decided to make chicken soup from scratch. It had been raining, my makeup was streaming down my face. Hair plastered to my head. Had on one of the worst xmas gifts (cat-related) that my family used to give me, a bright pink fleece nightgown with a 3 dimensional cat on my chest that when you hit the head, you would hear a meouw.

          Fell asleep, soup evaporated, pot started to burn, fire alarm went off, didn't realize it was hooked into the fire department (live one block away), but thank God it was. Woke up, turned the heat under to pot of, tried to get the alarm to stop. The door bell rang. There were 20 firemen, staring at the stupid cat on my chest.

          To this day, they honk their horn in front of my house as they drive up the street going after a fire. It stopped me from making chicken soup from scratch at night. I wish it stopped me from drinking.


            What I hate about drinking!!!!

            Funny story Suki. I know soup making had serious repercussions, however, you added humor to it. You should see some of the "get ups" I wear around the house. I scare myself when I look in the mirror. I can only imagine what the mailman and delivery men think of me when they come to the door.
            September 23, 2011


              What I hate about drinking!!!!

              Dex: I didn't hit a huge bottom (no DUI's, big accidents, divorse, etc.). I just got really sick of being out of it. I wasn't progressing in my life in terms of working through issues. Drinking forestalls all development & self-discovery. I didn't make any headway w/my problem until I came here to MWO & admitted that I'm an alcoholic & can't drink, ever. That sounds very final, but that's the way it has to be for me.
              Things I hate:
              -all of the above.
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                What I hate about drinking!!!!

                Dexter - great thread! i have never hit rock bottom. I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time. Living my life around alcohol. They say when you drink, you don't mature beyond the age at which you started drinking. that means I have the maturity of a 16 yr. old! I have trouble coping with situations in an adult way (i'm 48 with 2 teenagers). Reading your 7 reasons not to drink, it sounded just like me! Especially the part about reading. I love to read at night before bed but if I've been drinking I can't process what I'm reading and then can't remember what I've read the next night! This actually has been a good motivator for me not to drink. When I'm not drinking I feel like I can be the responsible parent, partner, employee I need to be. And, most importantly, I'm getting to know the real me.

                thanks to all who have responded to this thread. Very insightful


                  What I hate about drinking!!!!

                  laura anne,
                  great post. Gives me lots to things to think about, especially after talking to my newly found 97 year old cousin to my mom's mom.

                  I've discussed my drinking problem with her. Today, told here what i've been going through, she is awesome. So supportive, more than my family has been in years, just like all have been to me.


                    What I hate about drinking!!!!

                    twosox28;236299 wrote: My kids growing up thinking its normal to drink everyday!

                    I grew up with parents that either drank everyday or smoked weed every day. I thought it was normal to get wasted at family gatherings because that is what they did. YIKES.

                    All of the reasons stated in this thread are those of why I quit. Although there are times where I would like a glass of wine, I know in my heart it would simply lead to a path I have been on before.

                    This last year for me, has been a tough one. I have just begun figuring out who I am. I have had to endure many hurdles, heartache, but; I have found something very special.... myself. I was hiding in there all alone, scared, ashamed, lost....... Once I quit the drinking I have found peace and happiness. It can be a long process, but trust me, it is a better world out of the bottle.


                      What I hate about drinking!!!!

                      I tried to post this earlier, but it appears as if it did not work...

                      I have hit rock bottom several times. Sobered up for a while, but not that long. I just wonder if there is anyone else out there like me?

                      Also, all the reasons posted here are relevant to me. Basically there are millions of reasons not to drink. They outweigh any reasons to drink, if there are any ones that matter much.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        What I hate about drinking!!!!

                        This is a thread I should read every day in order to remind me what I was like before I came here in April. I'm 64 days AF today. M
                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          What I hate about drinking!!!!

                          Congrats on your 64 days Mary.

                          Beatle - I was exactly that......... hit rock bottom countless times over the years, sobered up for a bit and then started to drink again. I finally had enough last December. I had to put my ex to bed at a family dinner (4pm) because he had passed out on my mother's bathroom floor. I wasn't drinking, and really saw something that night............ someone I did not want to be anymore.

                          I have had a couple of mild slips this year from a complete AF perspective. Nothing that had sent me into another binge. It has been tough... some days tougher than others, but I really had to keep reminding myself of what this was doing to me.

                          Your time will come. I know this. Most people on this board have been honest with themselves about the problem. It is all mental mechanics afterwards. (of course there are the actual physical withdrawals, but it is the mental process that is the hardest).


                            What I hate about drinking!!!!

                            Some people hit rock bottom, some don't. I went to AA for a time and kept waiting for rock bottom.............then I thought how stupid was that.......I have to get a DUI or hurt some one before I can say its rock bottom? My turn around was my son. He said he had no memories of me.... yes, I took care of him, cooked dinner, made sure he did his homework but no memories.......and if that isn't enough, he was tired of hearing me say I couldn't do anything with him because I was tired. Dagger to the heart.

                            Ok, my turn.
                            Looking unkept.
                            Hygiene out the window, although this I attribute more to severe depression at one point.
                            Nothing getting done.
                            Not living my life.
                            good thread Dex.....I'm gonna read it every day.


                              What I hate about drinking!!!!

                              I've been through hell on hitting rock bottom, coming up for air, and diving in again. I'm now in a place where I am no longer a physical slave, but still a mental slave. I think the physical part FEELS more difficult, but the mental part is in fact more difficult to get rid of.
                              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                                What I hate about drinking!!!!

                                What I like about being sober!

                                Day 22.....let's put a positive twist on this! What I LIKE about NOT drinking!
                                • Finally coping with the death of my parents - remembering good times, not being depressed in a drunken stupor and focusing on what I regret;

                                  Talking with my husband about regular things that are meaningful to both of us instead of making him endure bizarre philosophical ramblings when I am drunk;

                                  Getting a LOT accomplished on the weekends instead of laying in bed to catch up from the week of going to work and coming home to drink the evenings away - which zapped my energy by the weekend;

                                  Attending functions and remembering every conversation I had;

                                  Being grumpy as a normal state, not because I am hungover (yup, even being grumpy feels good when you know you are grumpy for legitimate reasons);

                                  These are just a few of the things I am finding I like about not drinking.....and that's after only 22 days AF....can't wait to see how I feel in the long run!!

                                None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone (Ralph Waldo Emerson).

