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Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

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    Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

    Morning all. Starting this again as this is the only time I will have to check in until much later today.

    Hunting cancelled today (boooo) so I have no excuse not to get on with the decorating (double boooo) It's a chilly dull one here in the UK - bet those of you in other parts are basking in sunshine (you lucky, lucky people!)

    Filled in my drink tracker with 0 for last night early in the evening. Then Al tried another bloody trick on me. He knows no bounds the bastard! Not content with delivering a bottle of port via a neighbour the night before (still unopened in rack I am pleased to say - just waiting for a new home) he then sent hubby out, unnannouced, unplanned and unasked for to get a bottle of wine. Hmmmmm. He must have been listening when I asked hubby not to bring wine into the house if at all possible. And I'm afraid I let the bugger seduce me (Al, not my husband - not his birthday yet!) into drinking some of it with dinner.

    Then I had a bath because I actually felt 'dirty' through drinking and wanted to go to bed feeling de-alcoholised. And in that bath I contemplated my blip and realised that, although I had blipped, I am so much stronger in so many other Al situations than I have ever been before. I drank less than half the bottle and was relieved when it was finished rather than disappointed. Before I would have gulped it down and had way over half, leaving hubby to have a beer instead, and then looked for something else. The port would have been opened. No doubt about it.

    I know now that I can go to a party or a dinner and not drink and not be unduly bothered about it. I don't feel so often the need to reward myself with wine - the reward is the clear head, the sense of achievement and the big fat zero in the drink tracker. And the hot bath and good book and all the other things I am using to reward myself.

    I can't say I am not going to come up against more Al situations that I can't conquer but I am definitely getting tougher and better at kicking Al's arse!

    Hope you all give him a good kicking today.

    Bessie xx

    Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

    Hey Bessie, good on you for being mindful of what is happening, sometimes we do things so often that we can go outside ourselves and observe... say well I've done this so many times I know what the outcome will be, so let's not go there this time, let's not!! Do something else, like your bath, a great moment for reflection. I think you did very well.

    And guess what?? I had an AF Friday night!! But I drank during the week. I have to be mindful too, and keep up with all my supps.

    Happy Saturday, and I'll be decorating today too... sorry it will be sunny and warm here. It's hard to get in the spirit in the tropics which is why we go all out gawdy decorating. :h
    The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


      Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

      Thanks :thanks: for that Bessie :l I know exactly what you mean about feeling dirty, thats how I feel when Ive drunk.

      I am still AF and the pills are defianately helping, but am feeling very irritable today, I dont phyically want a drink but I think sub conciously I might....

      Cant imagine decorating the tree without a glass in my hand, Im gonna try my best though for the kids sake. My daughter has come to visit specially to help with the decorating and I dont want to let her or myself down.

      Hope you have a lovey AF Saturday x :l :l
      Live Well, Laugh Often, Enjoy the Journey


        Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

        Bessie, know what you mean about being stronger about decisions about Al. It's a progressive thing. The better I feel about my self, the less I like Al. (Thanks for putting a name to him.)

        Bessie, dreambeliever and Suzanna, I know that there are threads about supps, but I loved some advice about what to take that works for you.

        Suzanna and deambeliever, congrats for being AF. I plan on being AF today and tomorrow, to start (again)..

        Bessie, sorry about the hunting. Cold today here. Snowy last night, don't know what weather will be outside my door today, haven't looked. But Al better not be sitting on the porch waiting for me today. ODAT, I'm wondering if it should be one hour at a time for me.


          Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

          The Al name has come from others on these boards but it does help to give him (!) a name and treat it as a bad, evil, disruptive being. I think it is Chief who has such a strong aggresive approach to beating him it which has inspired me. Along with so many others on these boards who are an inspiration in different ways.

          As far as supps. I am finding that the starter pack is helping - All In One, Kudzu Rescue, B50, Evening Primrose Oil, Magnesium, Milk Thistle and Calme Fortes plus some recently added iglut which really does seem to be knocking the cravings on the head. )Although the sugar craving has gone up I find an iGlut tablet does help when I get them.) I love the All In One - not the taste particularly (I mix it with a strong tasting smoothie) but the good kick of multivits really does seem to be helping. Whether it is physical or psychological it does help me by supporting my health and as I feel better and better from drinking less and less it is all spiralling upwards. The only one I have any problem with is the magnesium. Gives me bloat and irritates my stomach so I'm dropping it for now. Hope that helps. Just having the supplements to focus on is, I'm sure, another tool in the support box



            Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

            need to order the Thanks, Bessie. I was sitting in bed, thinking about a bloody mary. Al is too close. Going to swallow those supps instead. Must orde the All in One.



              Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

              Sort of screwed up the last posting, but thanks.


                Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

                Hmmm... can't you start thinking about a Virgin Mary instead?!!! I hate that feeling when Al is the only thing that my brain gives space too. Grit your teeth and make tea, coffee, Horlicks, anything, feed yourself chocolate, go out, paint your nails, pour the stuff down the sink, phone someone, learn to tap dance, I don't know just stop yourself from converting thoughts to actions!!! Or else I'll be round!!

                Bessie (who actually isn't really very threatening at all!)


                  Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

                  Good morning everyone

                  My girls had a day off school yesterday so it was hectic and I did not get to post. Doing all the usual Christmas stuff. We got the tree yesterday morning, the same thing happens every year. They each like different trees and it takes them ages to find one they both like!!!

                  Like you Bessie I have a day of decorating ahead of me. Have a great week-end everyone.



                    Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

                    Bessie, would love to take a "pig/pork" class with you!


                      Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

                      Bessie ,
                      Can completely agree with all that you said, I have had the same feelings of late.
                      I had the biggest smile when I looked in my recycle box to find only one wine bottle hiding in the corner, Not like the full to overflowing one the poor collectors had been struggling to lift for years!
                      Oh and hi Suki glad you enjoyed the poem!
                      In life we can live out our dreams its true
                      the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


                        Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

                        East, I don't know where you come up with all your quotes. But the stupid cat magnets, the magnetic schedules for all of the Boston sports teams, have been replaced by yours and others posts. More important to to my survival!

                        Thanks. Happy saturday. Just made a road plan for today and tomorrow, doesn't include Al.


                          Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

                          If only my decorating was of the festive kind...:boohoo: I've got a whole 3 bedroom barn conversion to paint as soon as I can. It's just soooo boring and I am covered in magnolia paint - clothes, face, boots, hat everything. Come in for the comfort of some hot choc and toast and really don't want to go back out again. Ho hum.

                          But (and this really makes me smile SO much) I am not planning on that bottle of red wine for my reward for being so hard working. I just don't want it. I'll have good bath, maybe watch a girlie DVD (home alone) and have myself a big snuggle up in bed with my hounds (room for them when hubby's away!). It used to be that they would just jump up on my bed when I passed out at the end of the evening. Now I enjoy a snuggle up with them, a read and a really fabulously contented feeling of not being pissed and knowing that in the morning there will be no thick head, self loathing etc etc. That is worth so much. I think others have said on here that the more days you have like that, the more you want days like that and it is so true.

                          Suki - pig classes are fun! Can't wait to get our next little batch of weaners!

                          Eastender - that's another advantage I've realised. Way less trips to the bottle bank. We have a plastic dustbin and it was pretty horrifying how often it needed emptying. I used to kid myself that nobody knew how long it had taken us to fill it up ..... but I knew....!

                          I think now I am just typing to put off the moment I get back in the painting clothes and pick up the brushes........ My motto: Why do today what you can put off until you can't get away with it?

                          Bessies (with a magnolia splodge on her nose and, I have just discovered, in her ear) xx


                            Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

                            Hi ODATers: I'm doing whatever I need to do to stay sober. It's a day to day job. I don't let any alcoholic thoughts in. There are no open bottles in the house. We have a party later on, but I know what I have to do. I'll be w/my family anyway & don't want to drink around them anymore. Good luck everyone. Mary
                            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                            October 3, 2012


                              Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

                              I'd be very interested to know how you cope with a party at home Reteacher. I haven't had that challenge yet and probably won't for a while but I think I would find it hard....

                              (Now really I will get back to painting!)

                              Bessie xx

