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Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

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    Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

    retteacher....i just decided to decline every holiday invititation this year, personal or professional. I've also discovered its hour by hour, not day to day.

    Just don't trust myself. Hate the holidays, hate beinging by myself.

    I'm hoping tomorrow will be better.


      Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

      Bessie: I'm actually going to a party later not having one. I haven't had a party w/alcohol since I stopped 64 days ago. Oct. 6th was my last drink & having a party w/wine will be my final hurtle. I'm planning something w/moderate drinking friends in Jan/Feb. I'll manage. M
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

        Suki you are not by yourself, you have friends here at any time of day or night.

        Retteacher congrats on 64 days!! I have been following your posts and you are doing great.
        The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


          Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

          I love this group! Everyone here is so honest and I'm still trying to figure out how I found you all.

          I'm on day 3 AF, but having some guilt and shame issues today. I know last Wednesday I said or did something that hurt my daughter - just can't remember what.

          We were supposed to go to lunch in the city of Thursday and then later that afternoon I was going to house to make sausage stuffed mushrooms because she was going to be attending a Progressive Dinner Party, and her portion of the dinner was the appetizers. She's partial to my stuffed mushrooms, so I had promised to make them as part of her appetizers.

          Well, got to drinking on Wednesday, and I didn't hear from her on Thursday. Not for lunch and not regarding the mushrooms. Soooooo, I know I either called her or maybe emailed her, and Heaven only knows what I may have said.

          So today is a hard one for me. I've been on my stationary bicycle 3 times so far today, and knitted tons on a scarf I'm making. That 'bottle' is a tricky fellow, huh?

          I wish I were strong enough to give my daughter a call, but I don't seem to be able to find the ability or willingness to do that.

          Keep me in your thoughts today, will ya? I'm sure I'll be posting more as the day goes along.

          Got to go for now, that scarf is yelling my name.
          Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.


            Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

            Hi all,
            Just came back from the mall. Got all of my X-mas shopping out of the way except for one gift which I will get later.
            Bessie thanks for starting the thread and for being "you". I got up this morning at 07 am to go shopping but deliberatly avoided posting because after 5 days AF, had people over and had wine. But just like you I had, a little over half the bottled and stopped. I felt guilty but when I read your thread I realized there was also something else to be proud of. I never would have done that before. I would have given in thinking I already started why stop. I woke up this morning feeling horribly guilty but no hangover but just feeling bad about myself. Today I'm AF.


              Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

              FRN - no don't feel bad. You are getting stronger and you did stop and that is an achievement to be PROUD of. You can build on that. I've managed AF tonight but have just put away a WHOLE tub of Ben and Jerry's icecream (Cookie Dough) If it goes on like this I may have to find a board for icecream addiction.....

              Bessie xx


                Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

                Suzanna , thank you.

                FinallyRN, can you do my xmas shopping for me?

                Bessie, everytime I will take a bite of a weaner, I will think of you. Me, it has to be a grilled roll with mustard and sweet pickle relish. I used to split the hot dog down the middle, put sharp Vermont cheese in the split, wrap in crisp bacon, then top with sauteed onions, mustard and pickle relish, heaven.

                Drove to the pharmacy today to pick up my anti-anxiety and anti-depressive meds. Stopped at my best friend's house for support. Spoke with her 18 year old son, who is so wise beyond his years. Drove home, a block away. Just woke up, 3 hours later, sitting in my car. Had a great sleep, but i'm sure the neighbors had a great laugh, seeing me snoring, in the driver's seat. I hate holidays, I hate being alone.

                Got nothing done on my check list for today.

                keeper, can't remember how many phone calls or emails I've sent. But I have no kids. Would LOVE your stuffed mushroom recipe! I also have some great scarf and sock patterns, and great yarn I'm not using

                Hate the holidays, being alone, but love being here, where I am not alone.


                  Newbies in need - ODAT - Saturday.

                  Suki, you are never alone when you have MWO. I have not been a totally active participant but love to read the posts and take the support from them. I have sent way too many e-mails that I don't remember the next day. Sadly, I now have to check my "sent" file in the morning to refresh my memory on what I have e-mailed. Not really where I planned to be at this point in my life.

                  Trying to get through the Christmas decorating without flipping out on any family member. Hope you (and everyone else on board here) have a peacefull evening.

