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Checking in

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    Checking in

    Hi everyone,

    I am SOOSOOO sorry for not checking in earlier. I have beeen a loafer today and spent the day either sleepping in my front room cchair or in bedd. I have slept alll but about half an hour today. I can't believe I can actually sleep that much.

    I stilll have the shakes pretty bad but not quite as bad as yesterday. Today it's more that I have hot and cold sweeats. Ugh.

    I'm tryying to drink lots of water. And I'm drinking a "detox tea" ffrom Traditional Medicinals (or somehting like that). My brain is fried so I don't even remeber if I've eaten anythign today. I know I need to eat but I really have no desire to. The chicken broth someone suggested does sound like a good idea.

    I ddid have one very smsall nip this morning but that was it. I thought about having another serveral times, but I didn't..

    That about covers today. Sounds liek a pretty sad day, but I guess it's better than being drunk all day.

    Thank youo all sooooo much ffor your support and concern. It reallly warms my heart.

    Back to bed.

    Checking in

    I have been following your progress and I'm thrilled you seem to have made it through the worst.

    I've had the shakes and wouldn't wish them on anyone. I've had 2 csections and honestly they pale by comparison to what you are going through. I'll be thinking of you.


      Checking in

      Way to go Pink..I slept a lot when I stopped too, enjoy it! you are sober!!!
      It always seems impossible until it's done....


        Checking in

        Hey Pink,
        I know it's rough right now but it get's better and you will feel so much better for it !!
        Sounds like you are on the right track do what you need to get through this.
        We are all supporting you !!

        Sending Strength your way!!



          Checking in

          Pink, please keep it up! You made it through one day, you can do more. You need to get over this physical withdrawal and then you can really tackle this monster. Wishing you the best!!!!
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            Checking in

            good job pink keep us posted. and if you get any urges check in with us.
            you are strong, you can do this.

            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


              Checking in

              Well done pink have been thinking of only on day 6 af but much better already it is so worth it,not having any al is bad enough but when you feel like shit and know he can make you better its worse,i really know hon been there. i havent been af for 15 years and this site is really really helping me and it can help you too....keep going love and thoughts are with you
              Jacqui x
              Mwo,s worst speller....


                Checking in

                Glad to hear from you pink. Keep can do this. If you can sleep through most of the withdrawal, that`s the best thing for you.

                Starlight Impress x


                  Checking in

                  You guys are so wwondeerful. I'm 45 years old nadd never in my life have I hadad anyone show soo much compassion annd concern. I get all teary-eyedd over it. My family sure doesn't get it, that'as for surre.

                  As a drunnk, I let everything go--my aparrmtnet is a disaster zone, bills just keep on stackin' up,, my relationship with my daughter is sshott (whcih means I haveen't seem my grandbabiees in a while (can't believe how ssaaddd that makeses me). My biggest ffeear rightg now is the chaotic state of my apartment. I livge in an "efficency" aparmtnnet (meaning itsy bitsy teeny weenie). Andd even though I'm not even thoroguh withddrawals, I look at it and ffeel inn crerdibly overwwehlemmed.. Any advice on tackkling it withoout feeling so overwhelmed.. Overwhelmedd is one of tthe many things that turrns me to the bottl;e.;.

                  Again, thank youu all so very mcuh for your suppport; I wishj wwe could alll get togetherr for the holliddays. (My daughter is the onle one in the area and she's' spending Chrismmtmas with a ffriend.. I'm pretty much friendless except for my neighborr.. He's got Assperger's Syndedrone (not that that relly reallates to Christmas) and he doesn't give a hooot about Christmas. It's going to bbe one hellish dayy for me to get through; I'm so darned sensitive eanyway. It gets reqallly baed on hohliddays.

                  Warm hugs to each anaeda every one of yyou.

                  (As you can see, I still definiteley have the shaakeeese. )


                    Checking in

                    Hi Pink,

                    Glad to see you're still hanging in there. You can do it - onward and upward!

                    As for de-cluttering your apartment, I'd just begin small. Like tackle just one thing in one particular room. Perhaps start in the kitchen - clean the countertops, the stovetop, the sink, etc. Dishes to wash? You can get them soaking in the sink - or if you've got a dishwasher just get them tucked inside.

                    Don't look at the whole picture, but just a little puzzle piece. Some days I start out wanting to vacuum my living room and all I get accomplished is setting the vacuum cleaning in the middle of the room. It's a start, and some days that's all we can do is 'start' with just little steps.

                    Hugs to you, Pink. I'm thinking about you today. Come back often.
                    Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.


                      Checking in

                      Pink: You are so strong and courageous. Continue to ride out this rough wave. You're worth it. Hold on to the thought of how good you are going to feel in due time. -Reenie
                      September 23, 2011


                        Checking in

                        Pink, so glad you are hanging in there and posting/sharing with us. You are probably helping alot of others out there who are "lurking" and going through what you are going through now. Be well and continue to take of yourself.
                        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                          Checking in

                          Dear Pink. It sounds like hell that you are going through at the moment. You poor love. Everyone who has posted has said pretty much what I would like to say. I am certain there are many, many people on this forum who are worrying about you, rooting for you and there for you. It may be cyber love and caring but it is no less genuine for that.

                          Keep posting, keep strong. There is so much support on here for you.

                          Bessie xx

