I am SOOSOOO sorry for not checking in earlier. I have beeen a loafer today and spent the day either sleepping in my front room cchair or in bedd. I have slept alll but about half an hour today. I can't believe I can actually sleep that much.
I stilll have the shakes pretty bad but not quite as bad as yesterday. Today it's more that I have hot and cold sweeats. Ugh.
I'm tryying to drink lots of water. And I'm drinking a "detox tea" ffrom Traditional Medicinals (or somehting like that). My brain is fried so I don't even remeber if I've eaten anythign today. I know I need to eat but I really have no desire to. The chicken broth someone suggested does sound like a good idea.
I ddid have one very smsall nip this morning but that was it. I thought about having another serveral times, but I didn't..
That about covers today. Sounds liek a pretty sad day, but I guess it's better than being drunk all day.
Thank youo all sooooo much ffor your support and concern. It reallly warms my heart.
Back to bed.