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Newbies In Need - ODAT Monday

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    Newbies In Need - ODAT Monday

    Well it's early but it's Monday here...........didn't have an AF weekend but did okay at moderating..........good news is there was a Canada Post message on my door this morning which means that my supps and the book has finally arrived!!!!!

    I started the topa 2 days ago - just started on 25mgs...........going to up to 50 today, but started small cause I knew I would be drinking this weekend so hopefully with the small increases and with the supps it will help.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend weather AF or moderating - missed you guys a lot this weekend and will talk to you all this week.

    To all that follow have a great Monday - I plan to have a great AF day.........
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    Newbies In Need - ODAT Monday

    so happy hearing you sound so upbeat, universal. have a great af monday!!


      Newbies In Need - ODAT Monday

      Bing, bong, bing, bong! Morning ODATers!! (in the style of Ruth from Maplins!! - that will probably only mean something to the UK lot!)

      Thanks for starting my fix Universal!! Missed you too. Glad to hear your supps arrived (wonder why they took so long - you better get the next lot ordered now to get them before this lot run out! :H ) Hope they are big help along with the Topamax.

      Planning an AF day - a list of jobs covering an A4 page of the diary should keep me out of mischief. Had an easy AF weekend thanks but hit the Ben and Jerry's big time instead :blush: - I blame the stress of doing the Christmas cards for that! (any excuse! - my New Year's resolution last year was to try every single B&J flavour ... and, for once, it was a resolution I stuck too!! :H )

      Anyway, hope everyone had a good weekend - successfully modding or AF.

      Bessie xx (ice cream monster)


        Newbies In Need - ODAT Monday

        Morning All

        Shameful Pea is back on the horse and going to be a better Pea. Loads of good vibes and love to you all

        Sweetpea XXXXXXXXX :l
        :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


          Newbies In Need - ODAT Monday

          Hi everyone

          Did not get my MWO fix yesterday as was busy all day doing family stuff. Day 42 and feeling good. Have a dinner at the week-end and have to decide if I will drive and have half/one glass of wine. That would be my dream but dont know if its achievable. Socially I have never had a problem, its the at home stuff thats been my downfall. Last year when I did decided to have wine again it was at home and I just went back to old habits. Having had so much AF time in the last few months I feel more confident. I need to stick with MWO though.

          Have a great week everyone.



            Newbies In Need - ODAT Monday

            Rustop: I'm so glad you have used your experience of last year as a lesson for yourself. I went through something similar. I didn't have as much sobriety as you had, but after 60+ days AF, I thought about drinking & finally did. I quickly went back to binging.

            Last night we went to a crowded holiday party, & I stayed AF. It's definitely different, because as the evening wore on, the chit chat seemed endless w/no alcoholic buffer.

            Take care everyone. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Newbies In Need - ODAT Monday

              Good Morning Friends,

              This is day 5 for me and I'm planning on staying busy.

              rustop, same situation here, was always a 'good' social drinker, but the home drinking did me in almost every time.

              Wishing everyone an AF Monday.:flower:
              Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.


                Newbies In Need - ODAT Monday


                Is that your horse!?!? He/She is I have to figure out how to post my two..........................Hope everyone has a gorgeous day, it is one of those days we want to play "hookie", do I have anyone to disagree?? Esp down here in tally !! I just have to go pick up dry ice in a few hours, so may take an extra long route, boss resigned, so that is my new assigmnent, now that I know where it is, it is not so bad, got SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lost the first time I tried to get there.........................

                Talk to you later!!

                lots of love and hugs, much needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:h
                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                  Newbies In Need - ODAT Monday

                  I'm back on line. Everyone sounds so up-beat. It's heartwarming. It has taken my over 2 months to get my head, mood, body, & sleep back into some sort of allignment. I don't think we realize what we do to ourselves w/the over-drinking until we stop. Stay well everyone! M
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    Newbies In Need - ODAT Monday

                    Hi all, Day 2. I have a busy day planned, mostly work but I'll be reading!

                    Thinking of you all


                      Newbies In Need - ODAT Monday


                      I've found the ODAT thread. Thanks. I've been like you. Done weeks AF and then gave in. Am now looking forward to your support. Thank you all. Tylyr


                        Newbies In Need - ODAT Monday

                        Tylyr: We've got your back. I can't tell you how MWO has changed my life. Once I made the committment, the support was here. Mary
                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          Newbies In Need - ODAT Monday

                          Well. I failed again this weekend to remain AF, but instead of calling myself a failure I will be starting over today on Day 1. Hope you all are doing better than I am at this. I just keep telling myself one of these days this will click and I will be AF for good.


                            Newbies In Need - ODAT Monday

                            Rustop - yep, that's me too. Able to 'behave myself' when drinking socially (unless with v close friends) but always unleash the beast at home, especially when on my own. This forum has been the only way I have been able to even begin to overcome that problem and I am tremendously grateful.

                            Tylyr - definitely come to the right place for constant, unjudgemental, sound and caring support. Check in every day.

                            Reteacher - every post of yours has you coming across as determined, sensible, committed and focussed. An interesting point about taking so long to get everything into alignment. I don't feel I am there at all yet - now to give it lots more time and work hard on being AF for as long as possible.

                            Cowgal - yes, that's my boy!! Pulling a really stupid face, tongue out, eyes rolling. Glad your day is good enough to skive on! It's the pits here. Cold, blowy and raining. Mud, mud and more mud. Only good for snuggling in front of the fire. (if I could get to it through the dogs and cats! :H )

                            Bessie xx


                              Newbies In Need - ODAT Monday


                              It has turned out to be a bad day, between stress at work and not hearing back from who I thought was a FRIEND, hurts my heart sooooooooooooooooo bad................I am just stuck, and nowhere to go, am going to a church of all things, one of the girls at work recommended it , so WTF??? May as well try it?!?!?!?

                              I am sooooooooooooooooo sad and bawling, Look like SHIT, and ashamed to see my enext patient..........................but have to then I am leaving ......................parting is such cruel punishment...........................

                              I hate my life right now, kinda wish I never joined this back not working for me...........................:upset:

                              love you guys, maybe I will check in, maybe check out?????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

                              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

