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    Hi im now day 7 AF and all i do is eat,anything and everything is this normal,will it calm down on its own?...Last night i even woke in the night for a cocolate bar...makes a change from a drink but a little cocerned as im eating morning noon and night and if i go a hour or so without food AL starts creeping to me...yes i would rather eat than that but would like any advice please...
    Jacqui x
    Mwo,s worst speller....


    My advice would be eat:H :H :H Anything but old AL creep up on you. I think day 7 is ace. Stick with it. I am sure that someone on here will have some good, and more informed advice it's early days for me, but there is a lot of experience on here and all are willing to help. Keep up the good work. It will pay off.
    :lI'd really rather be skiing:H



      Hi Jacqui - congratulations on Day 7!

      On day 6 today and I have been eating like a trooper too.
      I am happy to let it go for the moment as long as I don't drink.
      I am going to the gym, but I do feel like I am putting on a few pounds.
      However, I just keep on thinking about the amount of calories that were in the bottles of wine I was drinking every night.
      I will give it another week and then start to substitute food such as chocolate and nuts with lower fat/sugar fruit and vege snacks. It is part of the process as far as I am concerned.
      Best of luck
      As Skid says 'it will pay off'.

      Sober since 30/06/10


        ALL I DO IS EAT

        Day 7 you are a star

        Hi Ya Jacqui, did you eat when you drank cos I don?t. When AF really crave food thankfully healthy food, could be poor body is saying give me all the minerals, vitamins and good things that you haven?t been giving me. Chocolate bar is just sugar cravings try dry biscuits and cheese, nuts etc
        And please accept on huge congratulation on day 7 you are a star


          ALL I DO IS EAT

          I think that's perfectly normal, Jacqui....and most of us have had that experience! I would say just eat for the moment, but keep in mind a slow transition to good quality 'eat'......try to snack on fruit, nuts, smoothies etc and if you like chocolate try to eat dark, high quality stuff not 'candy bar' stuff

          It will settle down a bit as you go along, but for the moment the main thing is to stay AF....and you're doing great at that!!!:h

          Suze x
          Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


            ALL I DO IS EAT

            :goodjob: Great work 7 Days Af Fantastic. Can relate totally to wanting to munch my way through the day. It does get better but hey food is soo much better than drink

            LOL Sweetpea X :l
            :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


              ALL I DO IS EAT

              Hi thanks for replys yes i did eat when drinking takeaways mostley,its just last night i had a nightmare that i got so fat i couldnt not a big girl at the moment,well in this nightmare they had to come and take the windows out to get me out of the house and all the street was watching and laughing it was so real it really scared me......whats that all about ???
              Love to all
              Jacqui x
              Mwo,s worst speller....


                ALL I DO IS EAT

                Jacqui, I'm on day 5 AF and doing the very same thing. Don't seem to be able to keep out of the fridge or pantry. I've been trying to analyze it, and to me I'm trying to fill up an empty spot even when I'm really not hungry. But, I'm also craving sweets like ice cream or cookies, and I was never a sweets eater. Yep, I think our bodies are missing all that sugar in the alcohol.

                Yesterday I ate 3 oranges in a row! And, all the while I'm telling myself - you want sugar, well, here ya go. Before I was done I thought I was going to be sick! LOL

                Like some here have stated, this too shall pass. Keep up the good fight. Onward and upward.
                Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.


                  ALL I DO IS EAT

                  Be good to yourself Jacqui. It's okay that your are eating more than usual. The main thing is you are not drinking. Your body is adjusting. In time, everything will stabilize itsself. -Reenie
                  September 23, 2011


                    ALL I DO IS EAT

                    I ate like a horse when I first quit. Just watch what you eat. Refined foods and sugars will keep your blood sugars spiked. However, anything is better than drinking. One thing at a time!


                      ALL I DO IS EAT

                      Hey, Congradulations on day 7!
                      When I first went AF I did the same thing but I actually LOST weight. If you think about how many calories a bottle of wine has......800-900 approx? and I consumed at least 1 to 1 1/2 every other night, multiple that by the week.....................I lost weight. Chances are the same thing will happen to you. You were getting up in the middle of the night for wine? Now its just chocolate. Your body is making changes, getting rid of the bloat. I think you'll be OK.
                      That was my experience. Well done on day 7!


                        ALL I DO IS EAT

                        jacqui;237557 wrote:
                        well in this nightmare they had to come and take the windows out to get me out of the house and all the street was watching and laughing it was so real it really scared me......whats that all about ???
                        That'll be the cheese you ate before going to bed!!

                        Like you I want to eat. But I'm not stressing about it as it's not AL and I am totally focussed on beating that first then I can deal with the diet. I've just binged on Ben and Jerry's to the point where I put myself off. Like others have said, just try trading in any bad foods for some slightly better foods, then better ones than that. Make the healthy stuff easy to snack on (carrots sticks and dip in fridge, lots of fruit in bowl, unsalted nuts available, dried fruit in the kitchen, breadsticks, wheat crackers and wholemeal in the bread bin etc) and make the bad stuff difficult to get to - like leave it in the shop! Or lock in in a box, behind a cupboard in the shed at the bottom of the garden or something. And make it last and savour it - your brain will register it more. Listen to me!!? I have just stuffed down 4 slices of toast (white) with butter and Marmite whilst feeding animals and checking emails. Don't do what I do, do what I say!!! (my Mum used to say that a lot!! :H )

                        Bessie xx


                          ALL I DO IS EAT

                          good advice bessie. I think when you go AF your body starts to crave food to nourish itself. take your vitamins and supplements. and yes eat, but not junk or processed food.
                          and if you can go for a nice walk or stretch that will help you burn the calories.
                          good going on 7 days AF
                          You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                            ALL I DO IS EAT

                            Thanks again will take your advice,dont really know why im moaning ive come a long way in 1 week,just like to know its normal thats all ..just for the record I DONT LIKE WINE..LOL,voddy was my friend a bottle a day easy with beer of course...NEVER AGAIN...anyway will tell more when ready to tell my story....
                            Love to all
                            Jacqui x
                            Mwo,s worst speller....


                              ALL I DO IS EAT

                              Jacqui, thank you for posting! I am on day 7 AF also. I don't usually eat many sweets either but I have them in the house right now for the holidays and been scarfing them down. Almost made myself sick last night. Nice to know I'm not alone. I'm going to go take a walk around the lake now. It's been a long time since I felt good enough in the morning to do that. Good luck to you (and all of us). Thank you everybody for being here!

