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    Hi Jacqui,
    I think u eating is alot better than the drinking....when I drink I eat way too much...I think I consumed 5000 cal yesterday,,,,



      A little extra note, out over Christmas for all the sugar-laden goodies....I've found that sugar overload leads me to think about alcohol....and the two are definitely linked. Make sure to have some 'good' nibbles in for the holiday and some delicious soft drinks so that you won't feel deprived!

      The BIG issue is getting shot of the alcohol.....the changes you'll feel from that will encourage you to clean up the diet too. Have a look on the recipe threads for some further inspiration......get some quinoa! LOL :H

      Good luck

      Suze xx
      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


        ALL I DO IS EAT

        Thanks suze but now im more confused than ever,i thought if i ate the sweet stuff it would stop the craving for AL although i take on what you are saying im sorry i cant help but laugh you tell me this then i read on and.........
        Just hand me the chocolate and no-one gets hurt, ok?
        i just wonder do you want my cocolate????lol
        Jacqui xx
        Mwo,s worst speller....


          ALL I DO IS EAT


          Well, spotted Eagle Eye.......but I have actually more or less cold-turkeyed the chocolate now! I don't buy I can't eat it LOL. My sister brought me a bar of it last week (she didn't know I had forsworn it) and I did eat 4 squares altogether....then handed it over to my husband and made him eat it :H But it's easier for me to deal with the sugar now as I'm 62 days AF....(YAY!) the beginning I ate Chocolate for England! One thing at a time was my motto.......and after a while I traded the choc for other things....nuts, fruit etc....and I've now lost 7lbs without any effort (partly, I think, because the booze always made me munchie-mad) and am not 'on a diet'. With this much AF under my belt I really do feel the effect of sugar and it really does make me want a little it has to go, really! Hard this time of year with people offering mince pies etc all the time...and I occasionally indulge but I know I must be careful.

          *sigh* I suppose I'd better think up a new strap line now! :H

          Suze x
          Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


            ALL I DO IS EAT

            7 days - good job, Jacqui

            Love your rose colored glasses! ALWAYS had a bottle of vodka in the freezer.

            I didn't eat when I drinking, last thing on my mind, mainly because I wasn't buying food, only cat food and booze.

            Only when on my first 7 days af, did I start to cook/eat, CRAVED quinoa after reading about it here. Ate it 3 meals a day and lost a bit of weight. Started to drink again and now weigh more than I did before finding mwo.

            Lucky for me, I guess, don't have a sweet tooth, but put a big of potato chip and onion dip anywhere near me and I'll claw my way to get it.

            Read the other day that i/2 teaspoon cinnamon a day will help to reduce sugar cravings.

            keep up the good work.


              ALL I DO IS EAT

              Welllllllllll I thought I was the only one who was munching my way through the week. I told my dr about it yesterday and she said at the moment it was way better to eat than drink. I can't get over the amount of food that I am eating.
              She did say (like the rest of you), that it will taper off.
              Hope so.
              I feel like one of those wobble dolls at the moment!!!!!


                ALL I DO IS EAT

                you will have to wobble with me then cause im still eating like mad just glad im not alone.....curry for the last 2 days i just cant get
                Mwo,s worst speller....

