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A Poem Today is the Day

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    A Poem Today is the Day

    Today is the day I will not drink :no:
    Today is the day I cannot think
    Today is the day I am so mad
    Today is the day my heart is sad
    Today is the day I tell that beast to kiss my ass :moon:
    Today is the day I will not have that glass
    Today is the day I will make my new life
    Today is the day I'm alcohol free for life :rays:
    Miss October :blinkylove:

    A Poem Today is the Day

    i love it. Thanks, Miss


      A Poem Today is the Day

      Great poem, Miss October. I just enlarged it and printed it out and taped it to my refrigerator. It's a good one to read everyday - or even several times a day. Thanks!
      Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.


        A Poem Today is the Day


        12 Many & Keeper,

        Thanks so much for your reply. I woke up this morning with the poem in my head, so I just had to post it. It made me feel good.

        Have a great day and an AF night !
        Miss October :blinkylove:

