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    I feel like I lost a good friend, and my husband is still is a jerk, somewhere betweeen then then here, I may lose it, I already know I am not suffering from depression or any other psychiatric disorder................that would be the easy way out......................need to stop drinking, and cannot, can't make it through a day, and am HOPELESS!!!!!! I have ruined every friendship I have had (recently) either want me to do the AA way or just feel I am a FREIIK!!!! probably the latter of the two.....................???????

    Anyway, if anyone can give advice on my situation, I would gladly welcome it, am going to a minister at a church so maybe he can talk some sense into me????? I feel hopeless, fallen in love (STUPID!!!!!) with someone, who I can NEVER have, so am heartbroken, and won't even be a friend now..................................tried to make ammends...............???

    Love you all, I am worried about myself, and feel really stupid for posting this but just had to get it off the chest !!!!!!!

    MAuch: :damn: :damn:
    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


    uhoh.......... my girl is having a hard time isn't she............ my lovely lovely MA. well, you know..... you haven't lost me at all. i know you want to quit. i really do... i know it's tough cuz you've been drinking daily and when you are doing that... well, it's tough to get a day in.. and it might need some medical attention honestly to do it right. but you are working out, good news, you are healthy good news. and i'm so sorry about mr/.right/wrong/maybe.... and ummm probably hard to post about that. so, let's not make things way more complicated cuz you are married baby girl...
    how about we just start with the basics. how about we start with you who i love to the moon and back magic always says..... let's get you tip top and on two feet steady. go do dr. get yourself what ever you need medically to get you off booze. then add in some spiritual support. check out rhonda lenair also.. even christine northrup recommends her and carolyn myss does as well. i'm headed there january 2nd. antibuse is icky but let's just get you sturdy. then we can deal with heartbreak and friends and hubby and divorce blah blah blah. can't work on the world when generosity begins with you first. and honey, time to get on those knees and start some prayer work. believe me i have good practice.
    now, rememember to the moon. i've leaving the boards for a conference. so let me know if you need my number again.
    and i'm with you all the way........... love da boots



      Hi MA, I responded on another post of yours, deep breaths hun, you have so much going on at the minute, I know that you don't realise this at the minute but if you were sober you would find it sooooo much easier to deal with .........

      I'm truly sorry that you have lost a good friend, That must really suck!!!

      Just don't leave here love....... let us help you ........

      Love & Hugs, BB xx



        Stay close to us, as BB said. Try not to think about everything at once. Just take it one minute at a time and start to work on that. Being addicted to alcohol sucks, we all know.

        Start with tonight and take it one hour at a time. Try to get through only tonight. Don't worry about tomorrow until it is here.



          MA, I am so sorry that you are feeling so badly. I am happy though that you posted and let us all know how you are feeling, that's what this place is for right.

          I don't have a magic answer for you, sorry. Cutting down is a first step, drinking later in the day and alternating with water or just going cold turkey.

          It's up to you to change your life and we will be here to help. Hugs.
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



            cowgal, don't go away, we need you here. glad you posted, I feel that it is the start of the process.




              Cowgal, it will be okay. Things will work out with time. We are all here for you and we support u all the way. You will grow stronger, you will be able to go AF or cut down significantly. Stop beating yourself up. Bruises aren't becoming...... :l



                Have you tried Topamax? I'd get some of that. Say it's for migraines if you must but I'd give it a try. Hang in there, things will get better. ((((HUGS))))
                Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                - George Jackson



                  cowgal.........fill yourself with uplifting things, beautiful music, a nice walk, a great book or a funny movie. Have you ever read "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay? I recently started reading it again as well as some others.

                  Definitely go to your doctor and really level with him on how much you are drinking and how severly depressed you are. You must quit drinking.....we are all worried about you!

                  I am willing to bet, that, after a few AF days, things will begin to clear and you will know what you need to do to make your life happy.

                  We are supporting you, but you have to help yourself too!
                  A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                  AF 12/6/2007



                    thanks all

                    Feeling a bit more hopeful today, thanks for being here, felt like SUCH a loser yesterday!! AF day 1 AGAIN for me!! NEED coffee, am brewing a huge pot now, then will need to head out for work again....................

                    thanks:thanks: and I love you, why can't I get this!!?!??!
                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



                      loser should not be a work in your vocabulary cowgal.

                      As my fabulous grandmother said, never regret what you have done, only what you have not done. (And she did a lot! Pretty scandelous for her day!)

                      Jut put the past behind you, no beating yourself up, it"s not worth it. I know.

                      Good luck today, we're all here for you.




                        Just wanted to tell you all that I AM NOOOOOOOOOO LOSER today,nobody should have the power to make me feel that way!!


                        Thanks to all your help I can beat this thing.....................

                        Feeling very cool and upbeat today, hopeful is the more appropriate word!:coolbubble:

                        Love and thanks for all the love and support!!!

                        Promise, no more LOSER Mary Anne any more!!!

                        I have always told my kids that Can't and stuff like that are "bad words" and I do not allow them to say them around me, so why not practice what I preach!??!?!


                        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



                          cowgal, hang in there, your in my prayers.




                            good for you cowgal!




                              Just got back from a delicious lunch, it is GEORGOUS outside and didn't want to com back in!??!? (lorry to rub it in to the northerners, and all you guys in the middle of the country, BRRRRR I don't like the cold AT ALL!!!

                              Just wanted to check in and say all is well, going to be ok and stronger than before because of this!!

                              Thanks for the love!!!!:thanks:


                              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

