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Off the Wagon

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    Off the Wagon

    I am so depressed..I did great not drinking for 3 weeks, and now I BLEW IT! I drank all weekend, and when I do this, I also eat...and eat and eat! I cant understand how something that makes me so sad,I keep doing! I just want to stop once and for all and be happy! If I just have one, I keep drinking and cant stop:upset:

    Off the Wagon

    ugh.. bunky i feel so horrible to. read my last post.. i cant stop when i start either. bf wont forgive me, saying hes brekaing up with me unless i go af. he wont give the supplements a chance, even though they did work the one night i drank when i took them.


      Off the Wagon

      I think we should start a new going AF thread it will get us focused. the holidays can be brutal
      what do you think?
      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


        Off the Wagon

        I can SOOO relate , I was AF for two weeks and then started little by little,
        Why is it soooo hard . I guess we just have to keep restarting. Thats better than nothing.
        ugh. I especially feel like a failure to my daughter who I promised I would stop.
        May our choices today not result in regret, but rather be wise


          Off the Wagon

          Hi Everyone: You sound discouraged but don't be, because 1. you're here at MWO & sharing 2. you're not alone 3. you can start now. Do whatever it takes to stay sober. I found the Newbies in Need ODAT (one day at a time) thread helpful in the beginning stages. If you want to start another AF thread, that would be fine too. I have been where you have...hating the drinking but feeling compelled to drink.

          I came here to MWO in April & the first few months were pretty bad. I was very, very up & down w/some of my worst binges ever. I had a long AF stretch during the summer, only to have a couple of devastating slips in Sept. & Oct. I've been AF since Oct. 6th (a huge accomplishment for me) & approach my sobriety one day at a time.

          I come to MWO every single day & post & read. I've just come to the realization that abstinence is my only option. I cannot drink sensibly. I'm approaching the holiday season wo/even thinking I can drink at all. Once I start, I'm in the downward spiral. Can anyone identify?

          Good luck. My life has completely changed. I feel so much better. Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Off the Wagon

            Today is a new day! A clean slate so to speak. Commit yourself only for today, and not worry what tomorrow will bring. Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow.

            I, too, was one who would have one and then 100 more. It would last for days on end, or until I was very sick and could not drink. There really is light at the end of this tunnel if you want it. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself and take it one day at a time.


              Off the Wagon

              Bunky, it may be a cliche, but pick yourself up and dust yourself down and start over even more determinedly this time. AF for 3 wks. says you can do this.

              Wishing you love and strength,

              Starlight Impress x


                Off the Wagon


                Just like Starlight said, Pick yourself up and dust yourself off. Today is a new day. Figure out why you picked up the drink in the first place. Ask yourself, "Was it really worth it? Where did it get me". Today is a new day. Once you've accepted this relapse as not being the end of the world, put the binge behind you and start over. You will reach 3 weeks of AF again, and beyond. Be kind to yourself and move forward. - Reenie
                September 23, 2011


                  Off the Wagon

                  Hi Bunky! I did the same thing. AF for 12 days then blew it. I was so mad at myself. But every day we are AF is a blessing. As the ones before me have said, all we can do is pick ourselves up and keep on trying.



                    Off the Wagon

                    thank you all for your love and support...I am picking myself up and moving forward once again...THANKS

