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Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

    Morning all

    Waking up with a cuppa before getting going on the morning's chores so thought I would start us off. Hope everyone had a good day/night yesterday.

    Didn't do the AF I had been planning in the end. I found a bottle of wine in the garage that I had forgotten about!!! (yes, honestly! - that just shows how far I have come!) My old style would have been to knock it all back, then follow with something/anything else. That bottle of port Al brought round the other day would have been opened for sure but it's still there, unopened! So stuff you Al! I did drink 2/3 of the bottle (Pinot Noir - one of my favourites) but then decided I had had enough and for added safety poured the rest down the sink! So, not AF but a reasonable mod. I realised that I hadn't taken my supps properly for 2 days - too busy to remember them. Not that bothered because I didn't feel any different but it just goes to show that I do still need them. Back on track with them today.

    Wishing all of you everything you want for the day.

    Bessie x

    Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

    Morning all

    Yes I agree with you Bessie the sups do work because I haven't been taking mine because I was away and have fallen back into bad old ways. So it is back on the sups and back into AF mode for a couple of days for me at least

    Hope everyone else is OK have a great Tuesday

    LOL Sweetpea x
    :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


      Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

      Back to supps myself, Sweetpea, that and quinoa, lots of it. I swear it makes me feel great.

      Bessie, starting to have my own cuppa every morning. Haven't done it in a while. Used to drink Earl Grey, English/Irish breakfast, now it's "Tension Tamer". Yikes, never thought I'd drink that herbal stuff. But helps me start the day, with a little peace and not anxiety.

      Have a great day, all.


        Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

        Hi Bessie, Sweetpea and all to come

        Well done on pouring the last of the bottle down the sink Bessie. As you said we have all come a long way. I agree that the supplements really do seem to help and have found that its when I slack off and get out of the routine that I slip. This programme does take committment but when you stick at it, its well worth it. This time of year is the hardest as there is so much going on.

        During the week its ok but week-ends are hard but WE WILL GET THERE one day at a time.

        Mary Ann, know you had a bad day yesterday, hope you are feeling better today. Stick at it and keep posting. We are all thinking of you.

        Have a great Tuesday everyone.



          Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

          Hi Everyone: I just read yesterday's ODAT thread. It seemed like there were a few extra newer newcomers. If you come to this ODAT thread today, good luck w/the day! Whatever your goal is (mod or abs), you have today to work on it. Every day you reach your goal makes it easier the next time. Whenever you resist the urge, you are cutting new & healthier pathways in the brain. Old habits can be replaced w/new ones regardless of how ingrained they may be. You just have to keep doing something new (not drinking) several times in order to erase the old (drinking). I know it looks easier in print than it is in practice, but I feel something of the old thinking & behavior falling away. There was a time when a little unstructured time was an excuse to drink. Now, it really doesn't occur to me. This might sound corny, but I've started knitting again after many years of letting it go. Recently, I made a couple of baby blankets, a dog sweater, a scarf for my daughter, & now I'm working on a sweater for my grandson. Now that I've stopped drinking (67 days today), I've got time & energy for constructive activities. Good luck one & all! Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

            Well, I am sorry to say I did not make it AF or even mod last night - that damn bottle of wine called my name and I answered.........

            I never got to the post office - not that that's an excuse, just wish that i did - I am going on my lunch break today and I am opening the book and the supps tonight.

            So, basically today I feel like a bag of crap physically and mentally and I have a big presentation at work - not thinking the wine was such a good idea now! Not that I ever do in the morning anyway.

            I am determined to make today an AF day though - I had a good November but for some reason I'm having a really hard time getting an AF day in December.......not even sure why? Not like I'm miserarable or anything - and it's not like I'm getting rip roaring drunk either - just can't seem to do the Af thing..........wierd.........
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday


              AGAIN!! BUT I only had a few beers, and don't feel to badly today..............Am actually very HOPEFUL!! today..........

              Glad to see you poured the wine out, also glad to see everything is going well for is another BEAUTIFUL day here in Tally, the main reason I moved here!

              love you all, thanks for the support, am feeling very strong and determined, have been slipping and sliding all over the place, looked at some of my old posts(just figured out how to do that!!??? ) AND I seem like a total WACK-JOB on some of moe of that shit anymore, will think more thoroughly until posting...........

              LOVE AND HUGS!!!:h :l

              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                Morning all
                Full day of errands ahead....Going to test myself today (against hubbys advice)...going to the package store to buy a grab bag gift. For some reason I feel I need and want to do this. I may or may not take a stroll down my favorite isle (probably stand there and drool!!) or may not..haven't decided. If I feel the least bit shaky when I get there, I will not go in, but right now I feel confident that I can do this....we shall see. Hope everyone has a good day....
                sobriety date 11-04-07


                  Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                  Morning All! Bessie, so glad you poured the rest of the wine down the drain. That is so empowering. Char be careful! Don't tempt yourself too early on. I would go grocery shopping with no intention of buying wine and then I'd pass that isle and grab a bottle without even putting up a fight. Its still very hard, especially at the end of a rough day.

                  Hope everyone has a peaceful Tuesday. Stay calm and remember we can be AF just for today!



                    Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                    Ah yes, a brand new day !

                    Good Morning Everyone !

                    Bessie, great job on pouring Old Uncle AL down the drain. That's exactly where he belongs !

                    I start my day with a "Cup of Joe". I'm saving my "cuppa" tea for when I get home from's my replacement drink I had my an AF day last night, so I very happy and pleased today, so I'll be working on Day 2 AF tonight which I see no problem.

                    Universal, please hang in there......are your sure that bottle of wine had your name on it ? Look probably had mine on it, so just dump it down the drain like Bessie did because I don't want it. Just remember when you want a drink, think of us, we are fighting it too, are not alone :armsaround:

                    Cowgal, I envy you living in Florida. All that beautiful sunshine :rays: and warm weather. It's cold here in New Jersey. And I don't know about you, but I'm sure tired of going back to "Day One". So today I'm on "Day Two" AGAIN. So good luck being AF tonight !!

                    Oh, and Charlee, if you do happen to walk into your's and "our" favorite isle, don't drool, just give Old Uncle Al the "finger"
                    from all of us :H

                    Ok everyone, MAKE it a great day today
           from wine & beer and all it's baggage.
                    Miss October :blinkylove:


                      Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                      Adding my hopes that all have a great day, too.

                      Char, don't drool!! Kick old Al in the hiney and don't even look back. (I won't go into a liquor store, myself, the racks of wine literally start calling me...)

                      Funny about the cuppa. I, too, have substituted hot tea for Al at night. Lots of decaf flavors to pick from and they do seem like a treat.

                      Love to all,
                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                        is beautiful

                        Just got back from an hour lunch, didn't want to come back to my office though..................perfect day for the pool or the beach!!

                        Glad to see everyone hangin in there!!

                        Love and hugs:l :h
                        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                          Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                          ((Cowgal))) You seem a very nice person, but DROP THE DANG BEACH TALK!!!! It was 15 degrees when I got my sorry butt to work today. sniff sniff :H


                            Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday


                            I have to run an errand, so have to go back outside, bummer

                            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                              Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                              Just back from work. Feeling good for the evening. Thanks retteacher for putting me on to this thread! How do you know if you're damaging or have damaged your liver? How long does it take? - things like this worry me.
                              MissOctober - I'm tired too of starting over. Does this happen a lot, and if so, is there a point in keeping on trying? sorry about all the questions. Tylyr.

