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    New here

    Well, I'm new and it's a lot of information to absorb but I guess you all are here for the same reason I am so I don't have to be embarrassed, right? I'm not even real sure how to get around in here yet but I will learn. I've just been reading some of the posts and you all seem wonderful and caring people. Thanks in advance. I'm afraid I'm not sober yet but I plan to be so bear with me. I really don't know what else to say except I have a lot of reading to do and I've got to go to the health store!!! Any prayers or just best wishes would be appreciated. thank you. Maggiem

    New here

    not been here long myself but come a long way thanks to this site,im sure you also will get the help support and advice you need as well, all the best
    Love Jacqui x x
    Mwo,s worst speller....


      New here


      :welcome: and glad you are here!

      Anytime you have a question, just post and someone will answer it. Usually you get lots of answers!!

      Don't worry about not being sober yet, lots of us took forever to get sober once we started here, and no one ever makes anyone feel badly for it. We all know what it is like.

      Take care and good luck!
      AF April 9, 2016


        New here

        Welcome...No need for embarrasment, we are all here for the same reason. Keep reading and don't hesitate to post. We are here for each other!!
        sobriety date 11-04-07


          New here

          Welcome maggiem,

          I'm new also. This is a great site with very caring members. Come back often, we're always happy to see you.
          Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.


            New here

            :welcome: maggie!

            Glad you are here. There is absolutely NOTHING to be embarrassed about. We come from all over the world and have different stories to share, but, ultimately we are all pretty much the same - addicted to alcohol.

            Stick around and I know you will get strength and support here.


              New here

              Welcome form me too, Maggiemoo....(love your name!)

              Love FMS xx
              :heart: c: :heart:
              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                New here

                Welcome Maggiemoo! That's right.... no need to be embarrassed. You are in my prayers. -Reenie
                September 23, 2011


                  New here

                  :welcome: Maggiemoo.....funny, I have a friend I call Betty Boo! Yes, no need for embarassment, heck I haven't just dumb things drunk, lots of 'em sober too.:H Really, we all are here for each other and glad u found us! :l


                    New here

                    Thank you all so soon as I catch up on all of the information I'll get started. I had already investigated the topiratmate on my own before I found this site and ordered on my own. this is great and I'm so ready. I'll tell you about my experience at at place in Forida which left me $15,000 in debt and still drinking...when I can type that long...winks. later and thanks again


                      New here

                      Maggiemoo, met you on the AF anyone thread, so hope to see you around on many of the threads. Nice to meet you. Please keep coming. The topamax has been a big help for me. Good luck.


                        New here

                        I'm fairly new here myself but have found a lot of support and comfort here. You will too.


                          New here

                          are yall really out there ?


                            New here

                            I COULD USE A FRIEND


                              New here

                              Yes, we're here and you have friends

