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    New here

    What's up Barbara? ,,,,, I'm here ......


      New here

      are yall really out there ?


        New here

        Ummm .... yes .....


          New here

          This is the place to find friends. :welcome:


            New here

            Welcome :l
            Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
            - George Jackson


              New here

              Hi Maggie and welcome

              You have come to a great place, keeping reading and posting. Looking forward to seeing you around the boards.



                New here

                Okay, so I've been trying to figure out what this addiction is all about. I'm sure we all have sad stories, I know I do but is that what it is really about? Isn't it really because we just are depressed or just don't have any joy in our life? If we truly had joy, if we were truly happy with our lives and where we were, do you think we would feel a compelling need to drink? I'm really serious. Do you think that has anything to do with it?


                  New here

                  Heart...loved your tribute to Marilyn


                    New here

                    Hi maggie and welcome.
                    Yes, I think we all have things in our lives which caused us to drink, even if some of us are unaware of those causes. We all drank for a reason of became our way of dealing with what is actually, just life.

                    barbara........welcome to you too........pleased to have you join us.

                    Starlight Impress x


                      New here

                      tawnfrog...I think you're actually very cute!! and Barbara...hey, you have friends if you want them, I need them, too, we all do. Nice to meet you too cookoo...

                      I know I just joined but I will be gone for a few days....tis the holidays. I'm going to my sons house until Monday for Christmas with his family. Have a good weekend. I'm happy to say my weekend will be AF because he will see to it. LOL (Then when I get home, so much stress will be built up that ya'll know what will happen) My husband who raised him isn't invited, my youngest son and his half brother is home from college and won't go so I have to go alone...It should be a lot of fun, don't you think?


                        New here

                        I am trying to get the hang of this thing and I don't want to leave anyone out...Jacqui,db2, Charlie, thanks for your quick and thoughtful responses. Keeper, well, I guess you are a keeper...winks. Accountable, I'm trying to be accountable! More, there really is more to life and finding...I'm glad you like my name. Kinda sounds like a I really don't look like a cow. Thank you Reenie...Starlight, I've enjoyed reading all your posts, also yours cookoo and rustop and Finally rn. Can you tell I have just been reading everyone's posts today?ha thank you very much Victory....Okay....have a great weekend. I'm sure mine will be just purrrrrfect. Atleast I will be sober.


                          New here


                          !) are you okay?
                          2) do you need help navigating forums?
                          3) are you okay?
                          4) how's it going for you today?
                          5) are you okay?


                            New here

                            Hi Maggie and welcome

                            You have come to a great place. Read and join in.



                              New here

                              Hi MaggieMoo, Hi Barbarathingy and all others.

                              I'm usually on here fairly often but toooo much to do atm. NOT helping with the drinking.... However, you have come to the very best place you can find to help.

                              And a big hi to Teecia too - I think you bring the average age down quite a lot!

                              Bessie xx (stressed, tired and stuggling but still hanging in there).


                                New here

                                Oh dear - think I am turning into a thread killer......

                                ..not for the first time!. Won't take it personally though until I really need to.....

                                Bessie xx

