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Is this where I come to save my life?

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    Is this where I come to save my life?

    Have been drinking heavily for 15 years and have tried my family dr.,A.A. & my own personal booze Dr., not getting anywhere with them. 3 nights no booze (a relatively large feat for me) on my own and i think it's like anything you face in life. Noone can do it for you. So wish me luck as I do to all of you. If anyone has abstained without AA any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Is this where I come to save my life?

    Hi and welcome i too was drinking heavily for 15 years and tried many times to stop,im now day 8 AF and feeling very positive all thanks to this site,meetings etc are once a week were as with this site there is always sombody around and if not just reading posts really helps...You CAN do this...You WILL do this....just remember there is always somone at MWO.....Take care and stay in touch
    Jacqui x x
    Mwo,s worst speller....


      Is this where I come to save my life?

      :welcome: sidney, my name is cuckoo, and I have abstained for 30 days without AA. I am not knocking AA as it helped my father stay sober for 44 years but it wasn't for me. 30 days is certainly not 44 years but it is a start after 16 years of daily drinking. I hope you stick around. There are a lot of great people on this site who will help. Please keep coming back and posting as much as you can. I'm always willing to help with my limited experience.



        Is this where I come to save my life?

        welcome Sidney, would never to to AA, found this place, went 7 days AF, slipped am now starting day 3 AF.

        With the supplementals, cds and the people posting here, great things can happen. Keep reading, keep posting. We're all here to help.



          Is this where I come to save my life?

          Welcome Sidney, we're glad you found us. I'm new also and this is a very friendly and supportive site. Lots and lots of caring members. You'll never be alone or anytime.
          Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.


            Is this where I come to save my life?

            Hi Sidney and :welcome:

            Well done on the 3 days, and yes, coming here has changed and saved many lives before you. M.W.O. can also help you save yourself from the drink.

            Wishing you love and strength,

            Starlight Impress x


              Is this where I come to save my life?



              So glad you found this site. Yes, this place can be a life saver. First things first, whether AA never really clicked for you or if you really engaged in it, but were just not getting results, its OK. Let go of any guilt you may have, cuz if AA has one bad aspect, its the 'my way or the highway' talk. Take any good things you learned and gained from going there and add in what you find here and anywhere else for that matter and you'll find YOUR winning formula.

              Good for you finding and working with an addiction spoecialist. That's a bunch of ammo in your can, even if it hasn't yet been all you need. And it speaks volumes about your level of commitment to getting better.

              Check out the book. You can download it or order it. no one will ever thump that book at you, but it explains the program very nicely. People on these boards use the program all or in part and don't judge others harshly for not following it to the letter. With the myriad of circumstances and experiences you'll find here, you'll find the support, caring advice... whatever helps.

              So, please check out the boards and read or post anywhere you want. Check out chat as well. Its a great place to come and keep your hands busy while you're working through a tough time.

              Hope to see you around!!



                Is this where I come to save my life?

                Hi sYdney, well done on your a/f days!!

                Not only does coming here save your life, It can give you a new life!

                I dont go to aa, but I am still sover! Am taking campranol, have got the myo book and the vitamins and sharing on here. It really does work, some days its a battle, but its better than the battles with alchohol.

                Nothing that happens to me today will be better with a drink in my hand. L;ots of luck to you, big hug
                Live Well, Laugh Often, Enjoy the Journey


                  Is this where I come to save my life?


                  This place has completely changed my life in regards to alcohol. I have been to several AA meetings in the past, and personally, seeing I am fairly shy - I didn't like the pressures of having to share in person. Also, I found it quite depressing listening to the stories.

                  A benefit of this place is you can find the support you need ANYTIME you need it. It is always here, and there is always someone on. You can work this program into your own schedule. Anytime you feel like drinking, or lonely, or whatever, you can come here.

                  Congrats on your AF days thus far!


                    Is this where I come to save my life?

                    Thanks strangers

                    Hey guys,
                    never been involved with anything like this before. Not even sure where I'm supposed to post or reply or what to read...But if this ends up in the right place I'd like to thank you all for the support. I may even stick around awhile.


                      Is this where I come to save my life?

                      Atta a boy, SS. Great place to visit, even if it is just to read. Has helped me a lot, just found out today that the real estate agents who sold my late mom's condo AND were friends of my mom for 40 years, are going ahead, full speed with the law suit. I just got my first xmas card the other day, from them!

                      Normally, the first thing I'd do when I got home when something like this happened, would be to pull the vodka out of the feezer and start drinking, but today, I got so mad, I thought that I didn't want some money hungry jerk ruin my plans. I'm 3 days AF tonight and already feel stronger and in more control

                      Don't know if you're a hockey fan, but your Canucks and my B's are doing pretty good right now. Need to go turn on the tv.

                      Keep up the good work. The people here are awesome.


                        Is this where I come to save my life?

                        Welcome, Sidney! Everyone uses these boards differently and you will pretty quickly get to know who's a regular and who just checks in from time to time. Nearly all of us are here because, like you, we have a problem with Al and AA is not for us, for whatever reason. I am not trying to be sober but am working on moderation and no binge drinking and this site has been a tremendous help to me. I find it useful to go the link that says "new posts" and see if there are recent posts I am interested in; you also may want to check out the long-term abstainers group so you can see how other people are succeeding with going AF (alcohol-free.)
                        And you may ask yourself, "What is that beautiful house?" And you may ask yourself, "Where does that highway go?" And you may ask yourself,"Am I right?...Am I wrong?" And you may tell yourself..."MY GOD!...WHAT HAVE I DONE?"


                          Is this where I come to save my life?

                          Sydney, I hope this is the place because I feel I'm on my last stop. I've tried just about everything. I just found this yesterday. I haven't read the book yet, haven't started the meds, nor have I stopped drinking. I'm just hoping that I will and I hope that you will as well. Don't you hate the day you ever had the first drink? I do. My father was and alcoholic and I have five brothers and sisters who were smart enough to never try the stuff but I thought I was smart enough to control it. I am smarter than my father was, more educated.....couldn't happen to me. Was I ever wrong. I feel so fact, I am kind of stupid for thinking I was so gosh darned smart. Where do you get the CD's I hear you guys talk about?


                            Is this where I come to save my life?

                            Welcome Sid and Maggie,

                            You're both in the right spot.

                            Maggie, check out the Health Store at the top of the page for the CD's.

                            Oh, and no one here is stupid, not allowed LOL

                            magic xx
                            ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                            I am in the next seat.
                            My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                              Is this where I come to save my life?

                              Hi Sid,
                              I just joined today, too. (Mom's ranting about how great this site is and all...)

                              But seriously, I'm new & dunno if it's right for me now or later. But I'll give it a go. Mostly because Mom's so much better since she's been here (2-3 weeks).

                              Hang tough..I get where us coming from.


