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Is this where I come to save my life?

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    Is this where I come to save my life?

    Welcome Sid

    Everyone above has said it so well I don't know what I can add. Just keep reading and use this place in the way that suits you the best. That's the nice thing about it is its flexibility. Keep reading this site as much as you can. next time you want to drink, start reading here instead. There is so much here to read. Then take it from there.

    I'm so glad you are here. I do think MWO can help you. It has helped so many people, myself included, so much.
    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


      Is this where I come to save my life?

      Hi Sideny, Maggie, Teecia

      :welcome: You have come to a great place. Read, read and join in, there is lots of support there. We all know where you are coming from.j



        Is this where I come to save my life?

        Squeaking by...

        Hi guys,
        Have felt like pulling my hair out all day long but it looks like I snuck through another one. Even hung out with my drinking buddies tonight while they were getting loaded (not recommended. don't think I'm quite ready for that yet) I quit smoking 3 weeks ago, was two packs a day, three a day on weekends but quitting drinking just seems infinitely harder. Happy to be back home and reading nice words from all you guys., I mean thanks.


          Is this where I come to save my life?

          Hey Sid, great job, giving up smokes, giving up AL and hanging around friends who do both! WOW, am very impressed.

          It look likes you are getting something from this place and the people here. You first called us strangers, now tonight you were glad to get back to your place to read. You will find a lot of support here.

          It was my office party tonight, didn't go.too tempting.

          Keep it up!


            Is this where I come to save my life?

            Hey Sid - not said Hi yet as have been away from here for a few days!

            You have found a great place here -

            Stick with us and work the MWO programme to suit yourself.

            I drank uncontroledly for over 20 years - currently 5 months Alcohol Free (AF) due to the people here - no AA for me!

            Take care - you CAN do this.

            The first 4 - 5 days suck :H - but after that - it just gets easier every day!

            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


              Is this where I come to save my life?

              good job on the three days Sidney. I have been AF since october 9th. I don't count the days, don't take supplements, don't attend meetings. I visit here every chance I get, I exercise daily, I pray, and remind myself of the beast I become when affected by alcohol. This has been working for me, oh, and a piece of chocalate every now and then. Hang in there.


                Is this where I come to save my life?

                Hi Sid -- welcome and congrats on 3 af days! This place is a blessing, a great source of inspiration, non-judgmental support, and information from very smart (and funny) people from across the world, 24/7. Please visit often, read, post and you'll get much encouragement and ideas on your road to sobriety. Hope to hear from you again, j
                Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!

