Okay, so I'm new, I don't understand, why no paper trail? Perhaps I don't worry because my husband drinks as much as I do.ha Why is the paper trail a problem? I had a friend who used to take her wine bottles to the grocery store trash cans so the trash man at her house wouldn't know how many bottles she had each week, guess I never understood that either. So, is it because you had to hide it from your spouse? Count yourself lucky if that's the case. when you are married to an alcoholic who says he isn't, it's much harder to get off alcohol because he doesn't want you to quit!!!!
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Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday
Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday
Okay, so I'm new, I don't understand, why no paper trail? Perhaps I don't worry because my husband drinks as much as I do.ha Why is the paper trail a problem? I had a friend who used to take her wine bottles to the grocery store trash cans so the trash man at her house wouldn't know how many bottles she had each week, guess I never understood that either. So, is it because you had to hide it from your spouse? Count yourself lucky if that's the case. when you are married to an alcoholic who says he isn't, it's much harder to get off alcohol because he doesn't want you to quit!!!!
Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday
Sleeplessness: That was one of my many reasons for drinking. When I first stopped, I thought I'd go nuts...did a lot of clock-watching at 2 - 3 AM. I don't sleep 8 full hours, but now that my system is adjusting to no alcohol (it takes a long while), I'm getting 6 - 7.5 uninterrupted most nights. I still have 1 or 2 sleepless nights per week, but that's just the way I am. It's something I have to accept. MWisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012
Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday
Hello everyone,
Iv'e been feeling really ill for a week now.Had blood tests which indicate a thyroid
problem, just hoping that when I get it sorted out I will feel better. I'm so glad that
we don't have booze in the house, or I would be drinking right now, I would have
gone out to buy some but I don't have the energy.
Sorry to sound so self pitying, but I really feel down.
Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday
..... and some from me too :l :l :l
Its a good thing you haven't got the energy to go out and let Al take over while you are down. Hope you can snuggle up somewhere and just relax and give yourself a bit of a break. If you are ill you need to look after yourself. (sorry if I sound like a mum!)
Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday
Does anyone know how long it takes to develop a liver problem? i've been quite a heavy drinker for years, with days/weeks sometimes AF. but it is a worry. Like the 'paper trail' avoidance above ! i don't want to order a liver test in case someone sees it ! i don't feel ill at all, but as i said I do worry sometimes. Does anybody else worry about this aspect? I feel that if i develop a medical problem, then everyone will know I drink anyway. Tylyr
Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday
Tylyr the liver is quite resiliant. Liver tests may be abnormal but after a period of abstinence they can get down to normal levels again. I take milk thistle to help my liver. You might want to have your liver enzymes done to see where you are at. It can be a good wake up call to start taking care of yourself. If you don't, this can lead to cirrhosis which is irreversible. Once that damage is done its too late.
Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday
Have I missed alot!! I have been going non-stop 90 miles an hour since 7:30 here!! And anyone ever hear about Murphy's law?? Well, I believe in it today, if you all only knew!!
Now, I am quieting down, just need to get my guy (patient)from the surgery center and have him urinate into a machine (YEAH, I really have an exciting job,ehy!!?
Feels good to finally get here, sorry some are not doing so well, I am doing ok moderated ok last night, so woke up feeling fine and full of energy!!!
Am heading off to our gym at the office after this guy pees for me! Can't wait, feels good to feel good!
Should probably get to some of this paperwork now, so check in later, hang in there everyone!
love and hugs!!!:h:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday
Okay....Perhaps it was a stupid question but I didn't understand about the paper trail and I kinda deserve an honest answer since it was an honest question....I mean I charge everything, am I not suppose to charge booze for some reason. Okay, call me dumb. (Don't you dare.ha) BTW I am Maggie, joined yesterday, not sober....yet. I'm not sure how this all works, I have not read all the information but I am working on it. Would appreciate your patience and I'll try to catch up. I'm having a little trouble navigating around but I'm doing a good job bungling around.ha I always do a good job at that...winks
Tyler, I also fear the dreaded liver test and I have to get one every year. I do know that if you drink a lot of water it is suppose to cleanse the liver so I try to do that everyday. Geez all the tricks we do to fool our doctors.ha
Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday
Tyler and Maggie, I will try to answer here for you guys: first the liver is very resilient - milk thistle is very good to repair and abstinence will help - if you are afraid to order tests (as i was) maybe try what I did? I went to a naturopath for a full body checkup - he has a machine that checks the health of all of your organs, that way you get an idea of how healthy your liver is but you don't have to go to your doctor to request a liver test if you're not ready yet to do that.
As for the paper trail: Maggie, I think the reason we don't charge booze is cause then we can hide from ourselves, spouses, others how much we are actually buying/drinking........if we can hide the bottles, the credit card bills, the evidence per say........we manage to fool ourselves and others into thinking we don't have a problem...........but, lets face it........we all do - which is why we are here. And why we are talking about it. But in the past if we didn't charge it, or if we hid the bottles, we could hide the evidence........that's why the "no paper trail" - hope that helps - and welcome to MWO you guys!Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction.I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.
Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday
Hello and Happy Wednesday Everybody. I am on day 8 AF and have all of you to thank for that. I am, however, waffling a lot. Yesterday was especially hard and I'm not sure why. I feel depressed. It seems that without booze, life is boring. We went to a party the other night and came home at 9:30pm!!! A bunch of our friends left the party and when I talked to them the next day they had gone to the bar and partied until closing. To paraphrase Toby Keith "I got sober and I been thinkin' life ain't much fun since I quit drinkin'.