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Hi, I'm new

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    Hi, I'm new

    Hi. I'm new. My mom (PJ) told me bout this site. She told me bout no judgement. That's straight. I have to clean up for court and my life (college and job). I also heard bout others with blackouts?? I don't drink often. It just rips when I do!

    Hi, I'm new



    Black outs suck. They also mean serious issues physically.

    No judgements here, she is absolutely right. Many here are trying to mod and many are trying to abstain.

    Either way you choose, we wish you the best of luck and will be here to answer any questions or concerns you have.

    Glad you are here!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      Hi, I'm new

      Welcome.....You will find lots of support here, and no judgment...keep reading and posting.
      sobriety date 11-04-07


        Hi, I'm new

        Hi Teecia!!

        From reading your Mum's posts it is obvious she cares a great deal about you and wants the best for you! glad you joined us on here anyway!!.
        Up until about 6 months back I was drinking almost everyday which was basically just one long bender that only stopped when I was physically unable to drink anymore. After 2/3 days of recouperation I'd be back at it again and this was the vicious circle I was in. I was also taking other 'street drugs' like 'e's coke etc which also helped prolong the drinking sessions as well. Anyway one of the biggest problems I found when giving up the drink was not the physical aspect but the psychological attitude I had towards drink and my lifestyle choices. I always thought I would loose my identity as this fun loving, beer swilling, drug taking, festival going, party loving, etc etc. guy. The big question with me was how do I grow away from drink and drugs without loosing the qualities that make me ME in the first place. Still working on it I'm afraid but getting stronger every day and I don't think about drink at all anymore.

        Anyway nice to meet you Teecia! hopefully you will post some more about yourself in the future! Don't worry about posting anything that's on your mind, as your mum has found, everyone on here bears no judgment or criticisms and we all have different methods of staying either totally sober like myself or moderating. Young or Old it means nothing here what is important is that you get the help and support you need and you will definitely get that here.

        Love and Happiness
        "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
        Clean and sober 25th January 2009


          Hi, I'm new

          :welcome: teecia

          I am glad you are here and your mom does care very much about you. Good for her for showing you this site. Read lots, post often. This is truly a wonderful, caring community.

          and........ good for you for reaching out for help so early in life!


            Hi, I'm new

            Tks all.
            Really I don't think alcohol's the biggest cuz not often xcept parties n sleep. smoke & boredom kick it. Just cant sleep norm. Tried Trazdone (double) and mom's pill bull (melatonin & 5whatever). Not! I'm straight. Prob just need to adjust to working again. Don't party on work nights so its all good. Blackouts suck but got friends watchin my back, cept they been fakin lately.


              Hi, I'm new

              Hey teecia, I'm so new I'm feel funny to say welcome but I guess we are in the same boat so...ship ahoy!


                Hi, I'm new

                Hey Mags, my mom says great stuff about the support and info here. We'll see. But maybe we can be nubies together?


                  Hi, I'm new

                  Hi Teecia,

                  Welcome to the group.....very nice to meet you.
                  Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.

