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First visit, hello to all.

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    First visit, hello to all.

    Teecia;239726 wrote: Yo! Iddy paws, CHILL!!!!!!!

    I'm only 18 and just joined today (my mom just showed me this site today), but i'm already hooked! Sorry if I dun got the experience background, but I know ur pain. We all got it for our own reasons.

    Wanna b my buddy? (I can tell u stories Mo Theresa would roll in her grave!) 50's nothing. Wanna take bets I've done same or worse?

    We're here now. That's what counts! Help me????? I don't want to wait til 50!!!!
    Hi, glad u joined. I remember 18, it was wayyyyyyyyy back when. I would love to be ur buddy.:thanks:

    You have life in front of you, I wish u all the best. I will look forward to hearing from u.


      First visit, hello to all.

      What a welcome!

      Hi to all, man talk about a welcome, thank you all so much.
      Just a little about myself, I love God, and believe in Him. He has helped me through so much.

      I think some times we struggle with things, I know this problem keeps me humble, and more supportive of others.

      The first time I did the 6 year stint, it was with much prayer, a simple calander, I would mark every day, week month that I was free.

      I had heard some where that a habit can be made OR broken in eight days, so that was always my goal, get to eight days, eight days lead to 16, and so on.

      This time I make it maybe to 6-7 days, some times I drink with out getting balistik, u now black outs ,wanna go DRIVING, oh Lord, worse time to go driving eh.

      Even though I am married I am so lonely, my husband seems to live in another dimension, he drinks to, but not with me. He will mix my drinks for me than go out side to "fix" things.

      Depression sets in and I try to drown out how unhappy I am.

      There is no rhyme or reason, drink because ur happy/sad/hard week/lots of work/not enough work.

      In some ways I like to drink IF ONLY..............if only I could stop at a few, once started I drink, and the older I get the more hung over I feel the next day.

      When I was a teenager, man we could drink all night till the morning light,quick shower, and get on your merry way. Now some times it takes me 2 WHOLE DAYS TO RECOVER! UGH. Now that is the part I hate, pluse the urge to drive.

      I guess I drive to get away from my husband, who could care less. I do not want to be responsible for hurting or killing any one while I am under the influence, my God that would kill me.

      Maybe this site and you kind folks is what I need, friendship, some one to talk to.
      My faith and what I believe I would never push on any one, if we can help one another through what ever we are going through can only be a plus.

      A'hh I am sorry for running on so, just glad to get some things off my chest.
      I look forward to getting to know all of you.




        First visit, hello to all.

        Nice to get to know you Iddy. That's what we are here for - getting things off your chest. We're good listeners - cause we're only computers:H !!! Something like that. Your story sounds similar to many stories told here. I think you will find much companionship here. When you are on MWO you will never feel lonely. Keep visiting often.

        P.S. Stay on the computer and stay off the road....
        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


          First visit, hello to all.

          Hey there & :welcome: Yup in the 50's too, time to grow the hell up. Post your thoughts, its okay here! Life really sucks, doesn;t it?



            First visit, hello to all.

            Hi Iddy,

            Hide the keys and drive along with us. You won't regret it.



              First visit, hello to all.


              just wanted to welcome you.


                First visit, hello to all.

                :welcome: Iddy Paws!

                Glad you are here. It is never, ever too late to embark on a great life outside of the bottle. You had done this before for 6 years, so you definitely can do it again. I know you will find the support you need here.

