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    Back again

    Hey everyone,
    This is my second time back on this site in about a year. My drinking has got to the point where it has never been before. This is my first day (it's 2pm in Australia) for about one month where I have not started drinking in the morning and all through the day. Feeling a bit fluey and nauseous already. What side effects did you all have and for how long??

    I have had extreme enxiety and depression due to a toxic and horrible work mate which I know I have been masking with alcohol and it has gone way too far. I came back to this site because this is the only place I have been able to STOP in the past - albeit only for about a week but I guess that was something. I really love the support this site gives.
    HOpe to chat with you all soon.

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    Hey Niki. what is your story? have you stopped in the past or moderated? Have you taken the supplements?


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      Hi there

      sorry that this is not something I have any idea to help with but hope that others come who can shed some light for you.



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        Hi nikki. I'm not there, but I think my mom was a few months back. From my observation, she took supplements before she cut back (or maybe not - was she hiding stuff better???)

        Whatever. You can do this!!!!! Baby Steps. (or that's what they keeptelling me)


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          Hi Nikki,

          Seems like you drink to handle stress among other too. I hope you find some strength here! I'll be thinking of ya : )

          Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
          - George Jackson


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            Hi Nikki

            Have you gone to your local doctor to discuss your situation... I'm up in Queensland in a nice little conservative area... but I bit the bullet and went and saw my doctor.. I was so surprised with the support and understanding... maybe that could help you..

            My thoughts... I'm always here if you want to chat to another aussie about all of this nightmare we have found ourselves in..

            Meanwhile take care of yourself..

            Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down


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              Ta muchly

              Thanks everyone for the support - I have been to my doctor (useless) and yesterday to a psychologist to try to attempt to help my anxiety and depression. SInce all the work crap went down I have been shaking, not sleeping etc and soooooooo irritable. It's like PSM all the time - yes my marriage is not so good. My husband is a true angel.
              Wattle - would love to chat some time


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                Nikki - I'm available now for chat if you like
                Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down


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                  Hey Wattle - in the lobby now.


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                    Welcome back to MWO. From experience I know it is very hard to treat the drinking problem without treating the anxiety and depression part also. They all feed on each other. I hope your psychologist can give you some help on all fronts. You can do this, it will just take some time. We're here to help.
                    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


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                      Hi Ya Nikki :welcome:
                      Yep, stress is a major trigger for me too. Hate the Booze Demon but do believe we can beat him/her. Keep posting. Am in Melbourne where are girl?

