I am sitting here crying and can not get a grip. I have been so busy drinking that checking the grades seemed overwhelming. Now I can't stop crying and I feel like going home at lunch and not coming back. But that is too much time at home and too tempting to hit the beer isle. Am I supposed to be an emotional wreck. How do I meet teacher's when I can't stop crying???
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Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday
Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday
I am sitting here crying and can not get a grip. I have been so busy drinking that checking the grades seemed overwhelming. Now I can't stop crying and I feel like going home at lunch and not coming back. But that is too much time at home and too tempting to hit the beer isle. Am I supposed to be an emotional wreck. How do I meet teacher's when I can't stop crying???
Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday
I think when we haven't slept it is hard not to be an emotional wreck - our bodies are telling us we need to lie down and rest - I am an emotional wreck today too and I know it is just because my body is telling me to sleep - I think I am going to go home as well this afternoon but I am doing it without hitting the beer aisle - going to just lie down with Robertas book and try to close my eyes for a bit - I know that if I can get a couple of hours of rest I will feel better - remember our goals - I know you feel overwhelmed right now but you can do it - your body just needs to get a little bit of rest so that it can tackle the beast.........Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction.I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.
Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday
Sounds like you're thinking these bad grades are your fault, and maybe some of the responsibility is yours, but this is no time to beat yourself up. As for the crying and not sleeping....are you taking any supplements, especially the B-complex vitamins? I think the B vitamins are so easily destroyed by alcohol, that we're severely deficient, and it takes more than a couple of days to restore them through food. If you're not taking that, you can pick it up at any drugstore. It helps me a lot. Sleeping....if you can drink milk....I find that if I wake up in the middle of the night, drinking just a half cup of milk will allow me to get back to sleep within 10-15 minutes. Hope some of this helps....I'll be thinking about you. Hugs.....
Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday
Thanks.. I am taking supps but just started the B-complex two days ago. Of course this is my fault. I should have been on top of the middle schoolers grades, but chose not to log on the computer and look as I know that our living situation is not good and ignoring it and drowning it in AL was easier. I am in a bad marriage nad husband not only has problem with AL but drugs and prescription medications. We have allowed my son to be consumed by video games, computers and such as both of us ignores the real problems. I need to stay AF so I can start dealing with everything. So scary.... Thank you so much Jul and Mary. This all seems so overwhelming.
Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday
Time2....sounds like you're also dealing with kids on a daily basis all by yourself, and I know that's really hard. I can just feel how overwhelmed you are, and we all know that drowning it once again in alcohol can seem like the thing to do at the time, but try to remember that it only makes things worse. Even when it seems that things couldn't possibly be worse....AL can show us big time just how much worse it can get. Hang in there...we're pulling for you!
Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday
Time1...one more thing. I don't know why your post elicited such a response from me. As you can see from the number of my posts, I usually just read! I'm in no way trying to trivialize your problem, and I mean this with just love: try to put things in perspective. Think of all the parents who are grieving the loss of a son or daughter for the first time this Christmas. They'd give ANYTHING to be dealing with just some bad grades. And this time next Christmas, there may be bigger problems or smaller problems, but THIS problem will be just a distant memory. You can do this!
Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday
I know you are right. I have no idea why I am feeling so overwhelmed. I don't think it is just the grades. It's the marriage, finances, kids.....none of which have been helped by the big issue ALCOHOL. Thanks for putting it into perspective. I too read more than post just needed some help today and I am so glad you were there.
Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday
Please be easy on yourself w/ the kid's grades (and them too!?) We all overlook things (important things when drinking, this happened to me a few years ago, both kids, not in college yet, but were flunking out of school................now they are both honor role!!!) In fact they will get better as you do:h
As for the colds, I seem to have been able to ward mine off w/ this stuff called Airborne...........a bunch of vitamins and echinecea (Spelling??) and herbs.................as soon as I feel a sore throat, I take some and keep taking everry few hours, and (knock on wood!) I have warded off a few colds this season.................also got thte flu shot, maybe that has helped??
just my 2 cents :cents worth, take care everyone, love and hugs!!!!!!!!:h:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday
Maybe that's the real problem. I am feeling so guilty because if i was on top of this it would never have gotten this far. Their father has no responsiblilty and has his own issues and when I am hiding in my room drinking to hide from those issues he is free to play video games,watch TV and such without me really focusing on the school work. Cowgal you are so right. I need to really work on me so i can help them. The one in college has to do this for himself. I am sacrfising so he can get an education but he has to really want it. I can't do it for him. Thank you all so much. I'm having a really rough day.
Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday
Think I will do it too
Make My Christmas gift to myself a sober month!! GREAT IDEA CINDI!!!!:thanks:
love ya!!!:l
Heading out of here for the day, check in later or tomorrow!!!
MA:h :h:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday
Hello everyone,
Usually I drop in as soon as I get to work in the morning.....but I started working first thing....imagine that......working at work :H I had alot to do before I left early due to the bad weather we are having.....snow, sleet, freezing rain.....then when I got home, we had no internet connection....stupid weather.....but the internet is now back....yes !
Anyway, finished up 3 AF nights.....no problem, and tonight I'm working on number 4. No worries though, no wine in the house, and actually don't want it....I want to make 4 in a row.....it will be a record since I have arrived at MWO.
Keeper, keep up the great work. Working on an AF #8 and you just joined in Dec. Good for you :goodjob:
and time2change, so sorry you are having some problems right now. I too could not help out my 12 year old with his homework......how was I do to everything when I got home from work........put breakfast dishes way, go through the mail, go over his homework, make dinner, do dishes....get ready for the next day....ugh !! But of course, during all this, I was drinking my wine....could not get a grip on things.....everything was just too much for me to handle. Now that I am usually AF during the week.....I CAN DO IT ALL. What a big difference it makes not drinking while you have numerous tasks to do. Our drinking just causes us to have too many issues....that's why we are here.....take care of yourself and feel better....tomorrow is another day :lMiss October :blinkylove:
Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday
Time2, just got home, and read through your posts during the day. After the first couple, I could tell that you were much better control and feeling stronger. You've got a lot goig on and AL is an easy way to forget, I know. But keep up the good fight, it definitely is really hard, but does get easier. And the results are worth it, in more ways than you could imagine.
Good luck, we're all here for you.