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another new one here

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    another new one here

    Hello there everyone.

    Clearly i have developed a problem with alcohol over the last 7 years and i want to stop drinking.

    I began binge drinking when i was 18, on average once a week. I used to hate the morning after, having found out that i inevitably acted like a complete wanker the night before.

    I continued on to university where i began drinking habitually. Yes it was part of the lifestyle, but unlike the majority of other students, i would have a real jeckyl and hide reaction when binge drinking. I have been truly horrible to people i love while drinking, losing friends and destroying a relationship with a then girlfriend because of the horrendous spiteful things i would say when i was pissed.

    I finished university and after a few years got my dream job. I am a member of the emergency services. This job is for the real me, the person i know i am. I get to help people and i love doing it.

    I dont drink regulary, but there is a huge social side to my line of work. I binge drink when i go out, i cant lie about it. Again i have often had the whole jeckyl and hyde syndrome. Fortunately my colleagues just laugh of it but i hate the way i behave. Ultimately i always take it to far.

    i do occasionally have a few drinks with mates at the local or at friends houses, and im fine providing i dont take it to far. however more often than not i take it to far.

    The time has come. Im 25, just got a mortage and want to progress well in my line of work. However my binge drinking will be a barrier to me meeting a new girlfriend, keeping my friends and progressing with my life. who knows when my drinking habit may lead to me being disciplined at work for my behaviour outside of work.

    Thanky you for reading this and all advice on combating my drinking habit will be warmly welcomed. I hope that in time i can give advice back and help others.


    another new one here

    you are young and have to a place where you will find so much knowledge, support and love that it could really change you life. Many who have alot of success will be along to encourage you. i am only on day 3 but a few weeks back that would have seemed impossible. Stick around you will happy you did


      another new one here

      1966 Hang in there, you are in the right place to get support. I "lurk" here several times a day, easy for me because I work from home, when i feel weak or when I have stumbled I read, post on the write a story 5 words at a time thread, and gradually I am gaining strength. Good luck, you seem to be a very intelligent, thoughtful person and your clear goals wil help you stay strong.


        another new one here


        (Your name is too complicated to memorize, I am really old...)

        You know and understand what your problem is.

        Now you have to face it or not.

        If you want to face it head on, we will be here.

        I am glad you are here and will do anything I can to help you.

        This is not an easy journey but the options are hellish (I mean really bad) so, jump on and figure out what it will take to make you stop.


        and impressed you figured it out so young, many of us wait until we are well past the "what ifs."

        AF April 9, 2016


          another new one here

          welcome aboard 1966,, and congrats for recognising the fact that you want to change your drinking habits ,, this is truly a wonderful place to be ,,the advice and encouragement you get is amasing ,,keep poping by and you will soon be on your way to a better you (not that you are bad lol)
          take care maryt


            another new one here

            ahhh, the morning after, is it worth it! NOPE, i feel so much better. although life sucks at times, like right now. :H



            Oh, by the way WELCOME!


              another new one here

              Welcome 1966

              I can tell that is what we are all going to call you because we can't remember how to spell the rest of your name. Hope you don't mind. You are so young and so smart to start doing something about this problem now - most of us waited until later in life. Good for you.

              We can help if you want to change. Spend some time reading all the material on this website - there is lots of information and lots of personal stories. Think seriously about downloading RJ's book and taking some of the supplements - at least the kudzu. Keep talking to us, asking questions, and just reading a lot. We are all here for you all the time.

              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                another new one here

                :welcome: whufc1966!

                You will find lots of support here. Glad you found us!


                  another new one here

                  thank you everyone for your support.

                  the real test will be when it comes to "the next night out", i almost want it to be soon so i can see how i cope.


                  W-est H-am U-nited F-ootball C-lub

                  1966= when west ham won the world cup for england.....long story

                  cheers guys and gals, will be back with an update soonest


                    another new one here

                    Welcome 1966, like some of the others said, you are relatively young and have some darn good years in front of you. It doesn't sound like you have mucked up your financial situation too much, but you are definately gonna have to address those jekyll and hyde appearances and deal with your alcohol intake,...
                    Glad to have you here!!

                    Sober since 30/06/10


                      another new one here

                      You are to be commended 1966! Knowledge is power!! Having said that - let me tell you this:

                      I too knew exactly what you know at your age. Exactly. I was wise like you. BUT I DIDN'T WISE UP UNTIL I WAS 45. I hope you're a lot smarter than I was friend. 20 years are a lot of years to waste. Trust me!!
                      Admitting you're an a-hole is the first step


                        another new one here

                        Welcome 1966
                        You have just done the hard bit,by admitting you have a problem.You are young,so i hope you can deal with this now rather than like many of us who are struggling in mid life.I wish you well even though you are a Hammers fan!!


                          another new one here

                          Hi there whufc1966.

                          I can remember your name because I just copied and pasted it. LOL

                          All kidding aside, welcome to our den. Read and stay awhile, you won't be disappointed.
                          Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.


                            another new one here

                            Hey whufc1966. Can't really add anything to what has already been said but wanted to welcome you and let you know that this site has been immensely helpful for me. Also want to reiterate the point about taking charge of this problem now why you are 25 years old and not waiting until it has totally taken control of your life. It's your choice.



                              another new one here

                              Hi 1966...:welcome: .
                              West Ham... I quess someone's has to give them support,,,, LOL.
                              Good luck.... There are lots of people here that have been in the same, and even worst, situation.... Keep reading and keep posting.... Good luck.

                              The first "good luck" is for West Ham... The second is for you.
                              TIGGER1 :l

                              Formerly Mr Boop

