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I guess I am not as alone in this as I thought!

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    I guess I am not as alone in this as I thought!

    Hi all - a newbie here. I just stumbled onto this page and have spent the past hour or 2 reading up on it. I would like to read a bit more before jumping in with the tapes / pills etc, but I am pretty relieved to read some similar stories, and know I am not alone in this!!

    I never had a problem drinking in University (I had no money as a student!) - for me it started when I was 28-29, my first "real" job where i could afford a bottle of wine for a nice dinner on the weekend. Over the next few years it went to a beer after work, followed by wine with dinner. Before I knew it, I drank every day after work . EVERY day. The blackouts and the hangovers were horrid. First thing in the morning I would wake up and assess how bad I was, and try to remember how much I drank the night before. It was pretty sad, but I was still able to hide it (for the most part). However, now that my beau has moved in with me, it has been hard to hide it (which is, in a way a good thing!).

    Things have improved for me, however. For about 3 years (at my worst), I could not go 24 hours without a drink. Over the last 2 years, however, I have made it up to 4 days between drinks (and I would love to do more). I think now that I have found this site and realize others out there are in the same boat, I think I will have an outlet to go to !! Yeah!


    I guess I am not as alone in this as I thought!

    :welcome: Minsk!

    Unfortunately for most of us the alcohol creeps up. I started as a social drinker on the weekends to a full blown hard-core drinker in a matter of a few years.

    Keep reading around, and post often. There is a wealth of knowledge, advice and support here. Glad you found us!


      I guess I am not as alone in this as I thought!

      It will take patience and strength to abstain but it is possible. The supplements make things easier but are not truly necessary. It's really up to you to find out what you need to make a break from the dependancy. Whatever you do I suggest that you take a good break- 30 days if you can. The thing that is most important is that you develop a view of life outside of the view that alcohol gives you. In many way alcohol numbs us to the pain that we feel but it also inhibits the joy that we might feel as well. We have all been there and are willing to help as we have been helped.

      Suddenly I see
      This is what I want to be
      suddenly I see
      Why the hell it means so much to me.

      -KT Tunstall


        I guess I am not as alone in this as I thought!

        Welcome Minsk
        You're off to a great start. Keep reading and posting. I think you will find you are definitely not alone and among friends here. Nice to meet you.
        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


          I guess I am not as alone in this as I thought!


          You're not alone at all. There are some wonderful characters here and whatever path you decide to follow I'm sure that you will get support and friendship! I didn't get the vitamins and supps but visit this site every morning (I may not always post but I always loitering) and I don't think I could have asked for more help and encouragement. You seem to be already off to a great start!

          Welcome and good luck!


            I guess I am not as alone in this as I thought!

            Hi Minisk,

            You will never be alone on mwo. welcome aboard! This is a good outlet, come to it as often as possible. You will always get lots of support.

            wishing you all the best of luck on your journey!

            family is everything to me


              I guess I am not as alone in this as I thought!

              Hello Minsk, Welcome to MWO!!

              It sounds from your post that you have already started to take control of your drinking, rather than allow it to take control of you. You have definately come to the right place to gain knowledge and support. Alcohol consumption is normally progressive, so now is a good time to address it as you are with someone who you care about, who doesn't drink a lot themselves (that is very helpful).
              If you are going 3 - 4 days inbetween drinks, then that is great. How is your 'mind set' during those days. Do you forget alcohol, or do you think about it all the time??

              Best wishes.

              Sober since 30/06/10


                I guess I am not as alone in this as I thought!

                Hi Minsk and welcome

                You have come to a great place and there is loads of support here for you. Read and join in. good luck.



                  I guess I am not as alone in this as I thought!

                  Hi Minsk just like to add my:welcome:
                  In life we can live out our dreams its true
                  the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


                    I guess I am not as alone in this as I thought!

                    Take it from someone else who has felt so alone. I started lurking around here months ago, but in the past few days I have found out how helpful and supportive all of the wonderful people here are. I would have definetely caved in yesterday if it wasn't for the support I got on this site. I am so grategul I forund this site. You will be too.


                      I guess I am not as alone in this as I thought!

                      Hi Minsk, welcome to MWO. I'm new also and have found that even if I don't post, reading what others have written is helpful. I know you'll find lots of support here. I'm on day two again. I made it through last night with the help of diet 7-up, Hersheys kisses and MWO!


                        I guess I am not as alone in this as I thought!

                        Welcome Minsk,

                        Yes, as others have said, lots of loving and caring friends to be found here. And, support abounds!

                        Stop in often to read or post. We're always open.:flower:
                        Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.


                          I guess I am not as alone in this as I thought!

                          I am new also and this site and these people have been a great thing to let you know you arent alone in how you drink and that you want to get youself together


                            I guess I am not as alone in this as I thought!

                            you are not alone, not at all.
                            Welcome to MWO

                            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                              I guess I am not as alone in this as I thought!

                              Wow - thanks for the support!

                              Thanks all for the overwhelming positive support! :thanks:

                              One of the members asked me a pretty deep question that really struck me - do I think about Alcohol when I go a few days between drinks. (And yes - I think it helps me to actually spell it out - A_L_C_O_H_O_L - it helps me remember that I do have a problem with this).

                              The answer is - it depends. Usually the first day - no (which actually is a large improvement compared to 2 years ago, when I could not honestly answer that question!). However, the 2nd or 3rd day - yes. I would see a bottle of wine or beer in the fridge, and I would just want to open it quickly - 'you CAN'T throw it out now that it is opened' (poor rationalization of the booze brain at work there)....

                              I have to do some deep soul searching - am I looking to go cold turkey? - no, I don't think so. Just so that I slow down, and not consume 3 beers for every 1 of my friends. And not wake up with nasty hangover syndrome, and worry about bad booze breath. With the holidays approaching, and many "celebrations" coming up, I do worry that i will not be able to pace myself, and may end up doing something I either regret, or forget (the worst for me).

