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Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

    Good morning everyone

    Just wanted to say a quick hello before I have to rush off. I am going to the funeral of a neighbour. She was 75 and died in her sleep. They had had a 40th birthday party for one of her sons the night before and they all had a great time. She went to bed and never woke up. A lovely ending for her but the family are in shock.

    Hope those of you having a hard time yesterday are feeling a bit better today. We are all thinking of you. Keep logging in and letting us know how you are getting on.

    Have a great week-end everyone.


    Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

    Rustop, what a shame about your neighbor, but what a sweet way for her to go, spending a lovely night with her family, then peacefully going to sleep. Bless her.

    Read on another post that Satori said days 4-5 are the hardest, its get easier. Starting day 5, can't wait til Saturday, day6!

    My best to all who check in here today!


      Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

      so sorry about the neighbor, but my grandma went in her sleep and I always thanked god she did. No long suffering. Thanks again for you help yesterday. I actually slept about 4-5 hours last night so I am feeling alot better today.

      Day 4 for me. I plan to make it AF whatever it takes. Good luck on you day 5. Let's keep thinking it can only get easier from here.

      Good morning and good luck to all who log on here today. The support you will find id incredible.


        Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

        Morning Rustop Suki and Timetochange,
        What a lovely way to part this Earth, just been with all her family and drifting away.
        Hope all goes well RU.
        Suki You good girl you managed to get not only past but shelter inside McCarthys without buying al you deserve to win on that lottery ticket!
        Hi time to change, congrats on your 4 days! they soon mount up!
        In life we can live out our dreams its true
        the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


          Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

          Good Morning Rustop, but sorry about funeral, I have had tooooo many in the past few years, all family too...........BUT.....My dad went in his sleep and I was grateful for that for him too, suffered too much in the end...............she was blessed in that way..........

          Day 3 for me, hope this campral helps, cuz the weekends/Fridays are always a challenge.

          last night SUCKED!! Called Mike on the way back from son's swimming to ask what we needed from the grocers, he said "get something for all of us to eat together", got home and made some delicious spaghetti dinner...........David and I finally got too hungry to wait...............Mike coomes "waltzing" (SP??) in the door around 9, after I had done all the laundry, Christmas cards, eaten (of course) and cleaned dining room table..........He was at his pot smoking-coke snorting buddies drinking all night!! AND MAN, was he in a FOUL know, my counselor gave me a list of counselors for us to call and advised me to have mike make the appt..............that AIN"T EVER GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!! I think I need to just focus on myself and "F*CK" him (not literally......................yuck!!! turns my stomach!)and just co-exist under the same roof, my counselor says it is doable..................think that is my only choice, so I am getting stronger, and KNOW i can do this!!!!

          thanks for letting me vent, sorry to keep beating this dead horse(NOT LITERALLY EITHER:upset: LOVE THEM TOO MUCH!!!) But it just will never go away..................:upset:

          BTW, he forbids me to come to this site now some pms a while back, that is tooooooooooo dangerous, just have to DEFINITELY log off EVERY TIME I use it...............the nerve of him to "forbid me". I told him I "forbid him" from going to all his porn sites so he can sit there and beat off (hope I am not offending anyone, but that is exactly how I feel!!!):H

          Love you guys, gotta go do SOME work today, have only 2 patients and a pretty easy day, yeah!!!
          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


            Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

            Rustop - sorry to hear about your neighbour, hope all goes well today. I had a good night last night - tried a test. I have been on the supps for a week now and the topa for 2 (at 75mgs) - cravings are under control and doing well. Cooked Joe a nice dinner last night and he asked if I wanted a glass of wine and I was in my head like not really but lets see if I can do this so okay - and you know what? I had one small glass - it lasted the whole night! It didn't really taste that great (go figure, maybe it is in my head cause that is what I ususally binge on and I really want this to work) but I really didn't want anymore! I cleaned up after dinner, corked the bottle and it is sitting on the counter. No desire to even touch it - 3 quarters of a bottle left after my small glass and the small glass he had with dinner last night. I feel pretty damn good about passing that little test!

            But I do have a question for you guys - when the hell am I going to SLEEP!!!!! I am an insomniac to begin with but I am now on 4 days with about 1 hour a night - I am barely functioning - the calms forte is not working and I even tried a sleeping pill last night - I shouldn't even be driving, I feel sick to my stomache - this is body lies there motionless at night but my mind won't shut off...........I need to sleep before I get really sick...........
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              Newbies in need ODAT - Friday


              Damn!! I cannot imagine going 4 nights with only 1 hour of sleep per.

              However, sometimes I only get 3 or 4 hours a night. It has been that way for years and years.

              Wine used to let me "sleep" but turns out it was passing out and then coming to.

              The sleeping will get better. I sleep about 6 hours a night now and don't wake up with hangovers and feel like I actually slept the night before.


              AF April 9, 2016


                Newbies in need ODAT - Friday


                Have you tried melatonin?? There is other supplements in healthfood stores to help.....

                Maybe explain to your doc, there are now scripts you can get that do not develop dependancies?
                Just my thoughts!!!

                love you, hope you get some zzzzzzzzzzzzzz's soon!! Couldn't imagine that either!!

                love ya!!

                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                  Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

                  Cowgal (MA),

                  I cannot imagine my husband trying to "forbid" me from doing anything. What a joke!! :H

                  Hang in there, girl. You must take care of yourself and do not worry about him.

                  btw, the spaghetti sounds delicious.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Newbies in need ODAT - Friday


                    He should know better, I am the most free-spirited (mostly)person he knows, will always do what I want (if it is not hurting anyone or anything, you know).................He FORBIDS me will make me do it MORE!!!! HA!

                    Thanks for support!!!:h :h

                    Love the avatar too BTW, isn't that from the Grinch, little Cindi Lou who!?!?!

                    love ya!:l
                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      Newbies in need ODAT - Friday


                      Yes, Cindi Lou Who.

                      People have called me that all my life.

                      Funny thing is, my name really is Cindi Lou. :H

                      Stay strong Mary Anne.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

                        Universal: I'm w/Cindi on the sleep issue. I was never a good sleeper, even when I was working & getting up really, really early (5:45AM). As soon as I'd turn off the bedside lamp, my brain would start up. That was one of the big motivators for drinking. I began w/one tiny one (usually vodka), & of course, worked my way up to many, many more. By the time I stopped drinking, I was passing out in bed. But that's not real sleep. A few hours later, I'd wake up w/heart pounding in a cold sweat. Not pleasant.

                        I'd like to say that sleep now is idyllic, but it isn't really. I'm much better than when I first stopped drinking. I sleep most nights about 6 hrs w/the occasional sleepless thrown in on a weekly basis. Your body is adjusting to not having a poison put into it on a daily basis, I guess. Good luck. Sleep deprivation is an awful thing but don't let it drive you back to the bottle. That's how you got to this point in the first place. Mary
                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

                          Universal - I listen to the hypnotherapy CD's while falling asleep. I like the one with the ocean sounds. It puts me right out.



                            Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

                            hi everyone. Day 5 and good. I'm a bit scared about the weekend, we have visitors who will be having the 'Christmas Drink' and we're all going out tomorrow evening. Hope I can say no! best of luck everyone for Day 6


                              Newbies in need ODAT - Friday


                              you can say NO!!

                              AF April 9, 2016

