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I hope this is the way out...

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    I hope this is the way out...

    Hi everyone,

    I am new to the boards, but not so new to the program. I tried it for awhile in early November. The supplements made me sick and seemed to have no effect. I liked the CDs and the walking for exercise, but they started to turn into additional "obligations" - time consuming things that I "should" do. One of the big reasons I am having such a problem with alcohol right now is that I am overwhelmed with things I have to do. I get all stressed out and drink to forget about it - and of course then I don't do anything and the next day I am more stressed because there is even more to do.

    I have been reading posts and I see so much of my life in other people's stories. I am hoping that the support and the sharing here is the piece I was missing when I tried this the first time.

    I have been a heavy drinker for many years but now is the worst it has been and I know that now is the time to find a way out.

    Looking forward to meeting you all.

    I hope this is the way out...

    :welcome: I am so glad you came back. As you know this is a very supportive group. Together we are stronger. So thanks for joining us to both support and be supported by you. :l


      I hope this is the way out...

      Hi Jessica and Welcome!! :welcome:

      Don't be discouraged at all with yourself at not having sailed through on your first attempt. It is a process just as getting to where you are must have been a process (at least it was for me). So good for you for getting back at it and adding the MWO boards to your plan. You've probably seen that everyone here supports a 'whatever it takes' philosophy.

      Perhaps you can share some more of your story so some of the right people with similar experiences can get right down to the business of getting past your particular hurdles. How did it go the first time in November? Have you been to your doc and talked about prescription meds?

      As for tho boards, I'm so glad you hear some of your own feelings in the posts. Be sure and dive right in where ever you see something interesting. You'll find this group is the most welcoming group that has ever been.

      Look forward to seeing you around the boards and in chat!



        I hope this is the way out...

        0welcome jessica - I'm a struggler too. Have given up for 10weeks/7weeks/3weeks/days - only to find that I give in and then, there you are, soon back to the guilt and the anxiety again. I too would like to know when and how the eventual 'giving up' kicks in. But this is a good place, keep posting and reading, and very, very often it is the impetus one needs NOT to give in for the moment Tylyr


          I hope this is the way out...

          Welcome m'Lady!

          I know where you are coming from on the stress bit.

          Nice to meet you and hope you have all the help you need.



            I hope this is the way out...

            Welcome Lady J... I think many of us share your problems. Stress is often the main culprit. I hope you will get the support you need here.

            The supps are really important, but you can tailor your own programme. Don't give up on them. I couldn't live without supps. I buy mine in different places (but swear by the MWO kudzu and milk thistle-- which you really need if you have been a heavy drinker for a long time), though I think the MWO stuff is all great. If you don't like the ALL ONE (which many people don't), put together your own supp regime. (btw, ALL ONE mixed with yoghurt drink is yummy! just a tip...)

            Exercise-- well, fit it in when you can... walk quickly to your car, take stairs instead of elevators... don't worry so much about it.

            The CDs, honestly I don't know if they have much of an effect, but they work great for getting me to fall asleep-- that's no extra obligation!

            Hope to see more of you here.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              I hope this is the way out...

              you are right. stress is also the reason why I started drinking heavily and then had to take action to cut down.
              I think stress and anxiety are the 2 mayor factors that make some people abuse alcohol.
              you are at the right place.
              I started by reading a lot, then posting, the supplements took a while to kick in and more probably because I was mal nutritioned.
              You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                I hope this is the way out...

                Welcome Jess!
                I so undrstand the stress situation,i am like that just now.I write all i have to do down on the list,and work through it like that.Yes it does become overwhelming,but know that we understand and are here for you xx


                  I hope this is the way out...

                  Thanks everyone for the warm welcome - I can see this is a very supportive community.

                  I was a bit overly-optimistic when I started out in November and it fell apart pretty fast. I don't really feel discouraged though because I didn't give it a real try - I really wasn't ready, I didn't understand the time committment (if you do the tapes and the exercise pieces) and I just expected miracles.

                  I've been reading the forums and I have a much better understanding of how all this works and what is involved. Considering that I felt I started at the wrong time once already, I am holding off for 2 1/2 weeks. I assume there are lots of 30 day AFs starting in January. and I'll be part of one.

                  I'm not going to do the meds. I'm concerned about side effects (pretty humorous when you consider how much alcohol I am willing to ingest!) but i will go back to the supplements. My problems were gastro-intestinal, and I've read about what to cut out if that happens again.

                  The CDs are pretty time-intensive, but it is only for 4 weeks so I think I'll be able to fit it in once the holidays are over. I actually enjoy them, but just couldn't find the time.

                  Thanks again for the welcome and I hope to get to know you all better.


                    I hope this is the way out...

                    Welcome back, Jessica.

                    Stick with us. . . . we all falter. . . . it's the picking up and dusting one's self off that counts.

                    Come back and post often.
                    Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.


                      I hope this is the way out...

                      :welcome: LadyJessica!

                      Don't get discouraged by your first attempt here in November. Many of us have tried a couple of times before finding what works for us. Keep trying and stay close!


                        I hope this is the way out...

                        hi everybody. ive been reading these notes from you all and feel hopeful. this is my first week to be here and im a little pensive. are yall really out there? i would really like to moderate my drinking but really could use a friend or 2 for help. AA wasnt an option. I happened upon MYO and thought it might be the right thing for me. sometimes i feel its all hopeless, then i read yall and feel hope. i hope im not kidding myself. you seem so pretty computer illerterate also but ill keep trying


                          I hope this is the way out...

                          :welcome: babs!

                          Glad you found us. You won't only find a friend or two, but hundreds of us whom can relate to you and/or give you the support you need.

                          You may want to start your own thread on Just Starting Out, as you will get a lot more friendly, warm welcomes there. Sometimes when people post in a thread when starting they may get overlooked and feel like no one cares, when we all do. (Just a suggestion for you)

                          Welcome and I hope you stick around and find the strength and support you need!


                            I hope this is the way out...

                            Jess and Babs, we all know that this is a tough road we all have to travel, and good grief, so many people are on the same road as us... AA has a 95% recidivism rate in the first year??? and how many hundreds of thousands go thru that program? We can do it, we love each other, we support each other, but, most importantly, we are learning to love ourselves.

                            It is really really hard, but we can do, and welcome to both of you!
                            And you may ask yourself, "What is that beautiful house?" And you may ask yourself, "Where does that highway go?" And you may ask yourself,"Am I right?...Am I wrong?" And you may tell yourself..."MY GOD!...WHAT HAVE I DONE?"


                              I hope this is the way out...

                              Welcome Babs and thx to everyone else. I am determined to make a change in my life - 2008 will be different thanks to meeting all you guys.


