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I hope this is the way out...

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    I hope this is the way out...

    Hello everyone,
    I am a newbie too but after a Xmas party Friday night, where I was only going to have 2 drinks!! and then be home in time to take my son to work, instead not getting home until at least 4 or 5 drinks later and taking out my neighbors mailbox in the process (not that I remember!), upsetting my son and daughter by driving when I shouldn't have been, and so full of shame and embarrassment since, it is time for me to take action and get myself in order... I don't drink everyday but don't seem to know when to stop when I do drink and end up not remembering half the evening... I really want to get it under!


      I hope this is the way out...


      :welcome: and glad you found us.

      Blackouts are a pretty good sign you have a problem.

      Most of us have them, me - oh for the last two years of my life lucky to remember one single night -- so you have come here well before you have gotten as bad off as me. Good on you!!

      Please download/purchase through Amazon or however the MWO book. That is a good first step.

      Then, and this is the part this is really great about this program (programme?), is you can decide what steps you want to take and where to begin.

      Also, this forum is an incredible resource of good, caring people who have all been where you are in various stages.

      Good luck and look forward to hearing from you and seeing you get to whatever goal you choose for your life.

      AF April 9, 2016

