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ruined friendship

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    ruined friendship

    hey there mate, you say that you have too much to lose, but is it worth being miserable for the rest of your life?, you know that we all care about you here. you need to put yourself first and really I think that he is the one with everything to lose, hate to see you like this

    "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


      ruined friendship

      very well said Max!!!!


        ruined friendship

        I am ok

        Right now I am sitting and listening to music, Mike is gone and has beenmost of the day.......

        I am ok, I will check in tomorrow just to let you alll know I am OK!!

        love you:h :h
        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          ruined friendship

          hey girlie i'm back for a minute as i'm at the conference all week. when are you going to the doctor to get the antibuse? you can't drink on that. or what you can do is stop saying you want to stop drinking. and give up feeling guilty and be on here and drink... lots of folks are on here and drink.... i'm not condoning it but they do so,
          a. either you want to stop drinking and take those steps
          b. stop saying you do and just drinkkkkkkk til you are done doing that...
          i love you ma....
          your little buddy
          tinkkerbelle barbi


            ruined friendship

            Am thinking of you cowgal.......hope you`re O.K. :l

            Starlight Impress x


              ruined friendship

              Hey hun, just wondered if youd ever tried coda? Its really helping me at the moment.

              Hope youre ok Hugs
              Live Well, Laugh Often, Enjoy the Journey


                ruined friendship

                don't mean to sound stupid, but what is coda???


                  ruined friendship

                  Hi cowgal,
                  Hope you are ok. Hope you can get on this site maybe when you are at work.
                  look afer yourself and take lots of care.
                  Thinking of you.x

                  family is everything to me


                    ruined friendship

                    Cowgal... Hi.. Can't think what you must be going through, I really feel for you.... You must be positive,, don't let him win and most of all DON'T turn to the drink, (easy said than done, I know).
                    Please keep posting, you have alot of friends here that care..
                    TIGGER1 :l

                    Formerly Mr Boop


                      ruined friendship

                      coda is co dependants anonymous


                        ruined friendship

                        Hi Cowgal, I'd like to add my 2 cents and I hope I won't offend you. I assume from some other posts of yours that Mike is your husband. You don't sound like you are very happy in your marriage. I believe it is important to re-evaluate a relationship when you are unhappy and weigh the good against the bad. Perhaps looking at your relationship in a cold, rational, analytical way will help you to make a decision on what your next step should be.
                        I wish you the best in whatever you decide and hope you find solace.


                          ruined friendship

                          Hi cowgirl

                          I just checked this thread and read that someone suggested you look into codependency.

                          that seems to me to be a good idea. It seems like your sense of self is all tied up with him and you feel desperate without that connection. And everything he does impacts you.

                          So I hope you realize you are a person in your own right, separate from family and spouse. Who are you? Do you know who you are separate from him? Maybe that is why you are going a bit crazy at the moment.


                            ruined friendship

                            hit away

                            It is Monday AM, Mike and I have had an enlightening weekend, rekindled our relationship, talked alot, made promises to eachother for many things, I feel very positive, almost like a newlywed!?! We really had a good day yesterday, and I feel different, he promised to try to not drink Mon-Thurs like me...........stop the pot smoking (or at least slow down!)

                            He has changed (it seems), so I will take this ODAT too, we actually slept in the same bed for the first time in 10 years this weekend,WOW, and it was nice!

                            Anyway, I am finding myself through this, seem to be getting positive and stronger!

                            I know I am (and have been) all overthe place on these boards, but maybe now I will be more grounded and stable...........

                            Hope so,

                            love and hugs to all!!!!!:h :l

                            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                              ruined friendship

                              thats my cowgal! happy again, hope it goes well
                              "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                                ruined friendship

                                good for you honey

