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Thinking about detox

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    Thinking about detox

    Hi, everyone,

    I'm "new" here, although I have been reading posts since I first came upon this site in July. I think I am as typically atypical as everyone in the way I have ended up desperate to change my drinking habits. I've been trying moderation for some time, but there have been a number of uber-stressful events in the last 2 months that have had me accelerating my bad habit. Two days ago, after an evening of too much drinking, I had physical symptoms that were so bad I was convinced that I had finally dammaged my heart beyond repair and ended up in the emergency room with an EKG. I felt like I was dying and couldn't stop crying for fear of what I'd done and also the terror of dying alone. It turns out that I was probably experiencing severe withdrawal, so my doctor gave me a prescription for Ativan and called some treatment facilities for me. I'm still on the Ativan, and still cannot find an open "detox bed" two days later. I think that the physical aspects of alchol withdrawal are what have kept me drinking well after I had decided I wanted to stop. I'm scared that eliminating alcohol will lead to death (I had a marriage-related uncle who tried to detox himself and did die). I am not keen on the Ativan, because it makes me so tired, and I actually wet my bed last night (horribly embarrassing...never did that in my entire life)!. I'm in a very high-pressure job (science) and there are lots of deadlines right now. I also know that if I do not get detoxed properly I will never get better. Can anyone tell me what to expect if I can get a bed in a detox facility? What does detox and withdrawal feel like? WHat are they likely to do about the Ativan that I am now on to manage the withdrawal? Can I continue to take my prozac during this process? I have other questions regarding outpatient counseling and rehab, too, but for now I'd really just like to learn more about the detox steps (one scary thing at a time!). THanks to everyone in advance

    Thinking about detox

    My brother went to detox two months ago and they insisted he have and take his Prozac. In fact, I had to go pick up a new Rx at the pharmacy and drop it off there that day. Now he is in rehab and again, they require it. That was his only scrip med, so I don't know about the Ativan but don't know why it would be different.

    I am sorry, I can't help you with the rest of your questions, but I am rooting for you to stay strong and get better! Good luck.
    And you may ask yourself, "What is that beautiful house?" And you may ask yourself, "Where does that highway go?" And you may ask yourself,"Am I right?...Am I wrong?" And you may tell yourself..."MY GOD!...WHAT HAVE I DONE?"


      Thinking about detox

      Oh God, Neurongirl, I wish I could answer all your questions, but I can't. I'm a stupid alcoholic that just gets hung up every month or so. I don't feel the need to drink everyday, so it looks like mine is emotional drinking and not physical.

      But, I feel your pain and wish I had the words to help you. Gather all your strength and do what you think is right for you. I'll be thinking about you and praying that you can find some peace.

      You are deserving of this, don't forget that.:flower:
      Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.


        Thinking about detox


        I am glad you have a doctor's care right now - go back to the doctor ASAP and let him/her know what is going on at this point. As you know, you can suffer serious issues from detox (seizures, etc) and if you are that far along you need medical help to get through it. Do you have insurance that would support a 30 day rehab? Operation PAR has sliding scales and has detox.....have you called them?

        I had a scare too - heart palpatations, shortness of breath....turned out to be axiety, but it was a huge wake up call. I got blood work, EKG, etc. and it turns out I am fine.....and I am determined not to let myself drink to where it IS a real health issue.

        You can stop the damage from getting worse, and even reverse it some, but you have to stop. Don't do this alone......get help everywhere possible.

        None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone (Ralph Waldo Emerson).

