I"ve always liked to drink but didn't become a daily and problem drinker until when I was going through a divorce three years ago from my (until then) best friend .... had a seemingly great marriage until my husband's serious damage from his hellish childhood came spewing out in the form of vicious anger, most of it unloaded on me. It was a really shattering experience. Well I did survive, but still am not moving forward. And I know that alcohol is not only keeping me from moving forward, but also that I'm AFRAID on some deep level to give up booze because then I will have to really restart my life. I don't know if any of this makes sense. But, for instance, the booze has made me gain a ton of weight. I used to stay in shape, dress nice, etc... And I think I am using the booze and the extra weight to hide behind .. because I am so bloody scared of really starting over, really find out who I am , and the worst terror of all, the idea of DATING AGAIN !!!!
For so long, it's been one excuse after another. It's been .. well, I'll stop drinking after the divorce .. didn't happen .. well, I'll stop drinking after I move (of course he got the house) .. didn't happen .. then more life stressors .. still hasn't happened!!! There is so much shame .. I shudder to think of seeing people I used to know .. but in a way the whole thing has become my own little comfort zone, although every morning I wake up and think "WHY do I keep doing this to myself????"
If anyone has any words of wisdom, thank you ... :thanks: