Well, last night went OK. My beau and I went shopping - bought our first Christmas tree together (my first real one!) and a few small presents at Ikea for the house, then he suggested we go out for dinner as it was pretty late. I had 2 beers - the same as him. Not bad, but it was interesting. For the first time. when I was sipping the second beer, I thought of "you" out there (the people behind the MWO posts). It made me think- did I really need this second beer? :thanks:
We came home, and there is a 1/2 empty bottle of wine sitting on the counter. I was tempted to sneak a glass, but I didn't! Yeah! Why? Because I thought to myself, you know, I really don't need it. I want it, but I don't need it. So I didn't.
I don't want to be too happy about this, as I still drank last night, :upset: but again - I have to remind myself that it is a start, I could have downed the rest of the wine (I would have done that 2 years ago) but I didn't. At least no hangover this morning!