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Drinking for the coming holidays

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    Drinking for the coming holidays

    Hey all;

    Well, last night went OK. My beau and I went shopping - bought our first Christmas tree together (my first real one!) and a few small presents at Ikea for the house, then he suggested we go out for dinner as it was pretty late. I had 2 beers - the same as him. Not bad, but it was interesting. For the first time. when I was sipping the second beer, I thought of "you" out there (the people behind the MWO posts). It made me think- did I really need this second beer? :thanks:

    We came home, and there is a 1/2 empty bottle of wine sitting on the counter. I was tempted to sneak a glass, but I didn't! Yeah! Why? Because I thought to myself, you know, I really don't need it. I want it, but I don't need it. So I didn't.

    I don't want to be too happy about this, as I still drank last night, :upset: but again - I have to remind myself that it is a start, I could have downed the rest of the wine (I would have done that 2 years ago) but I didn't. At least no hangover this morning!

    Drinking for the coming holidays

    Good for you, Minsk. It is a start. Isn't there a saying that a thousand mile journey begins with one step so you go and no hangover.


      Drinking for the coming holidays

      Hi Minsk,
      What a great way to start the day.... no hangover! Hold on to that thought as evening comes around. I know it's not that easy but wouldn't it be great if we could de-program the evening cravings just by being logical? Since I realize now that logic has nothing to do with it, I am sticking to this program as best as I can. I have done well through the morning but I WANT MY EVENINGS BACK. Progress is slow (relatively speaking) but sure.
      This site has helped to make a significant difference. Thank you MOWers!!!

      Best wishes on your journey,

      Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
      - Soren Kierkegaard


        Drinking for the coming holidays

        Minsk, I did the same thing last sunday, slipped and had two beers. Felt horrible about it, but I was able to stop, told myself the same thing, I don't really need another one. I to had thought about tearing into the box of wine that sat on my counter, but didn't. I reminded myself how wonderful it is to go to bed and wake up clear headed and guilt free. Good job, on stopping yourself, that alone is progress towards being af, if that is what your going for.

        Happy Saturday!


          Drinking for the coming holidays

          Good for both of you. You are making progress and that is what this is all about. Best wishes.


            Drinking for the coming holidays

            Minsk;241005 wrote: Hey all;

            Well, last night went OK. My beau and I went shopping - bought our first Christmas tree together (my first real one!) and a few small presents at Ikea for the house, then he suggested we go out for dinner as it was pretty late. I had 2 beers - the same as him. Not bad, but it was interesting. For the first time. when I was sipping the second beer, I thought of "you" out there (the people behind the MWO posts). It made me think- did I really need this second beer? :thanks:

            We came home, and there is a 1/2 empty bottle of wine sitting on the counter. I was tempted to sneak a glass, but I didn't! Yeah! Why? Because I thought to myself, you know, I really don't need it. I want it, but I don't need it. So I didn't.

            I don't want to be too happy about this, as I still drank last night, :upset: but again - I have to remind myself that it is a start, I could have downed the rest of the wine (I would have done that 2 years ago) but I didn't. At least no hangover this morning!
            I know what your saying, I had two drinks, mixed a third, which got thrown out this morning, even though I just found this site in the back of my mind I was thinking of "you".

            To wake up on a weekend morning (Sat) with no hangover feels GREAT, I work all week and am normally hung over on Sat morning, BUT not today. I know I can over come, may be a few bumps in the road, but hey, they have to get the hell out of my way! nuff said.

            I say it often and will continue to say............."what a great bunch of people on MWO."

