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Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sat.

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    Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sat.

    Hi Everyone Especially Newbies: I could see by the thread titles that some newcomers have joined MWO. This site can be very successful if you keep an open mind & are persistent. Come here & share, & there will be someone who will post back to you. This Newbie in Need ODAT (one day at a time) thread was very helpful to me when I first came here. I was in pretty bad shape when I came here last April. It was up & down for me in the beginning. However, I came here every single day, even if I was drinking. I've now been AF (alcohol-free) for over 70 days & feel wonderful. This is the first holiday season I've been sober in a long, long time. Please don't give up. People supporting people is what makes up this MWO site. Somehow, through the magic of cyber-support, recovery comes to many of us. Keep coming. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sat.

    Well Mary and all,
    Something must be working because last night I went to my brothers 40th B-day and didn't have a drink!!!!!!!! I can't tell you what an achievement that is. I had been anxious the whole week about going but knew I had to. And then I sat down, socialized, no one even noticed I didn't have a drink, ( another stress level, being asked, and saying "no" )I can't believe it!
    I have been very busy this week so I haven't posted much but I read everyday.
    I'm going shopping today at 08 am and with no hangover!!!


      Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sat.

      Hi Mary, FinallyRn and all to come

      I second everything Mary has said. Keep coming and posting, eventually it will all come together. Every day you go AF is an achievement and if you are like me you probably drank every day before coming here.

      Well done Finally on going alcohol free at a birthday party. That was quite a challenge but you are right nobody else but ourselves is bothered about what we are drinking.

      I am going out to a fancy dinner tonight and may or may not have half a glass of wine with the meal. I have 46 AF days behind me at this stage and one part of me does not want to break that but there is still a part of me that would love to be able to enjoy a glass of wine with a meal. Social drinking was never a problem with me, it was the drinking at home that caused problems. I am going to play it by ear.

      Have a great week-end everyone.



        Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sat.

        Finally: Good for you! I remember the first social event that I went AF. It was a beach party, & what a sense of achievement. Congratulations!

        Rustop: I commend you for being able to drink socially. I cannot. I (maybe) could drink OK at the social event, but it would trigger a binge for the next day & those thereafter. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sat.

          Hi to all. Today is day 5 for me and although I have been able to do that in the past somehow this time feels different. I really do not want to drink. we do not socialize much and have two Christmas parties tonight. I have always been good in front of others but could never control the alone drinking. Being in a bad relationship I know that I must be strong to move forward, and that means AF. All of you have no idea how much help you have been to me this week. I can never thank you enough. I truly mean that.


            Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sat.

            Time: That's how MWO works. We support each other, & when we reach a goal, there's so much gratitude. In your success, you're helping a newcomer. Good Luck tonight. You'll be fine. BTW, who knows how abstinence will effect your relationship. It could actually improve. In my marriage, alcohol was the third, unwanted element. Now that it's been taken away, my husband & I are much more compatible & intimate. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sat.


              don't feel like I really have good input for today, but am jamming here and responding to pms Am drinking and dealing w/ hubby ........................he will be back soon so gotta go, but thought I should check in!:thanks: :thanks: :thanks:

              love ya!!
              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sat.

                retteacher;241085 wrote: Finally: Good for you! I remember the first social event that I went AF. It was a beach party, & what a sense of achievement. Congratulations!

                Rustop: I commend you for being able to drink socially. I cannot. I (maybe) could drink OK at the social event, but it would trigger a binge for the next day & those thereafter. Mary
                I'm not sure I'm doing this right but I wanted to comment on Retteacher's comment about drinking socially bring on a binge, not nessesarily that night but the next day. I've had so many events that I have been successful in being AF or at least DF, hence walk away thinking I'm cured. I've beat AL at his game, I won. Being here this last month has been a huge learning experience. The magnitude of my drinking is only just beginning to dawn on me. Reading other posts and finding similarities has been both enlightening and scary.

                Keep it coming girls. We can do this:thanks:

