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New life in 2008

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    New life in 2008

    This is my first time here. I found it purely by accident when thinking how am I going to stop drinking and get control of my life. I was inspired to know that I was not alone with my demons. I have decided that as of 1st January I am going to stop all together. I hate the way alcohol (wine) controls my life. I don't go places at night because I think I won't be home in time to drink. I never used to drink this much - we never had enough money to buy what we wanted 6 years ago. Don't get me wrong, I still drank, it was more binge drinking on the weekends and sober all week as had nothing in the fridge. Now that we have the funds tho, I drink about a bottle of wine (or more sometimes) nearly every night.

    I wake every morning at about 2am with a dry mouth and hangover. Then I can't get back to sleep for hours and feel crap the next day. On the odd night I am able to stay off it I sleep right through and feel wonderful the next day. I have gained so much weight with this drinking too that it just adds to my depression and need to drink. I am 40 and need to change my life. This problem runs in my family and I don't want my kids to think it is OK to drink so much.

    So even tho it's not the 1st of Jan yet, I am here writing this as I want to get through tonight without a drink - so I am writing this to promise myself that tonight will be AF. I will let you know how I went tomorrow.

    New life in 2008

    Welcome Turtle Dove,
    I was going to say why wait until Jan 1st, but it sounds like you are already planning on being AF. Keep it up, we don't need a big "date" to pick out to start being AF. There is no better day than today.


      New life in 2008

      Welcome to a wonderful supportive place. You will find the people here will care for you and support you whether you have had a drink or not. But if you want to remain AF I truly recommend coming here often. I started coming here in June and just read sometimes. As of late I have been becoming addicted to reading and posting and I for the first time in a long time can honestly say i think I can beat this. I am only on day 5 but have never been this resolved and have never thought i could ever receive the support and freindships I have already made here. You can be honest and open and you will be embraced. Good luck tonight and in 2008. We'll be here to help you along.


        New life in 2008

        :welcome: Turtle Dove!

        Glad you found us!


          New life in 2008

          Welcome Turtle Dove, am so glad you found this place, it has been a godsend to me (I am now 70+ days af). Sometimes it is good to prepare for staying af ... read as much as you can and post and you'll find so much informative and non-judgemental support here. God bless, j
          Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


            New life in 2008

            Turtle Dove, good for your for finding this place and making the decision to do something great for yourself. You will learn a lot, find great support and inspiration (like Janka, WAY TO GO, 70+, fabulous).


              New life in 2008

              Turtle dove :welcome: to MWO, this place can change your life totally, this time last year I was a wreck, but with the help of the lovely people on here I am now a much happier person without the need for alcohol ........

              I did an AF spell at the beginning but now moderate, I am not alcohol free but certainly drunk free ........

              All the best in your journey .......

              BB xx


                New life in 2008

                Turtle Dove,


                We are glad you are here.

                Your story sounds so much like mine, working up to more than a bottle a night every night. It truly is a horrible way to live.

                It is not easy to quit but it is definitely worth it. Keep your eye on the prize and don't let it go.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  New life in 2008

                  Welcome turtle dove. You will find much love and support here
                  Live Well, Laugh Often, Enjoy the Journey


                    New life in 2008

                    Turtle Dove
                    I am constantly amazed at the people who sound just like me, as do you.
                    I am in there with you, with lots of support, lets do this thing!!!!!!!!!!!
                    AF since 7/5/2009


                      New life in 2008

                      Welcome Turtle Dove

                      Sounds like you have a plan. Now stick to it. Start preparing for your AF new year. Get RJ's book and the supplements and start reading and taking them. Start reading as much as you can on this site. Post whenever you feel like it. Do as many AF days as you can. Moderate as much as you can. Really get your mind around this. Get to know some of us. Work your way up to Jan 1 because you won't be able to just magically stop all of a sudden. Start working on it now. Going AF today is a great start. Let us know how it goes.

                      You are most definitely among friends here and we are all here to help you along the way.

                      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                        New life in 2008

                        Dear Turtle Dove,
                        We have all been where you are.
                        Please please do make every effort you can to stop drinking in 2008. I know as well as many people on this site that more often than not, if left unchecked, our drinking levels just get higher and higher.
                        I am only on Day 12 (without a drink) this time, but my god I feel the difference.
                        My mind is not consumed by when or where or how much I am going to drink. And I sleep like a baby. No dry mouth, no hangover, no bad feelings in the morning.
                        Turtle, do stick round, read and post and get to know everyone here!! Lots of support, info and of course numerous giggles along the way.
                        Best wishes. x

                        Sober since 30/06/10


                          New life in 2008

                          Oh, I can so relate!

                          I'll drink and drink until I pass out; wake up in the middle of the night slightly sick and unable to return to sleep. It's almost time to get up and go to work and I'll doze off.

                          Go to work tired... just awful.


                            New life in 2008

                            Turtle Dove: I've also resolved to get this problem under control. You touched on the money thing ... my god, do we waste a lot on alcohol .. so sick of all the waste that the drink creates. Wasted time, wasted money, waste of physical and mental health!!
                            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                              New life in 2008

                              Turtle dove,
                              Welcome you are taking the first step to get sober, glad you are here.we will do everything in our power to help are never alone here.
                              Take care GB.(me).

