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It's been almost a month for hubby and me

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    It's been almost a month for hubby and me

    We both stopped abruptly and at the same time after a much needed teary/yelling unnecessary confrontation with our 22 year old daughter. Quite out of character for her, she blurts "you two drink to f*^%@ing much". In an inebriated moment of "clarity" we both agreed.
    The next morning - Wednesday - we both stopped our nightly consumption of wine. This was not just a couple of little glasses - I'm talking at least 2 bottles each per night. Oftentimes more, but never less. This has been escalating for about 4-5 years to this point. It just became a bad/dumb habit that I now realize has been affecting our lives negatively for years and had to come to a stop.
    Our nightly ritual of whose going to pick up the wine tonight doesn't happen anymore. I am amazed at all the energy I have and so is my husband.
    Stopping this wasn't as hard as I thought and I wish we had done this sooner. The worst thing I have experienced is having a lot of trouble getting to sleep - mostly in the beginning but is getting better now. I forget what feeling 'naturally sleepy' feels like and I am overcoming this. I am dreaming at night again in vivid clarity and waking up with all kinds of energy. Benadryl has helped a little as well as keeping my already congested head clear during the night. But I feel the need for this 'boos' less and less. Last night I took 1 pill instead of 2.
    During the day - I find that my 'old self' is returning. My mind is functioning on all 8 cylinders rather than 4 which is surprising some people who never knew the 'me'
    before my progressive wine binges at night. A couple of days ago, when asked my opinion of a faulty procedure at work. My boss sat speechless at my clear, succinct answer. It just came 'out'. Just like it used to - rather than sitting there with my foggy brain trying to form something that didn't make me sound like an idiot.
    More perks - I love to cook- if I could do it for a living, I would quit my stupid job right now and do it. But for now, I have applied to work part time for a company that helps seniors stay at home by doing the daily chores they might have difficulty with such as laundry, cleaning and cooking. This service helps keep sharp-minded, but feeble or weak people out of nursing homes and living in their own homes with a little help. The hiring process is fairly strict with background checks etc. so I am still waiting on an answer.
    So in the meantime, I am making the most of the Holiday cooking and baking in the evenings rather than plunking my butt down to my first 18 oz glass of wine with several more to follow.
    Another great perk is that I have lost almost 10 pounds since I stopped drinking. Pretty obvious outcome for someone who cuts their daily intake by over 1100 calories!
    I have started out exercising again in earnest - no once or twice half assed workouts a week, but three or four really good work-outs a week where I feel the real 'de-tox' feeling from sweating rather than the alcohol seeping through my sweat glands.

    I am glad I found this group. Your stories are awe inspiring and I no longer feel alone with the need to hide my problems. I can see the light from your many stories and inspirational examples of life without booze.

    It's been almost a month for hubby and me

    Congratulations to you and hubby. Let me be the first to tell you that it is stories like yours that inspire those of us who may only be at day 5. Thank you for sharing.


      It's been almost a month for hubby and me

      Thank you for sharing your story. I need the constant reminder of the benefits of living without. I had along period of AF so I experienced what you're talking about. I especially liked your story about work. I remember one day being able to articulate a point that I was trying to make without stuttering...................whoa! where did that come from! I'm very happy for you.


        It's been almost a month for hubby and me

        Congratulations on a month AF and welcome to MWO.


          It's been almost a month for hubby and me

          Hi chardan-not and :welcome:

          Was delighted to read your story. Yourself and your husband have shown fabulous commitment and so deserve your success.........long may it continue.

          Starlight Impress x


            It's been almost a month for hubby and me

            Wow Chardan-Not: I'm glad to start my day reading your post. What an inspirational story! Great job to you and your husband. -Reenie
            September 23, 2011


              It's been almost a month for hubby and me

              What a wonderful story Chardan-Not! Thanks for sharing. Congrats to you and your husband.

              BTW - I LOVE your avatar. I am a HUGE cat fan!


                It's been almost a month for hubby and me

                Congratulations to you, OP. God I hope I can be where you are one day!

                I have to be... or it's over, and I know it.

                Congrats again! I'm pulling for you!


                  It's been almost a month for hubby and me

                  My best wishes for you both. I guess both of you being drinkers and stopping at the same time will let you give each other support. Your great attitude has further inspired me. Thank you.
                  I'm on and off, presently off, and enjoying it. And working out non drinking strategies for the Christmas/New Year break.
                  Once again, Well done!!


                    It's been almost a month for hubby and me

                    Thanks all for your fabulous words of encouragment - we are still wine-less even after some tight finances and my dealing with a stupid, inept 'manager' at work - this moron could drive anyone to drink! Oh well - it's just herbal tea again!


                      It's been almost a month for hubby and me

                      LR here,

                      Hang in Char-ezzzz. You'll B fine.

                      Was AF 4 over 3 weeks then lost it. Very alone and sad. Xmas here, alone; day one again. The heat here is impossible to deal with.
                      Trying hard. 2Morrow is another day, Scarlet.

                      Long Road
                      Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
                      Eleanor Roosevelt


                        It's been almost a month for hubby and me

                        Chardan-not - welcome and what a lovely 'story' - as in 'truth'! I am so glad for you and your hubby. Great isn't it!

                        Um, if you get any spare brain cells could you send them round though?!? 7 months on I am even more 'blah', blob, um, whatsit, er, gibberish'!!! But at least there's no guilt that it could be the fire-water; it isn't! Must just be 'the woman of a certain age'!!! I'll ride it!

                        Love and best wishes for a Happy Crimbo to you and your hubby - and your daughter too.
                        FMS xx
                        :heart: c: :heart:
                        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                          It's been almost a month for hubby and me

                          Chardon-not, welcome and WOW! Congrats to you, hubby and daughter. What strength. Very inspirational!

                          Tried to go AF in the last month, did three stints, 7, 3 and 5 days, I know how hard it is to do by yourself.

                          LR, you have the heat, I have the blasted snow. Just heard that this is the 3rd snowiest December in my town. Ugh. Sad, alone and hate Xmas, too. Decided just to mod until after the holidays, think it'll be easier and will find more support, since so many folks are so busy.

                          Again, Char, congrats and hope you and your family have a great holiday!

                          LR, will keep you in my thoughts, thinking about you sweating, while I'm shivering and shoveling. Good luck.
                          :h :h :h


                            It's been almost a month for hubby and me

                            Chadon-not~ I am so inspired by your story. I am still stuck in Chardon-yeah...although I was HOPING to make today day #1. So proud of you and your hubby, though. And, I find great encouragement in your story!

                            Happy Holidays!

