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Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

    Hi all - happy Sunday

    Hope you are having wonderful weekends. Fast approaching the festive season (no pressure there then!!)

    Haven't been able to get on here much recently - way too much going on with .... well, I was going to list it all here but there's not a lot of point, suffice to say there is more going on than I have hours in the day for. Bit stressed and have taken my eye of the AF ball a bit recently and not nearly enough time spent being inspired and motivated by these boards. But, I'm still only too aware of the need to cut right down/cut out and stay focused. I'm not proud of my drink tracker but I'm going to try to get a long row of zeros in soon. Hubby usually gives up drinking in January - that will help me a lot.

    Big hello to all the newbies - keep posting and reading here, there are so many lovely people with so many sensible, helpful and caring things to say.

    Bessie. xx

    Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

    Good Morning ODATers and Thank You Bessie for starting the thread,

    I had a wonderful evening with grandkids last night, we made cookies and they decorated. Lots of icing on those poor little cookies, but it was fun.

    Glad to be sober today. Have lots of work to do and flight leaves 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning for yet another week out of town.

    Should be my last one of the year, though.

    Everyone have a nice Sunday.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

      Good morning to all.
      I am so glad to be part of this group. I look forward to reading all of your posts, Last night I had a party. I have always been able to not drink too much in front of others so they would not know my secret. In the past would have drank a whole lot ahead of time and then think no one will know. This time I did not drink at all and to be total honest I have not had such a good time in a very very long time. Today is day 6 for me. Although I have done this before I am truly determined this time. Good luck to all of you today whether you chose to mod or go AF I wish you luck and thank you for being here for me.


        Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

        I look forward to posting here as well and going AF, I agree with time2change, I would drink beforehand so no one really know how much I had to drink, boy that backfires!!

        Someone please tell me what an ODAT is???? :_)

        Happy Sunday!
        AF since 7/5/2009


          Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

          ODAT: One day at a time. That's a great way to get sober (especially in the beginning), because the focus for not drinking is only on today. We don't have to look at a future wo/alcohol (which can seem daunting). All we have to say is: "I won't drink today."

          Cindi: Sounds like fun w/the g-kids. Aren't they fun? We had ours last nightL: out for pizza then to church. It's tiring (they & the puppy were up & rarin' to go at 5:55), but so rewarding.

          Be well everyone. If you live in Northeast USA, don't go anywhere. Snow, snow, & more snow. Love, Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

            Finally RN: I just read all of yesterday's posts on the Newbie in Need ODAT thread. I just wanted to emphasize that the urge can sneak up on us unawares. A mere sip would be enough to send me into a binge when I least expect it...not necessarily at the time I take the sip. I don't let myself fantasize about that first feeling I got from taking the first sip of a drink. That's what kept me going back time after time. I sweep all thoughts of drinking out of my mind by saying "I cannot is not an option for me." Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

              Morning all. True words Mary about snow in the northeast.. Just came in from 2 hours of shoveling my car out and a snowplow drove by leaving a 2 foot high wedge of thick, wet snow all the way down the street. IM TOO OLD FOR THIS. The mayor will fine anyone who shovels snow into the street (where a snow plow could get rid of it!?!).

              Bessie, was af all week, but Friday and Saturday got side tracked, but certainly didn't overdo anything, just a glass or two of wine. Probably will today too, going to my friend's house to watch some sports and a movie. Tomorrow will get back on track. What is so different this time, is that I'm not wasting time with all of those negative thoughts of being a loser and beating myself up. Such a waste of time and energy, and, for me a reason to keep drinking. Now I just realize that this is a process, a long one, but at least my thoughts are positive, not negative.

              Hope everyone has a warm, dry Sunday


